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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa
So how is the performance of the Z6 after that time?(Compared if possible with the M1's) Me , after trying the Pirellis with great dissapointment (Diablo Corsa front _ DragonGTS back) All I can say compared to the M1 at least in terms of Grip was LOUSY especially in the wet. Were not so bad when new but after 2-3k miles were close to dead and lost my confidence on the bike. Definatelly that was only a test for me since it was the 3rd tyre set I fit into the bike , but now I'll tick bak to the Metzelers. BUT well I have 3 choices. 1. Stick to the 'old' tested M1's , I have found them on a bargn price at my tyre rpovider in Germany (only 225Euros for a set 120-70 + 160-60 ) 2. Get the 'new' M3 Sportecs he says they grip better than the M1#s (as well after many miles as reported on tests) they come on 265Euros (no problem a few bucks if it's worthy it) 3. Do a combi and get the 70 profile on the Roadtecs for the back and get either the M1 or the M3 at the front. Drawback with this is that perhaps isn't a good idea to mix different types of tyres (even of the same manufacturer) So what's your Verdict? or suggestions- P.S. The Sporti wears a 4.5'' rim at the back (can't believe i didn't saw that.. )
I making some paintings about Guzzi covering some historical race themes but as well as some phantasy photoreal ideas of mine. I wanted to make an exhibision on this years radunno but this seems not likelly to happen the way I want it to (with prints and so on except the oiginal ) I rescently found a publisher that seems to be very cooperative and printing something organised as well as having my whole collection ready,can take a year. Can keep anyone updated if more interested. Though better email cause due to time scedule I don't visit the forum to often.
For the bike and have always good time with it.It really is Italian beauty. Nevertheless I have to tell you that we have to be aware of our mortality in the purpose of being allways logical and carefull when riding. Racing(competition) and (or) high speed belongs to he track only. A fellow friend's rescent terrible accident ,refreshed that importance to me (thoguh I never forgotten it and allways have it as a rule) Ride consistent and smooth.
It is the kind of cliche video most people want to see before they buy a bike like this......= Boring.
I allways bring with( except the bike's tools) all necessary allen keys for the bike a couple of spark plug pipes, back& front light, double side duct tape, a strong duct tape.an extra chip (well mine is with the changable chips) and a couple of other fit-on wrenches sises of 10,12,14,17. Cellphone and PDA with GPS are also essencial as well as a premade address list with guzzi shops at the area(s) I visit.
A very light feel and quick steering I got on the Metzelers M1 on mine and though they got a 60 profile (than the 70's used on my Sport i from factory) thay have a fast steering geometry (radius) and that seemed to show. The bike did overhelming well with both, grip and stability and as well as braking. I will switch back to these series I think. Definatelly better than the diablo (D.corsa at the front) ,that I wear now And the new M3 is perhaps another option to try.(anyone did yet?)
Of course there is a difference but NOT the one to make you boast about bringing the result.Everyone contributed something.....something, no the whole deal as claimed. that' what I mean , got it?
You're wellcome
You're right 100% when I come to this forum I like to have fun and talk nice, but I see it all the time,when this Americanism, we have it all , we help you all , we rule this and that really spoils my day. So let's have days spoiled . No problem with me. Being victims of their own arrogance think that we have to bear their pride like the whole other world doesn'T exist or never did. I know not all people are like that but I am reffering to the ones who do so. So I'll let anyone have it and I will not stop, so who 's next who wants to have it? P.S. there are many nations that contributed to the planets own good and that should also taken to consideration and mentioned of cource
Still no difference compared to what the Russians produced on their own(only the Il2 was produced on more than 40000 units , not to mention the Lags the Migs the Yaks and so on and on and on) plus the 20million soldiers they have sacrificed No difference.
That's the problem of nowdays , the poor edjucation. The biggest problem is that we're all in the same planet. Inteligent and stupid, Moral and immoral, good and bad , the contrast list is endless. In my vilage we say If God would listen to the crows , then all the donkeys would be dead.
Nobody didn't accept them (Jews) either to their ground when the nazi regime first 'packed' them up and wanted to get rid of them,...nobody accepted them for immigrands, they don't tell you this in the history books they want you to read .(or let being published) It will mess up their nice farytale aboout the good and the bad. Just an excuse for everyone to start a war and I mean EVERYONE , with innoscent people (Jews, polnish russians Frensch.....you name it )as victims. That'S the meaning of the war, there are no winners or loosers there are victims and dead .
Yes I know you had to protect your borders. You all should thank that handfull Greeks starting with Leonidas the Spartan and others that stopped the Median-Persian invasion in Europe at that time, cause it was huge that cutura would have been destroyed by now. And then you also have to thank Alexander the Great for teaching the freedom of mind and bringin civilastion to the savages like the skyths that they were eating their dead and the Persians that were sleeping with their mothers and did children.(and who knows what else) Now imagine if that culture was passed to the world what would have happened.
Russia lost ove 44000 planes in WWII so the 5-6K that USA gave then didn't make any difference. no. 2. Nobody kept the Russians anywhere that they were not PLANNED to be. Only thing you did was to sheed the fear in Europe to an invisible enemy and PLANT civil wars (on small countries)and illegal invasions,as now does to the world with this terror story. If you have a problem with getting along around the world nicelly then stay at home. I am totaly disgusted about it as my heroic country Greece contributed best to the allies during the WWII(though we had the chance to just stay neutral and don't paticipate) having afterward being awarded by planted civil wars(from the allies), dictatorships , and all kinds of threats in order to shut up and just buy USA guns and follow policies blind. I guess that's the kind of THANK one give s to 'friends'?? (or supposed to be friends). SHAME SHAME SHAME.!!!! But don't worry the time will change it always does so.
In addition to that , mention also that the Russians dissabled-destroyed in combat more than 100 German divisions(in real combat , not chickens***t bombarding). And if that didn't happen and Htler got in hold of the oil resourses in Russia then you could forget the world (as is now), cause the Nazis were far ahead in technology by that time by anyone,they only lacked resourses. P.S. The 27 mill you talk is on both wars I &II and includes all Rus. casualties. (estimated always, I hae heared other numbers close to these as well)
Oh how , I do like France Thank God they stood up and said U.S . to mind their own bussines when they keep on putting their hands on territories they don't belong such as try putting Turkey in E.U. I agree that this is a bike forum but since some like to take it further here it is.... And Y'know something else?, this world saviour role is something the whole world is fed up with , it ain't truth.The wolrd knows who's the big dictator of nowdays in this planet. And another truth is, that Euro has beaten the s**t out of the dollar as currency and some guys in a big island over the atlantic are upset and try to break the unity of Europe union. And that' a short paragraph , sorry to some ,but you had it comming.
Or even better,compare it to a Bugatti or a F1Mclaren. Mny HP without chasis is a load of nonsense
Up and riding , that's the way it has to be.! Rescently I also had a little fall as I went through ice and had a slide with few km/h though enought to brake the clutch lever and crack from the inside the left side cover (fixed today with some liquid metal will ride after and see if it worked) New cover and lever has been ordered as well as these rossopuro cylinder protectors. All th best and ride safe.!
I am stunned to hear about it , I am happy that all are o good for you pal. I wish you all the best ever, health is the most importand thing in life. Then you can ride, ride, ride like the wind and always be carefull. All the best once again. Yep, i ordered these levers from Ago' at about 28Eur each it was a 'steal'.
Here is a better one , go to Google.de or .com put the word failure on the search line and search the web, ...see what comes up first .... You see,? I think it is already confirmed.
Many thanks for telling me .I'll contact Ago' tomorrow and see what they have for me.The difficult part is the Valve cover since t has these holes for the sensor (no big deal) and holes for tiny alen screws that hold the sensor(that's a big deal) Perhaps I get a pair. The rossopuro stuff is what I am highly charmed at.
I'll never ride in weather conditions with even the slight chance on meeting frost somewhere.!!! As I was out a couple of day ago s**t happened and the bike(me on) went over ice , resulting slide crash.Slow on speed but damagehappened as I'll need a clutch lever repacement (anyone knows where can I get one in nice price?-fast) and the left motor cover that though it seems to be intact, i is cracked inside and creats an head oil leak. Will try odering one.I think that there is no possible repair for it, smal crack can only be seen when the cover is taken out. And be carefull in cold eniroments. Better don't ride and leave bravery for other times P.S. the rossopuro sliers are on first priority to order. I was going to get them sooner or latter
Quiz no.1. what's the HP/weight ratio....?
Yep thanks for the infos.The often changing limmit is a tricky thing.Well who can concentrate on real problems like unlicensed drivers and so on,cameras are fast money for the govs and so they do that. And we have to do our stuff. They have become nothing more than tax and fine collectors. There is this kind of plexiglass cover that many people put over the licence plate ,here. The plexi is clear (other types -colorations ,are available )and doesn't allow any camera flash get anything than a big white thing on the photo...lol...never tried it but I know it works , so perhaps...... Dunno any of these spray-over hype is true.
I'm snowbound here due to the weather.Too mch white all over and freezing cold