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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Thanks buddy ,will check it out.
  2. Thanks Pete and thank all for your answers. It finally proved to be inlet valve opened a hole in the piston. Spark plug had also a bit flattened end Both valves have to be changed and valve seats guides and so on I planned to get a whole new head btw, and have the other as spare. Hope to get it back on the road soon , but no Mandelo or anything this year.......snif . snif...
  3. Hired Help A guy dials his home and a strange woman answers. The guy says, ''Who is this?'' ''This is the maid,'' answers the woman. ''We don't have a maid,'' says the man. The woman says, ''I was hired this morning by the lady of the house.'' The man says, ''Well, this is her husband. Is she there?'' The woman replies, ''She is upstairs in the bed room with someone who I figured was her husband.'' The guy is fuming and says to the maid, ''Listen, would you like to make $50,000?'' The maid says, ''What will I have to do?'' The man tells her, ''I want you to get my gun from the desk, and shoot the witch and the jerk she's with.'' The maid puts the phone down; the man hears footsteps and then two gun shots. The maid comes back to the phone, ''What do I do with the bodies?'' The man says, ''Throw them in the swimming pool.'' Puzzled, the maid answers, ''But you don't have a pool.'' A long pause and the man says, ''Is this 567-5309?''
  4. Thanks for your reply. Nice point I have to check it out. WOuld it be disatrous if I move the bike for some KM more? to get it to the workshop ? Note that i have also seen a higher AFR a t times I opened the throtlle (tried to open)
  5. This time I give up. I give up, I do not know what to say except that I will stay home and only do PC work. Anyways tonight as I was on the highway giving it the beans the bike gave me a failure. I love her so I will fix her up, I am really that desperate. TO make the long story short, suddenly it sounded strange and not able to accelerate at any means over 4000RPM. at 4th gear andf 3800 at fourth gear. I was about 60km away from home in the dead of night so I took it easy and got back home as she wanted. 4th gear 4000RPM , it sounded strange all the way like working on one cylinder though it wasn't sounded like it was boohh crooook, fed up really. Some km before I got home a really loud cranking noise came up and just managed to pull her up to the garage/ No hrichrichk when engaging clutch, just a cranking repeated noise. Personally I think is the clutch Any ideas would be welcome and helpfull. I'd phone up the mechanic tomorrow and let him have it. Thank God it happened now and not in travel. I'm serious yes
  6. Nice Goose up there. It looks like the carb model? With nice Öhlins Do I see a wide rim at the rear, any other mods done with it to the rear suspension to fit eight or whatever? Cheers OK Gyles, Just try a PM or email ,I usually check these often when I am on my PC.
  7. Any Spaniard Guzzisti who would like to translate a couple of phrases for me pls PM> Thanks in advance
  8. I see , I see, well tut mir leid as the Germans say in such occasions but I'm afraid I cannot make it. I am not sure also about going on tour as well for some reason, at the end...
  9. I hope I never have a wife problem , of course that doesn't mean don't wanna have a wife. What's up with all you "tied up" people is it really so tied when with a wife. ... I need a wife, I need a drink Yep one more please.
  10. What is the Sibbe ???/ Please make your self clear before you get so angry, You ain't going GMG? Nobody's going GMG?
  11. I have 2 finnal versions developed , 1.Optimized AFR for Mistral exhaust + crossover + open filter. 2.Open Eprom for Termignoni exhaust + open filter. Though this is not tested in AFR, I have done it combining my experience and other chips that where dynoed in a Termi Bike. And the result is very close to optimization. Idle works perfect and there is not any noticable hole in the middle RPM people who got it told me their positiver impressions No power commander is needed just put it on the standard ECU and start rockin' I PM you my ebay profile
  12. Great pic over there at the track. I'm stupid enough to take it sometimes to the streets like this. If you dig into open Eproms , let me know . I have developed some of mine with the help of AFR (see first video on my sig) and a couple of other versions sold in ebay with impressions from the buyers.The temp charts are also done well so cold or hot will get just about the same AFR performance/(never done on any chip around) Love this bike looks good at any angle. Cheers
  13. Depends , you wanna have love or just pet around? I would suggest a small 100-200 mile test rip before you do a bigger one.
  14. OK fess up , whatcha going to do, going there or not. I think about it though my programm is very busy, I hope I can make it.
  15. Cheers mate and welcome. Looking cool on the track. Take care , hope that fall didn't hurt ,
  16. I think you're getting out of the subject here/. The subject is the "starter wife" Now the key with all that is attraction and if that is kept or not through time. And well attraction isn't a choice at the end.
  17. Very interesting stuff . let me read ....hmmm I need a ride first.. Will be back Lets pin this up !!
  18. I believe that made my delema even worse !!!! Some are waiting round the corner,dunno if it's a rose or a knife , that are holding. I don;t dream but even though I can handle knives, I prefer to be given the roses. Is it that time will tell I guess?
  19. That's right Ratchet , anyone needs me just drop a call. I have to say that orders are serviced depending the priority I give
  20. Hehe, well you have some spies over here I guess. There thinking to go to Santorini right now for some days. My health problem with the back not completely over. So should I risk it? I really don;t wanna miss the Mandello and Europe touring this year. Not even when a nice girl teasing me ,can hold me back from that . I think The big delema of my life I have to answer
  21. Yep here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88YWE7Hixo Ratchet. Corrected it , THanks Actually,also the second one on my sig. You also have Greek letters ? cool. Let's chat in Greek , speak something ......
  22. This one is really nice, I really like how it came up with the music and the vocals or guitars responding to the sounds of the Goooose and the happening. !!! And hey Antonio , here is the correct mix of sound and music. Let me see your rating and comments on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88YWE7Hixo OOOOoops what a mistake now's the correct link
  23. Not talking about the partner spiking my toe while tango , talking about my partner pass away from too much passion, she perhaps could not afford having ,while physically interacting with me. Big difference
  24. There is a fine line between humor and seriousness I am glad that you got it.
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