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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. My warm greetings to all Guzzisti there.From a dedicated "Corsisti" over here in Europe. What's it a Red or a Yellow corsa your friend has?
  2. Doest it work O.K. now, what about the prementioned gaps?
  3. Except the bike's tools I take extra A Pair of Spark Plug cups, a pair of spark plugs. Strong tape. Tire ups, set `medium 25cm long Set allen keys(3) the ones that fit. Spare fuses (always in there) Hose fasteners 10-16mm and up to 22mm or so. SOG Paratool S31 + Powerlock S60, a couple of my faithfull Benchmades A Wrench and a couple of Keys. A pair of extra bulbs 1 frond 1 back. Valve cover gaskets. Thats for tools accesories, as long as I remember The VDSTS will be added as will be on my PDA also considered as a tool.
  4. Alex-Corsa


    To my ear, sounds that this has more to do with the mapping of the ECU.
  5. Yes If the moded bike was black or red, then the gold forks would fit hands down.(aesthetically speaking) Other than that ,dunno if this bike needs some Ohlins forks, though a 100hp motor would be better.
  6. Yep that's correct in this way, these Schumacher wannabees is better to get banned, tghey are dangerous to public health.
  7. Hehe that's a question I've been asked also from people who didn't have any clue of Guzzis ,the people who did asked ,which one?
  8. Apparently there are a bunch of good feelings coming out once the Character and the individuality of a Guzzi gets appreciated and that can't be far from truth. People with 999's would be first dissapointed when they'll see the bills of the service on their bikes, or with quirky Duck nature faults , with parts falling off and so on. Are these tail piece frame still braking down? So just enjoy your ride and let anyone envy you because of the good choice you made. Congrats again , and have always safe rides.
  9. Yep that Browning sure is. Browning 50 Construct your own,.. just kidding
  10. A Bar. 50Cal. Old refined, a bit slow , Yet one most reliables and very powerfull.
  11. No, no , here is this one.http://www.twinsandparts.de/ and here is their shop in ebay Ebay shop After hanging around in this forum , visiting places like Agositini, Daes Mototec and Dynotec and enrichen my knowledge. All I can say is that the prementioned workshop with the link above don't have a clue about moder guzzis except typical stuff.
  12. Time will tell , Foggy was the king, although.A TT racer as well before he went to SBK
  13. Hehe I need advice on what to do with that.Often freaks me out why cant people be a bit honest since you are to them. Hear this. Last October went to Germany there I went to a Guzzi wrkshop called Parts and Twins. And the story goes.I went there just to fix the gas reseve indicator mechanism, so there I went and fixed it along with the rear wheel bearing. No problem fixed. 1)They diagnosed that the motor was working unsynchronised and I should come again next day to fix it (didn't have time right them) 2)The cross over has cracked underneath and since they couldn;t weld it (or even of yes it would brake again) They offered me to get a new one , No problem I agreed. 3)For a work of 40 minutes to change the gas reserve mechanism and the rear wheel bearing I was charged for 1 hour. And that's cosy , we're talking about 51,60Euros per hour charges. Nevertheless I was on a trip and I wanted my bike fixed. 1)There I go again next day and see about the synchronisation. The "boss" synchronizes" my bike and "diagnoses" during the process tha tthere are some faulty intake valves (opened the motor cups and the intake valves could move a bit side-side) There is going again and he offers me that all the valves and the seats should be replaced with new ones. The synchronisation is finnally done , but so badly that despite the motor cylinders show equal measurements on the meter the bike spits and coughs like HELL , "Master chief" tells me si because it's faulty valves and the crossover crack and I take the bike sadlly at "home" I wonder why It didn't behave this way when I had it synchronised it at Agostini. Hmm why it went there unsyncronised?? Don't know really they may have playied with the sync screw while I wasn't looking at the first visit. 2.)The suggested Mistral crossover is ordered and on the way to be in 3 days there. Back after three days. Of cousce the Mistral was there , hehe here is the catch. The boss sees that the Mistral doesn't match the X type cross over that I had and "of cource" you must change the whole exaust system he says to me. I buy the crap (that's my fault) and see what can we do for a complete exaust with pipes system, nowhere to find but except to a known someone that has a pair of fronts to give away in second hand price.(about 130Euros)+ the back ones to match at aprox.44Euros. (remember Paul when I called you) Yep they would be tomorrow on the shop so there we can start. Ahhh I forgot there goes also a total price of complete replacing the valves and the seats plus work and montage for it and the exaust too. The offer reads 1086.08Euros. I agree and there we go again. I have to go next day to let the bike in for a day. Catch one here my first mistake , I should have lest and repair the exaust somewhere else, i.e. Daes Mototec, or at Agostini on my way back. Next day comes and the parts are there and ready to start.I stay over their heads to complete the most job and depart to come again next day as agreed to see that bike prepeared and take it. Next day Hehe Here we are , the cylinder heads are there and so the exaust pipes though not fitted in from the day before.Anyways a bit delayed and they start building the things from midday on. I had do work my self too since they were working a bit slow on that (Guess why or you'll see latter)just polishing the old (second hand) exausts pipes. Things ready at the end of the day (late afternoon 6-7o clock) and of to go to the cashier. Well ,well, well, this is a "new" receipt now and theGuy want to charege me more than 1750Euros (yes you heared right.) I forgot to say that I added 2-3 extra parts worth of 180Euros or so in the way but there was no extra work on them since they were mostly parts of the montage proscess( and the flashlights I put them half myself on.). The excuse for that?? Yes too many hours worked. Yes but that was his problem .And something else about this fraudster. He was charging 50+Euros per hour in the receipt for him self as a "Master Chief" he is but the work was done by "leehrlings" mechanic students who learn the job. I said no way and (thank God there is a law in Germany that says no more that 10%-or so-more of the first deal can be raisen)he understands he can't have these money and remakes the receipt to 1231.48Euros. I say O.K. with total dissatisfaction and go to pay.(first to the bank) He offers me to leave less tha the half that I had with me and the rest tomorrow since I should go there to retighten the heads (yes he insisted that only ( 50-60km will do- NOW that's a Joke folkes but he insited so) and resyncronise the motor. My "second" mistake" Here is why I demand someone to be O.K. I could have paid less than the half left that shop that night and go away and never come back .Either way I wouldn't go again there and the service was bad.But I didn't I was (and I am ) gentleman and correct all the way, and paid right off cash all the amount agreed. Well folkes it's not over yet. I had to do hell of a lot the next day and didn;t have time to collect the rest of my parts left there.I left a message on his mobile telephone to send them over to my adress (that I would give latter on with email) O.K. the finnal conclussion is that my parts old or not , junk or not, were not sent anyways and he denies the fact that belonged to me(exaust pipes) and some other he have thrown away as well Do you need more Sometimes I wondder how much more would descent man take before he gets really pi$$ed. There he had replaced without asking, and of course I paid them,the manifold rubbers. These were of so bad quality that they broke of one day while I was on a ride and the costs , phsycological stress that caused me was simply too much. We all have good and bad time but tell me what should I do in such ocation m how should I feel. ?? Cause I don't use fists when I get to pay this way , but Trail Masters,blackTalons and Barnetts. Thanks for reading up to here.
  14. Alex-Corsa


    Yes this seller has a quite a'fancy' way to advertise his items for sale.Hehe check out this one 4603865724 He was also selling some 1100Sport Carb parts before. E.D. For adding links to your message just press the "http" tag over your Msg screen(when you write a messsage , enter the http link then press enter and write the title you want.
  15. Everything is possible. Well I got a better idea. Guzzi BrevaV11MinigunGTS model. Now and Then pic follows
  16. Yep that was it , The engine was "itroduces" at the end of the nineties before Guzzi got bought form Aprilia. It had a 75' V but the drive shaft had to ba abandoned. It would use a chin drive. three versions were to be available for preoduction 117HP 136 and 167HP (if I can recal right on this)
  17. I think there are 2 different callipers. The other is quite bigger , I think is a 20mm System is also used also in ship anti-missle anti-aircraft gun known a Phalanx with 4600 or so RPM. Yep that's right Phalanx Gun Yep they had this Uranium type panetrating ammunition stuff in the and had to curry them boxes with special gloves.Was amazing to watch it firing
  18. Well if I'm caught in a rain I'll ride, If again I want to ride a place and rains I'll probably also do. For more heavy rainy days I am already "equiped" with many videos I use to shoot on my cammera on board when on vacation-touring with my Goose.So when it rains I just flipp a video in (if there's nothing else to do) and feel like riding again. Plus it's a good way to review how I ride and perhaps find some mistakes. Other than that so, PC MotoGp games ,can also be recommended, or if you are into fixing stuff get these WBO2 cotrolers and tunning software and start rolling
  19. If there's battery salt going on over the paint then the peel off is due to happen , that's normal Although only some pics can help seing what's about it
  20. I'd like the whole system
  21. Yep , a good one can pass the 330fps (foot/second).Barnetts are good Horton also.Yes one can use them for radars too! Long Live Texas,!! Got my Allig. boots from there,no kidding
  22. Thanks Paul ,that's so kind of you.
  23. Problem is that such people don't get caught, to tell you the truth they "let" act to serve as a good excuse for the normal people to ask for suspended police measures and protection , That at the finnal end there is nothing(ends up so) than more control to the "normal" citizens and nice fines to be paid for the gonverments to get more money. And finnaly that actuall outlaws the ones that should be restricted are out, more or less. And that's the big catch for (at least what I see happening in my country and others I have visited in more or less degree) the state to find ways to strictly control lawfull citisens. And there you have your cammeras and whole lotta crap and who knows what would they demand from us "tomorrow" microchips embeded in our bodies? (All with the excuse that is a solution to eliminate "crime" ) Well crime my a$$ indeed. Y' know something? buy a 230lbs crossbow and nail them right on the spot. It's traceless and supersilent, yet extreme powerfull O.K. I overdone it with this. better not so Besides 5min is quite fast reaction for the police. Well done folkes!! See my first quote as an answer. In addition to that and to see that every one is making fun of us.(The citizens who like to observe the laws) Y' see there are these motorcycles getting out with so much acceleration and PS (useless IMO for the street) yet the limmits are so low, and everywhere set with cammeras and stuff... it's like go ahead guys it's fixed with the state so we'll blow your pockets. Haha, and if you go for tires , there is another joke , try any sport tire and you won't be able to make 5K, ...you'll need a change.Too soft a without serious wear resistance tires , the grooves are getting shalower ect.ect. I give a to because it seems to be the only company to remain faithful and honest to it's customers.Htey're true to their spirit and profile.Producing hand made motorcycles that deliver what they promise. Fast safe ride was quoted on my Sporti's broschure allong woth others , well Yes sir ! that's what the motrocycle does at it's best , all of them.
  24. If you scan it drop a link. I didn't find anything though it will come sometime.
  25. Dunno but in their site is stated that over 155PS(AFAI remember not stated WHP or clutch HP) or so is a power that the motor cannot afford. What about this Guzzila? Pic is taken out of the PS magazine (Oct2004) reported with 142WHP and 186,4 full wet weight. Personally it makes me wonder if the higher angle of the shaft drive will create any problems concernong it's overall life-span (especially with thhat HP),anyway.
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