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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa
Nice put. , Well see my above post for the meaning of it.In adding to that I like to think that my Guzzi tank is half full (whenever the level gets somewhere there) because then it give a better prespective on what I can do with it, where to go , how to go, generally the potential of the km/s I have on my desposal. That leads to: And right now I NEED to fix the malfunction of the too much gas consumption and get the more millage it used to have. P.S. I have to note the fact how "satyric" gets this forum on some points...LMAO
Well that was a know old "moto" of looking at things,it is like a metaphore, something old and simple. No test or anything. Looking at what you got then you can say the glass is half full while the oppisite would be like half empty. Anyone by concentrating on what one's got then can make a better use of it and perhaps finding what they really need,instead of wasting thoughts of what they don't have and remain uncontent.
No problem , I'm not from Germany anyway though I speak German as well and lived there before for sometime. I enjoy English I first started to learn as I was 5 Actually this convet has USD fork and another swingarm to take a 160 tire, and as I have heared is ridable,so good luck to my friend as well then with the conversion The fork is variable but I think he pictures a GSXR fork in the pics of the set. Well I'll do my best thanks to all the usefull knowlege I gained in this great forum all these months I hang around...... I became a forum :alcoholic." ....hmmmm errr/? You might as well visit DAES and see also some pretty nice convertions and Guzzi stuff.
I start to believe that is this is also happening to my bike because from the look I have that sensor socket on the left motor cover looks a bit beaten up. At the moment this can show up in the self Diagnostic of the 16M but I don't know if the male socket is the correct one. so I don't check. Friend of mine (among his Guzzi's )has this leman II but an USA version with 1000cc and aftermarket big aluminium tank wants to conver it like this here (except the tank that will stay) More custom build here Guzziladen and the set Custom set. Check your PM
One usefull rule of the thumb, that I guess we all know but often forget , is to define our Needs than want's. Then by concentrating what we need and what we already have (and that comes hand in hand also with how and if we use it) We can easily enjoy what we got. Now is this glass of water half full or half empty. (points at a glass with water in the middle of it's capacity)
Well there are a couple of sensors like these in my bike, one that plugs into the top left cylinder cover. (engine oil temp. AFAIK) and the other somewhere under the fairing thats; about air temp. Dunno how that oil temp. works but I think there's no auto choke function for the 16M, Though I may be wrong.Definatelly wrong oil temp will give wrong info to the ECU,leading to wrong mapping. Cheers
Thanks for the info I know which you mean now ,yes it's located on the same side on my bike as well and looks identical. P.S. Dunno if there is a physical way to check this oyt (except the Diagnostic software and perhaps the Self Diag. of the bike.. )Is it? Concerning the plug it looks a bit different in the hpoto I admit.I'll have to make a pic in ambient light without any flash.....next time. Concerning the Creed chip, seems that I have the same version WPC12 , that's what's writing on it. It has very close values on spark advance and Delta injector timings with the Dynotec,but bit richer in base injector opening times concerning the throttle deg-RPM and so on. Can't tell you how all these are translated to A/F ratio but that's the long story short The so called "racing" chip is a totally different story. Thanks for the link.Throw me some more of the kind if you have (either PM or here)
Well I forgot , if you give me a part number then I'll locate it for sure. Do you or anyone have any. Thanks
Dunno , does the 16M have an auto choke, through the sensor??But al sensors will be checked. And the most easy way to check the sensors is through the Self Diagnostic unit of the 16M Well ,according to the workshop manual some pulses will be noticable from the diagnose lamp (found on the back side under the brake fluid box) if the diagnostic "free" socket (see pic no.2 socket) is connected to another free socket. HERE IS WHAT I DON'T KNOW The only male socket I could find was the socket no.1 of the pic. The question IS ( do you hear Callison? should I plug in the socket 1 to socket 2? The strange thing is that the socket 1 doesn't connects anywhere, It is totally free with two if it's poles SORTCIRCUITED. IS this how this socket supposed to be?? Got this bike second hand and dunno if this socket is touched or not. I measured and set the TPS voltage today that was found at first 152 mv BUT with both bodies conncted with the syncronisation rod. I have disconnected the rod and after constructing some wires(linkages) thin but hard enouch to retain their ability to stay put in the TPS socket. I have pluged in the socket and reset the TPS by unscrewing both screws and moving slightly the Pod the derections(as sown in the pic.) Moving the sensor to the yellow arrow direction increased voltage while red decreased When I got the voltage I wanted I screwed again and stabilised the sensor. I got 149mv , closer I couldn't go. I did measure the points A&C as here in this page is suggested. To tell you the truth I had moved the sencor accidentally first and the reading was 930mv or so and I thought I was measuring the wrong spots, so I measured the A&B and showed me the same reading. . Dunno but I have measured the 149mv only at the A&C positions Due to lack of the correct instrumens at the moment it wasn't possible to measure a 2500rpm tps voltage with engine on .Will do when my diagnostic tools arrive. Latter on I'll show you with some more pics how to do those linkages to get them inside the sensor socket.I'ts a bit tricky but there is a smal secret my experience as electronic gave me. I have reinstalled the Dynotec chip that the bike had with,It's stalling sometimes but there is no black smoke coning out of the pipes. Latter on as my Diagnostic software and stuff will arrive I will do a more percise work on what's faulty. I plan also to post 3D diagrams of every chip as well as dyno charts in the future,will see. P.S. Nice cornering there "mtiberio" what's the bike and which tires does it have on? Happy Christmas to everybody.
1 Starts to make sence now.Buy pretty hot you mean there is too much air going in?or the opposite happens? 2.Nope my carbon tune arrives next week , by then I'll try finding a workshop that: a)messes with Italian bikes b)has available time. Oxygene sensor and stuff I'm ordering,will take couple of weeks. Thanks for the evaluation,y'know when stuck with a problem mind tends to stop, no matter what you may know.
Best wishes on having enjoyable rides with the "new Delight" Merry Christmas
Yep Mike... Well my bike does some smokes at start up and pulling the throtle up to 3000-3500 or a bit more all the time.(with these custom chips) see other thread of mine. - Except with the Dynotec chip.
Check this link for Guzzi workshop manuals, Workshop ManualsIf you don't mind about originals at the moment you can download- print these as well.
1.You mean by checking the fuel pump pressure? OR? 2. None of the screws seem to be deasempled physically , nor is there any part for seals in the part book as well (at least for my bike), so this thing is robust. Could this high pressure thing be connected with the air-filtering in some way? I see If I let the idle too low 800-900rpm or so there would be an occasional cough where just a bit of benzine would be spitted out of any of the both screws,and then the motro will go off.
What do you exactly mean by rolling with minimal resistance?? Bearings are relativelly new 4-6Tkm on them (4-3 months old) Jrt here is the strange thing O.K. with the custom chips "open" and Creedon" the plugs look rich at the area of 1000-4000+Rpm. (more I have not tested.) With the older chip It used to have , the plug comes out fine BUT still the consumption is about the same perhaps 5-8% LESS overall than the other 2, and that's no big deal in a 10+ to 13,5lt/100 that I have with the others, Question is where is all this benzine going if the burn is going NOT rich.Can't find any damn leaks and it's freaking me out (at the moment) Plugs on old chip (as used to always look)(10-12.6lt/100km) I would relate it to the Cold-Rich but O.K. no7 of the reference map Plugs reference map Plugs with the bit "richer" custom chips(10,5-13,5 lt/100km). about this Carbon Fouled Will try updating the photos. Will make some runs and stop the bike after sertain rpm and see more about it. The wisest think to to and I have not thought about it is to try finding and connecting the bike's Self-diagnostic and view the codes , then try to find if any sensor is indicated as malfunctioning or so. Thanks so far for everyone for it's input.
Oooops O.K. now I can sleep easy on that.Nice to mension it. All very interesting info here. To me that seems to be a point where it is impermeable and air goes in and out.I tried to tighten the screws but not really effective (better than before though)Not by any means (or never was) at the status you describe. Try carefully doing the same but then again if the bike works O.K. then you shouldn't worry.
That's not an issue since I have it allready more than 20months and is completly stock (except exaust)- and chip.Never had any problems before. Nope Dunno what this thingie exact does but I guess is to be checked out. Thanks I'd say the more stable I have the throttle the less the consumption ( still high though ) Well in city where the gas is opened and closed often the consumption change is dramatic Now O.K. this sounds very close,Bike is very rich in low RPM, can you tell me where this stupid regulator is? What do you mean about the Tps I have thought about it too , but then again I'll have to check the voltage. Should it be plugged or unpluged when I check this, I can't remember.?
Many thanks for having all my questions answered, Yeah this bike really corners sharp, besides it has won a WSB champion, but you won't have to go too far to get it bit more powerfull. Cheers buddy
Thanks Juha , I will do check the sensors.Cylinders latter ,what I have as indication on my Carbtune is bot cylinders working the same.What kind fo wacko do you mean. Nice ride you have,
Thanks Cal , I know but the thing is that with even the same 'ol set up as before the consumption is high and I cant find if there is any leak. I bet if the WM is changed the problem will remain.
8 Liters is acceptable Mine could reach 9 in agressive riding before. But VTR isn't that Sporty.(As a SP-1 RC-51 ) Anyway that's not the problem here, cna we concentrate on the Guzzi. Hondas have much better motors than any other by far including Guzzi. I have a Goose because I like it , but there occure so many goofy problems sometimes I can only hate it. Any usefull input?
I see , I see,.... then no Italian garbage , let's keep the HONDA. Though I knew about the Duke I only mentioned it for the looks but ain't worth at the second thought as well. Any other clues before lead to this decision. TB's are synchrinised. and rockers to be checked (normally after 2K but will do that too soon)
At this point you're right, but then again there are these GuzziTech thingies above that do the job for much less. I think there is a problem with availability though.
Well few days ago I had the opportunity to make a check on the fuel consumption of the bike (after for more than a month). I took this opportunity because I had the feeling that something was going wrong with it. So I installed a "open" chip in it and fill it up , make a ride and see the consumption. As stated in another post I made a mixed route city,highway so that I can have a more average rate on fuel consumption. The results was about 12.6-13+lt/100 km , and that is about the double than my previous (2-3 months when I have measured)fuel consumptions. At first I thought it was the chip that in mesterious way it was running rich, I mean rich as a Texas oil drill pump. After feeling like a Texan for a while , then I thought that the chip was a bad idea and swiched back to my old trusty one I had for so many miles. BUT to my surprise after making again fuel consumption tests the fuel consumtion did only decline a little (about 5-8%) being again at a steady 11-12+lt /100km mixed routes driving Well actually looking at the sparkplugs this time and they looked O.K. I thought of a leak somewhere and the only place I found one was at these screws under the TB's (see pics) Then I said what the heck if these chips pack it in I'll buy a Creedon chip and so I did. Well the chip IS fine responsive ect.ect. but the consumption remains about the same 10+lt/100 highway and as TODAY measured 13lt /100 in city. The only thing I noticed as leak is these 2 screws at the under side of the TB's I saw the right one being a little wet so I tried to tighten it in , it got a bit but nothing to match the torgue needed, it goes round , it doesn't unscrew either, Is this like it supposed to be???? Other thing I noticed is that If I lower the idle to 800-900 rpm then a kind of hiccup can occure and from the left screw will be a benzine bubble coming out This screw also behaves the same as the other. Air Filter is crappy old K&N , soon to be changed.Because of the so good unavailability of the OEMs I'll get me a BCM thingie on , this time will be propperlly maintened with it's oil and stuff. So guys if you have any clue of what's going on with the bike , just tell me and I'll look it up. New TB's I ain't gonna buy.I am so .... , I want to go buy a HONDA or a Duke Sorry about showing so %#$@* but I don't own an oil company My VDSTS's and O2 commanders wiill be soon on it's way but at the time I have no other instruments on my hands. Cheers
Yeah these thingies seem so pricey, look like they're worth it,but I'm currently tired of digging deep into my pockets for the bike anymore.