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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. What kind of same? Same build quality -and or- material used-Airflow abillities? I have seen that BMC has 2 types of filters at least fot Guzzi) Normal and racing with more air flow which one you think you have COMPARED TO THE k&n?
  2. I bet they're beacause of the Euro 3 specs bull thing.
  3. Alright will perfom search , thanks
  4. That back seat cover is interesting, any idea where can one find something like it? I remember I have seen once but can't find anymore. Nice K&N velocity stacks there , any part num. How did they worked. Did you make any Dyno measurements for the bike after head porting and the whole set up was finished? Which O2 sensor have you used? Why did you sold it?I mean there seems to be so much studied work taken on this project. anyways. Cheers and happy Christmas time Yep these ones seems most effevtive, any idea where to find these or a clue on the construction of the upper part that the round slider fits??
  5. Wait a minute please, To start my point I'd say that I don't defend any side or whatever simply beacuse I think of myself as a learner. This was also posted in the thread http://www.rc51.org/dyno/bmc.htm and there is indeed some reason to the one who wrote it (concerning BMC) 1...."My professional guess is that the BMC's flowed so much air that they caused turbulence in the airbox/intake's effectively lowering the amount of quality air through the throttle bodies." True or not I cannot judge.I think is very likely to be true though But trying to(correctly) improve a HONDA can cost too much time and money. 2. At the other side as well IF we assume the 1 truth than this is a fact n.1 to concider turbulence in the airbox No2. Is unknockable. So find me the correct filter for the Guzzi , providing both sufficient air and corect filtering. Well O.K. tests done in same bike, (well of cource mapped on the original filter) and even if they didn;t that doesn't tell anything at all , it's not a rule For the same reason that you can measure 2 different bikes of the same model and make ,same set up as well, in the same time and place and will give different output, O.K. what should be the rule then?? And something else. NONE and I mean NONE of these tests are done on such Guzzis we ride!!! Where different aerodynamics are and differend combustion chambers and so on. Personally(these tests) they're not proving anything, can only take some example of the cruisial factors for correct air for the system, and that's what should we look for.
  6. So what's you personal choise BMC or K&N? Are they the same in what they supposed to do?
  7. I agree with all that. And confidence is good to be there , It's everything on how one can learn and what can learn. Personally I would say that If you have a track session with in mind to explore kind of the limmits of the bike and your abilities that can transfer you to a next level of having a better ability to ride your bike.And in street conditions(that more sencible or normal riding must be applied) if this is achieved there is more confidence and that equals to no panic moments. Street riding is of cource another situation but knowing how your bike steers and behaves as well as your status (as a rider) is one step forward to safer rides.
  8. That's a question that has to be asked.
  9. Hats Off to you ,BINGO- I am impressed, now that's something usefull that came out in this thread. What do you suggest as best solution in air filtering??
  10. Why should they be aftermarket, If they're sold with the bike from the factory normaly they should be available as spare parts , try Agostini if they have it (they are as close to the Guzzi factory as it gets) Hehe I don;t quite undersatand these advertisments, perhaps this is the thing you can do with the bike most???
  11. Still the question is not clear. But anyway to tell you the truth I don't know WTF they do with so many engineers and stuff since they can't produce (or even copy) a close to perfect engine like HONDA produces in their iVtec units.(See S2000 , NSX,ect.ect.) Perhaps they just try finding new ways to chew the "old" gum of how old technology engines will work with more power and STILL fulfilling the "new" emission specs IMO that's what they do.It's always same'ol same 'ol they'd better close and open grossery stores,or fast food stations, that's the bitter truth and let companies who really know produce engines. Let me see what they're going to do now with Honda's new gear lever system ....Guzzi is excepted cause they're producing art Dunno if and how they work though, their reason I guess is: Inventions towards perfection Anyway , riding a bike as well as only looking at a bike is a matter of taste,Some ride Harleys , some ride Enduros other ride supersports and other;s Guzzi's What's needed and what's not is very relative (after a point) Personally I find the most importand thing in every day use is to have a (as perfect)balnced motor running at reasonable A/F ratio if this is achieved then power won't have any serious declines, and that can be achieved with some tools and time ,to just fine tune imperfections of the company, all other are waste of time in terms of "home tuning" facilities and abilities. To all other I don't have any opinion about it But I understand what you mean.
  12. Get well soon. Been there and I understand how it can be
  13. Any pics to get the idea?
  14. That's perhaps the least thing to worry about,according to German magazine MOTORRAD (Griso test)gave a 4,7Lt/100km in country streets riding, that's enough for over 300km even for it's small 17l tank.
  15. Yeah with this Euro 3 have broken our balls.!! It's like this is to blame all for the eco mess.No smocking here and there and many other crapp just to blame the problem where it is due. Stop throwing nucklear and bio weapons, that's the problem not a bike or two. Till then I'll smoke as I want and where I want, I'll drive with my loud pippes everywhere. Yes I'm the party pooper though, in a goofy audience Hehe a couple of months ago in Germany I stopped to an Italian pizzeria for a snak, after the typic "Buona sera" the owner told me he thought, it was a helicopter out of his door at first place, but a Moto Guzzi ?!! Got some snaps for free then. Mistrals work wonders
  16. I second that, have a good Guzzi times these Christmas and hollydays ,bro.
  17. Well the truth is if you know what you're looking for,then you're goin to get there (more or less- depending how blind you are )
  18. Oh yes I think so too, life is simple.
  19. That's right , Y' see many most Moto Guzzi bikes are as individual and original in design as it gets.It's almost impossible to add something to them without messing the aesthetics' character up.It's whether you design a totally new thing (i.e. Ghezzi Brian) or leave it as is.
  20. I second that,in the way that A) the dust particles that will be able to pass that kind of "open" filters are more dangerous to us than an engine. B)The fact that the factories release now bikes that are so lean (due to specs) their motor is perhaps more "damaged" ,in the long run, than from an air filters like these. So ,no more bull , if my motor packs it in ,I'll repair it or buy another one. Still having perfect cylinders after 66K. and "open" filter. Well put though, ratchet P.S. (edit) I use K&N mostly because it saves me that hassle and money to finding new ones every once and a while, just proper clean and go.
  21. Alex-Corsa

    Italian Vacation

    If you are a Guzzisti- fan, the best thing is ,to visit the Mandelo area, There you'll find art (Moto Guzzi factory & museum), Natural beauty, high mountains and lake, with traditonal vilages around. For the other Stuff Milano is also in the near and you can always rent a bike at Agostini's and have some rides. Other than that I have been often in parts of northen Italy but not in the south so I can't give a comparsion-opinion. The Bolzano area is also nice ,20km north there is a very old Caslte that has been transformed into a motel with reasonable prices (25Eur pro person out of season-35 on season 2 persons Is a bit higher)The scenery is absolutelly majestic (Alpic, ect.ect..)Some German are spoken there. Well though the dissadvantage in Italy is if you don't speak Italian sometimes you won't ba able to communicate at all,I plan to learn(since many things I like are Italian) Carrying a dictionary is a good Idea.
  22. If your bike is running O.K you just have to enjoy it. Personaly I just want to be able to monitor my bike any time, I want to see how;s going on.Say it diagnose software or whatever but that's also a part of the procedure for just knowing what's going on. At the other hand there is some certain amount of usefull experience goin on in threads like this , but I don't need to go deep , I just enjoy the ride, sometimes is just so simple.
  23. There is a thing called , respect where sometimes people have to have discipline enough to just"accept" beliefs of other people,and don't annoy. That's all. Of course that's a personal "option" though very basic in society building. People who don't respect they won't be respected either, so very easy ONE can say all they are is, just some misserable poor ba***tards and can as well f***k off for a while to get well. I hope none is offended by this
  24. Heh , you can say that again.
  25. Dunno , I have measured mine in current specifications Mistral Open Crossover +Exaust + K/N filter wearing a Dynotec chip (though seemed a bit lean for that configuration and had some bugs with engine stalling sometimes -it was my "old") Got a 82PS , now I have another more responsive "open" chip I'll have to try a Dyno and see. Same time we measured a friend of mine (also ) Corsa, with the original Termis ,that came from the factory, on and unknown chip that had ( with rev limmiter set to 7600 or so) produced a close 85Ps (also K.N filter plate on the box-) Will soon find the curves (forgot them in Germany... ) Anyway I just mention , It ssems to me that Guzzi motors are Same but different. ,or different but same
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