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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. I have done litterally hundreds of ebay buys within EU buying almost anything one can imagine (no I didin't bought this yet) NO CUSTOMS ARE REQUIRED (especially for such objects). Perhaps he had a bad incident before with some posting to Germany or so for some kind of item. But generally I find Royal Airmail the fastest in Europe and if you ask for a registered (Einschreiben) post there shouldn't be any problem
  2. Not quite forever since 1.The person cannot pick it up till a) he gets the 10 Digit transaction number b)Goes there to pick it up. 2.If you change your mind you a)Either don't send the 10 digit number b)pick them back first. Or if he/she doesn't go to pick it up and all it's getting lete you can still go pick them back (where you made the transaction). It happened to me one time where the receiver after4 weeks of amount availability didn;t pick it up, so I did. If yo send through Bank or prepaid check ,then, you can kiss them goodbye as well
  3. Just read the info page of the product I think it is very descriptional. It is a Wideband Oxygen Sensor Controller unit, as it is seen it uses the Bosch LSU4/LSU4.2 Sensor. As far as compatibility with the VDSTS that perhaps mean (I have already asked the company and wait for reply) that the VDSTS uses the data of the controler to give you a more acurrate diagnosis about the mixture. As seen on the demo video the VDSTS has the ability to show you for each cylinder the lean/rich status
  4. Why these V11 peak so few power when "tunned" , exaust, mapping ,PCIII, ect.ect.?
  5. Alex-Corsa


    Nope none said VDSTS does mapping, here's the answer I got about the O2 controler from technoresearch :"The price for the O2 Controller is $375. This product will interface to the VDSTS-Standard" as you can see on the description of theTR-02, Add-on for Direct-Link, VDSTS and WinProflo ,The sensor is included in the kit There is an Axeone for Guzzi and I'll tell you the price of it soon. Since I am NOT concerned for HP, but for best engine management I want a diagnose center at my hand and the ability to interefere when needed.The portable , the better.- Cliffs ECU is interesting, I wait for some more infos on my questions to form the whole picture .
  6. I am serious. But of course I forgot people nowdays don't have or can't keep up with values like,respect, sence andother simillar in order to grow up so. or Very Simply put ,Christmas doesn't have to do with naked bimbos
  7. Personaly I find the above card really offending to my religion and beliefs. Was I a moderator I would remove it.
  8. Alex-Corsa


    O.K. That can manage me to stand here sceptical. . Now Carl , is this a spare part ? and what is the part nummer, or even better can you post a diagram that lockates it>? I have no idea Thanks
  9. Alex-Corsa


    That's why mostly I posted this link.I wanted you notice this chart ,so, is it better to have 2 WBo2 sencors and get recording at the same time for both cylinders?, or just do that on sepperate times is the same..WHat do you think is more effective? Whith the VDSTS diagnostic ( as seen on the demo video) is stated that you can check both cylinders at the same time if they're running lean or rich. Nothing is stated about extra WBo2 sencors, Technoresearch ahs these Air/Fuel controlers though that can be connected and are compatible with VDSTS diagnostic software. Check the TR-O2 and the M-300 O.K. All I miss here are the cables, that's the most cruisial anyway.. I don't just want to flash a chip but also be in control of the bike to have the chance to monitor it every time. Dunno exactlly what you mean with "Chip PROM programmer" , or better , do you have a link to point out that more exact? There are different stuff out there. I will though get BACK to the FIRST Question of this thread as well: " Is this accessible? Is the hardware cable acccessible? Is the diagnostic useful? " this and what can you do more (parameters controling)with this instead of a lets's say combo software like VDSTS and let's say Direct-link, or vice versa Has anyone here worked this unit? I think that was the (meaning at least) of the first question that started this thread.
  10. Alex-Corsa


    Strange istn't it?Perhaps now "they" descide it to combine it with all these PC type of packages and go for the big $$$. I should have become a programmer or so, instead I "preffered" early retirement.....too much fuzz makes me boring Besides with all these gas restrictions everyone who tunes engine needs these thingies too. Now you know what I mean in the last post on my thread You may like to see also this tunning pageFIM
  11. Alex-Corsa


    If you talk about that example of the Futura then it should be not 50 parts fuel but exaust fummes. But then again the values of CO at the end are given for every model by the manufacturer.Perhaps Eur. sandards makes every company adjust the motors for this value.Or else??
  12. What is Xmas??
  13. Alex-Corsa

    New member

    My best advice to that is to drop a email to Agostini.Mistral has open and "closed" models for your bike and they're closer to Guzzi than any other brand out there. Ask them they'll give you a reliable advice, concerning new exaust and if new mapping needed.I guess they have done this before many many times
  14. Dunno is it sure they do the job right?,you should checkout the ignition coils +ignition, or the TPS (Throtle Position Sencor)sencor if the ECU is ok.,I'm no expert, I speak only my
  15. Congrats, to get her on the road soon. I notice the WP then again is the motor from the 1100 ie? and what about the gearbox and drive shaft, did they fit O.K. on a V11 swingarm??Where do they came from?
  16. Go get the Guzzi, and good luck to you. I remember I have traveled more than 2000 miles till I got mine.
  17. Look, concerning PC stuff is a well known thing that first versions have problems, this very simple rule exists every time. That's why a newer technology software-hardware will always be better (in all terms) than the "old" and you can set your mind at ease concidering "bugs" and other error codes that olders carry in. "Unfortunatelly" next year there will be new techie things around, of cource analogue will be all these PC-ECu capabilities that run the "new" vechicles. Faster , more complicated , more capable,ect.ect. But the first versions of softwares (or hardware) that will came out to control these won't cut the cheese as they should.... But the "updates" will be out sometime and things will be better (no more faulty codes ect.ect.) And the cycle will go on. The catch is: Choosing a 10year newer(compatible) software-hardware to improve (or only just dictate)something older , is a safe bet.(concidering all said before). I have seen the chips,most if not all have to be copies of a copie of a somewhat old versioned software perhaps with lots of bugs and or low quality built that only can cause faulty engine performance... I know the game so far, If I don;t do it my self it will be lame A Creedon chip is on it's way and that will do some difference at the moment
  18. Alex-Corsa

    New member

    There may you have to read the Exaust to HP" thread, many listed opinions in exausts there. I have installed a pair of open MISTRALS on mine(though I have a Sport ie.) for various reason like: 1.The sound is definatelly dry with amplified bass frequencies, in other terms strong-loud but melodic. Strangelly enough the rhyme of "see you coming" has changed now to "heared you comming".. 2.I liked the shape of these, thin aluminium cans (the have also ovals as well though) with the oval red logo with gold lettering.(much Guzzi-like) 3.They are made in Mandelo del Lario from people who are connected with Guzzi's worked also in the Lanfranconi before as well and from the whole result and build quality it seems to me that they love what they do. There was no reason for me to opt for something else. MISTRAL and can also be found for sale here: Agostini
  19. Perhaps an inexpencive solution would be to take it to an experienced schok repair person and try finding some seals from the market.Since there are no available seals from the company. I had the same problem and the damper is lying around here now, I have replaced mine on my Sport ie with the 1508 S90 R/STD from WP , has 32 settings and gas tank,quite satisfied ,dunno if it will fit yours, you just have to measure the dimensions of the stroke and go to a dealer to find out, the match I found wasn't exactly but very close 5-6mm or so (if I recall correct.) Try riding the bike with out it , for everyone and the place and way he -she rides is a different feel, if not having one doesn't make a difference or is O.K. then don't install another, it may save you some costs.
  20. Well actually there is good package from Technoresearch here This VDSTS-standard version seems a value for money package.It is clearlly described in the page that the following can be adjusted on the bike: • Reset Service Light, and Malfunction Indicator Light. • Adjust Idle/Fuel Trim Values. • Reset TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) here is though more general on that as it is just stated that with is software a number of parameters can be diagnosed and manipulated (edited).(Fahrzeuges können eine Vielzahl von Motorparametern abgerufen und verändert werden) Most importantly it can be connected to me PDA O.K that Direct-link doesn't do the 16M of mine but how about this? Rapid BikeIn the bike applications there is the Centauro 96-01 mod. listed.This is as close as mine and pricing is Cool. I'll proceed on some questions and go for it. "Scan and Flash" operation is about to start/ P.S. any other flashing instruments for bikes out there?
  21. You should be my neighbour then or vise versa. You must have seen today!!!, the right manifold rubber just cut over like a conserve box and this injection had this loud spitting sound. The rubbers were quite new(2 months) since these people at Twins and parts in Berlin changed my older (and better quality ones that didn't need to be changed) I have sensed of how bad quality they were and my order from Agostini for a 4 (pairs....well I thought just in case.... )nice ones is on the way, a bit unfortunatelly though cause the crapy one gave up this morning.(I couldn't calculate that/!**#$) I was in the middle of the street and choosed to walk to the nearest tool shop(after this rubber cut almost in half) where I bought this super strong tape,which worked wonder. Synchronised the TBs with the carbtune , works better now.It started to be fun fixing the bike after sometime.(after being so pi$$ed about these faulty rubbers these guys sold me.) Y' see with the right tools job gets easy. I like doing it myself because I don't follow "cliches" like most mechanics do, so the result is better, since I always know what I am doing.. That's also a reason I bought a Guzzi. That's sounds good These are the data loggers(??) that tell you what's happening to the combustion chamber of the bike after reading the exaust fumes?? Do you mean this one from NGK? Of cource there are these as well 1.WBo2 2.WBo2 commander 3.WBO2 4.WBo2 Daytona (anything else??) And after that you can go back and correct the mapping at exact spots,right?? I guess I can use it on mine as well right? (edit) Well in this list here (BeFaster the 16M it IS supported from the VDSTS Vehicle Diagnostic They aell also the Dircet link (dunno the relation between these two :VDSTS & D-L ) Well what I have in mind to have is a thingie , magic box,what ever that would enable me to flash my own chips from the maps that I have created with a software (which is that?) and or have helped to created with the of a Data logger?? (or what that would be). Right? So what should be on shopping list? hehe. Isn't this the prosceedure of the how (tunning) things go.?? P.S.Technoresearch has a wide range of tunning thingies , but which one(s) or set help do all the above ?
  22. All what is said?? Does it do it? Well, the color is special, to me, never seen that coloration in a Goose of that early years production/ I sence there is something strange goin on also with the spark plugs.... is it twin spark .?... Well be more specific. What's so special as a Guzzi? what's so special compared with other similar models? With the Guzzis produced that same year? Reffered to what? is that special standing for
  23. Yep that's the "stage" I'm now, Not bad as I have heared, it is on concideration Doing this in the next 24hours , many thanks for the addy Nope that's not possible (AFA IK) But the Cantauro has a 16M thing ...I think... I know a shop in the "neighbourhood that does such stuff. OH yes?? Well that's also good news.I like to "screw" things up myself , than letting others do it for me..
  24. Thanks for the replies to all of you yes that's very correct, I have changed back to the other one, it was running more O.K. (concerning the rich-lean problem) SInce the spark plug indications were looking about like the photo of the normal one.Though there is a worse problem on keeping the idle.Obviusly it isn't the best for the job but I will fix this soon (since I want to keep my mistrals on) As I said , well can anyone pin-point me to where I can find a proper chip for this setup? Perhaps this Creedon thing, where can I find this. Heve received my Carbtune today and after re synchronizing the injectors I'll see what's up. Definatelly I'll have to change this chip thingie. he question is if it finnally would be better to instal a PCIII as well on my 16M, this need of when changing the setup to find a correct chip and so on has got me tired. There is of course the "other" solution to have data loggers plus software hardware to create "own" chips for the setups I use, well in this situation I don't even know what would all these be so here you are "dlaing" give me a guide of all these thingies the only ones I know are here and Rapid bike (what's this? , is it any good?),Direct-link Since in life I arrange all on my own , I can get my hands into this as well I just need some guidance where to start. Cheers
  25. Have not found anything on the subject so if anyone has the relative experience to the subject , it would be a big help to hear. Installed a chip I had laying over here for sometime in my Sporti (yes 96-98 models had chips instead of totally "closed" box ECU. That's due to 2 reasons. 1. Have already got a Mistral X-over and open exausts 2. the "older" chip (though from a Guzzi tunner) was working with faults in idle (hiccups-engine off)and when closing throtle after some constant acceleration.The injectors though were cleaned and synchronized but these problems just kept on and on. I could feel also that something was going on wrong with the acceleration of the bike but mostly what I felt- not measured. After installing the oter chip that is made to work on Open exausts and crossover+ open air filter. The bike worked excellent on start up ,idle no matter of hot or cold engine , pulled better than before, there was though a bit of some engine bahaviour of too much fuel mixture in about 2400-2600 rpm and that was it. In engine start up was much smell of the exaust gases (more than before the installation of the chip) The worst thing of all came afterwards when I went to the gas station and refuelled. At about 12-14 lt/100km (mixed driving -city highway speeds)my jaw droped to the floor.I don't have a damn Ferrari Now what's wrong with it?? I hva adjusted the potentiometer just above the chip in my ECU unit to a more lean potition(turning it 120' of the 135' that is maximum lean) than it was before (middle). Now the engine runs much better than any time everywhere and especially the idle, well I have not measured the fuel consumption yet but will do shortly. There is this trick with the spark plugs where you can see if you run too rich or too lean , if you runn tooo rich the plugs get a bit white?? Does anyone know.? What's finnally more dangerous for the engine ?(until I get my hands on measurment tools to try fine tune it) Runnig lean (less fuel ) or rich mixture (to much fuel) If the correct balance has not being achieved at the time speaking? I hope I didn't screw up anything Thanks P.S. When on idle (cold motor) if I rev the gas to 2-3500 Rpm , I see black smoke coming out of the exaust, now how messed up is my engine ,can someone explain?. (with wrm engine I have not tested anything yet)
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