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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa
The sport 1100ie has a 350W light-machine system , or this Alternator thing (I guess that's how it is called.) On the advertisment site of the euromotoelectrics there is this system that produces 450W, so what's the gain using it??? And if it is better using more powerfull output alternator system then why not use the one that's on the NEW Griso , my databook on this new Guzzi says it produses 540W power, isn't it better and what will happen if I use it on my Guzz? Am I going to dry it?? Then again there is this Silent-Hektik site with all these upgrades for the guzzis but what difference does it make if one uses something like this that they haveDigital ignition system, orIgnition coils ???? Anyone heared about this TRIPLE SPARK technique or even more has abyone tried it?? Well I know that there is a lot going on with current and the better distribution you have the better the engine HP that find their home to the ground. Let's have some light to this subject> What is it worth improving to the electrics and how is this translated in "GAIN"????
There may as well find some other interesting parts for the V11 like: Item number: 8011093334 Item number: 8011093201 Item number: 8011093154 Item number: 8011092928 Item number: 8011092324 All claimed NEW . but in couple of hours auctions are ending Seller is reliable so far in whatever I have bought from.
I am not a Guzzi geek , though it sounds to me like the TB's-injection are running unsuncronized,just speaking out of my own experience. When was the last time you had the TBs synchronised?You may have to chack it out.
Alright, thanks again "ratchethack", I'll do a search and "enrich" my Guzzi knowledge , very much needed. What's your opinon about twin spark , I have heared a lot of conroversy on that.
You can give me much less and I can paint you in photo real quality, any Guzzi(s) in any position- back scenery that you like.(of course in any size as well ) That's my job after all And yes I do believe real bikes are made to be riden
Dunno the trick with the manometer???/ Anyway I have removed the right side screw , the allen heat was kicked of his but so the dcrew wouldn't move , so I cut it.Now everything works better, Thanks a lot once again "ratchethack" for your great advice. Would buy you a beer if you were here but at the moment
I had the chance to ride the Breva 11 in Mandelo after the kind Alise Agostini offered me a free ride. I couldn't get used to the strange steering handlebar thing , but after all I had the impression that this is the best motor Guzzi had build. In terms of responce that it was immediate everywhere on the power band, as well as being quiet and running impressively well tunned. The overall feel was like toy to ride, very comfortable , as well as flickable in the curves.The long wheelbase was noticable but not disturbing, weight balance is very very well put. Hade done a video out of it will post some pics latter on.
Now that yellow corsa is a rare thing.Have not seen before any. I wondered if they really existed.. ... Cool
If 2 weeks ago was on Saturday 10th Oct. I was also there in that day.(was there from the day before to service my bike at Agostini) after complete fixing my MISTRAL exaust pipes to Agostini's, I had to go about 12 o clock to Ghezzi-Brian. Yes it is very interesting to visit the museum so next time if you're there in week day museum opens in 3 'o clock for the public for an hour or so Edit...Ooooops that was Sat8th
Thanks so much once again, will check it out alltogether tomorrow and if any questions I'll post'em right here. Thanks a lot once again\ \
O.K. I have seen the mechanic fiddle with this little allen screw on the left side of that injector body, if that's the same we mean. I have not noticed any screw like that on the right side so I guess there is only one , right?? Thanks once again, now I can sleep at night.. \ Cheers " little wheel underneath the right-hand side TB that raises the idle with the handlebar control lever still spins freely after you've backed off the idle stop screw(s)." This one I didn't quite understood.I have to see it on the bike , can't remember this screw at all, any better description or pic ??
Thanks for the info I have checked it out.\ I finnally went to the Daes-Mototec and Roland Daes had the whole service done. I had the chance to see the MGS01 and as well have the chance to dyno the Guzzi and test various chips and whole lotta stuff.Definnatelly and by far the BEST intergrated Guzzi service in Germany in the Daes shop, I would suggest it to everyone. Will post a full report about it in some days that I'll be home and re organized. At the moment the Guzzi is synchronized revitalised and runs almost perfect. I say almost cause we syncronized the motor and at the airbox where these stupid holes that Dynotec does and the motor was having a bit of a cough and after would went out.I have closed the whoes returning the airbox to the original condition and the motor holds idle perfect now , but is a bit too high when it really warms up. Anyone can describe me how to adjust the idle whithout haveing to resynchronise the injection????Pls describe clearlly so that I understand. Cheers to all , till soon.
Halo everybdy, I am ont the way still on tour.Lattelly had my valves and valve seats repaired (on my 1100i Sport)and now everything is in place,I will have to move on and after some km (500-700) will have to retighten the heads, right !?? If anyone can tell me what the exact torgue should be for the screws that tighten the cylinders i would be very appreciate. Since I am on the road I have limmited acces to internet and the time is also like that, But I´ll be back and check things out. Somewhere before a couple of months or so was a pic. posted that showed the torgue for all bolts there , but due to limmited time I ain`t able to perform correct search. Mny thanks in advance and Cheers to all P.S. If I recon correct it has to be 30nm or 4.2kg what is right?
Hallo I am on my way to Mandelo, actually I am passing the Adriatic with a ship and will arrive to Venice tomorrow (Friday 7 Oct. 7o clock AM.) right away I will bo going to Mandelo so if anyone wants to meet I will be there for the day will also try to stay for a day there so there will be a little time. I plan also to go to Ghezzi Brian so I will need a "guide " to show me the way there.....LMAO... O.K. PM , or better answer this topic ,with neccesarry infos and let's have some time. Cheers P.S. For the German Guzzisti if ,anyone in the area of Berlin wich I'll try to be 10-15 OCT or in Stuttgart 17-18 has mood for meeting and ride ,also PM or answer this topic. Cheers again to all Will have to check back latter this ships int service seems a bit expencive so far...
I have deasembled from its position the side stand switch because the bike wouldn't start even with the stand retracted.It had a problem of not making some kind of correct contact and the bike wouldn't start. I think I will fix it but sure thing is when it malfunctions is pure hell situation. I have also modified the stand so that now is retracted on and off with a simple push or pull of the extension bar.Before I had to constantlly pushing it to stay put until it touched the ground and then it was automatically retracted when I lifted the bike. Sure there was no danger of riding with the side stand on (though one day it didin't retract back to it's place as I lifted the bike but to the half distance and as I pulled my bike back to take it off the garage it got caught on a little stone bench as a result bike fall down and there was a broken foot brake lever and mirror rubber cuts) , there also was a danger if the bike was lifted or moved in case forgoten to be put back in , the bike would fall. That's why I descided to go semi-automatic way (push or pull to auto retact) and have the below golden rule as a server of sidestand security. Well in any way the golden rule when riding a bike(concerning this side stand) IS : Always remember & take care of the stand before you start and when you stop, no electrical wirings and switches or automatations can substitute this , so always remember this golden rule until it becomes second skin. I try so myself everyday
Well making it legal here is something that can be done. I just want it legal before so that I ride it home. I can´t stand any hassle for taking care of the bike to be loaded somewhere and transported so many miles without me touching it. This cannot be done even of the sun start rising from the west. Generally if a bike is set up road legal i one EU country no special 'tests' are needed for a licence registration in aniother.This is a EU direction for vehicles.(AFAIK) Thanks Paul, I guess I`ll have to wait. (as I usually do ),damn it I still have not been in vacation. Im so ( you name it) I am determined to even go for a ride in Europe even if it is October. I even lost the GMG waiting for things to be done correctlly , anyways When did you say that is that Milan show???
Yep you´re right , it is always better to wait a bit and see what is going on in such situations.A thrased bike without any correct break in is as good as replacing pistons and cylinders, as well this stress with making the bike road leagl is also another serious factoe to concider for not buying something like it.
Well he says that it has been used to what it was made for (racing?!! ),Well if so is it worthy buying it? Should the cylinders and piston set get changed because perhaps it has not the right break in? Any estimation of what does it need to get lights, and stuff in, would it need a NEW electric wiring system`? Is it possible to add all these stuff and make it road leagal in England? Any clues would be very worthy, I am having some serious interesting thoughts about buying it Thanks
I had a program that could do that kind of mosaic thing, gan give a try if anyone wants a mosaic pic personalized.First I will have to find it
Alright.!! well , just a small explanation in shake of understanding , As I talked before about the profile 60 0r 70 I have a Sport 1100i and that has a rear tire dimensions 160/70/17 changing to a 60 I meant 160/60/17 - NO changes on the width were made , but on the profile. I guess my bike wears a different tire than most if not all V11's right?!
Though I'd love to meet you guys and see also that supertwin I won't be able to be in Mandello at 16 of Sep. By all things going right I'd be able to be in mandello about 21-22 of Sept. Ciao
As for sizes , yes , stick to the standard sizes , these people know why they put it in your bike. i.e. I have changed to a 60 profile on the back tire of my bike (1100ie Sport Corsa) for 2 reasons. 1)Couldn't find a 70 Profile in new compount tires 2)The Daytona RS is wearing a 60 profile and AFAIK have the same frame and suspension with mine. 3)Tire companies were suggesting this compund tire I wanted also in 60 profile. As of sure I have experienced the confidence on grip that the METZELER Sportec M1's gave me. That tire made me feel I could do anything in my bike. I would describe it as medium to soft rubber with tons grip on dry and very very reliable on wet, even on the "slippery" roads of my country (vast majority). A fast steering geometry as well.See my avatar pic. I believe Iwill try it again. Was getting warm quite easy in a couple of miles, getting stickier and stickier afterwards. Right now I have changed just for a try to the Pirellis with a touring 70 Profile on the back-DRAG.-GTS (as specs of my 1100i came from factory) that gives me little better engine rpm for same km/h . I have a Diablo Corsa at the front. To my bike, and the conditions I met so far with that tire ,I would say that the Diablo corsa is a excellent capabilities tyre . Compared to the Sportec M1 gives me a different feeling with a bit less confidence, but it has surpased me so far of it's grip when I actually needed it, and was flawless even on some very demanding situations such as high leans ,extreme front braking. In other words, it gives me more than expected. I have noted though a less grip in the wet than the Metzelers I have used. Generaly that Corsa is a tire that warns you of it;s behaviour without any so far tedencies for the negative unexpected but the opposite!!, it is better than what it lets me feel of being. Even though amazed so far I can say I would preffer the Metzeler Sportec M1 because this tire allways was showing me what it is Only positive critisim I have heard for the Michelin Pilot Power concerning their grip in dry and are concidered by many, of being the best ones in the wet conditions. Definatelly though a more "mellow" radius wich equals to "slower" steering geometry than a Sportec M1 or a Diablo Corsa. Friend of mine got these on his Duc748 and concidered it a problem as his steering geometry has descented compared to the Corsas that was wearing before. And something else, NEVER compromise on safety, allways get the best tires for the use you want regardless money. I speak from experience and if I have to spent $600 in a year on having best tires I will do so. That's all , ride safe P.S. This is not an add, I can introduce you to the tire source I have which always provided me with fresh tires and unbeatable prices. In cace anyone is in Europe I think it may be a good bargain. I get my tires from Germany , sent over here a couple of thousand km away and still it costs me 15-20% of the prices found on the market with the tire fitted to my bike.
If you go Here FREE PICS HOSTING you can upload a picture you like for free(It has to be less that 1024kb- a jpeg pic. is often less in size and fits OK ) . Then you get some links of where your picture is. Just copy-paste them (after pressing on your post board that img button)in to the line and there will you picture appear on the forum.
Yep ,hands down,as far as settings go, check out these artikles found on SPORT RIDER - Suspension