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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. I have searched and found,actually they don't seem to be 100% reliable so the opinions are devided.Besides to tell you the truth I don't want some aluminiun thing rotating at high speeds and high tourge. Besides that, the original can also break (but unlikelly) , like on a friend's of mine Daytona RS he has a 135HP motor and has abused it to the core....LOL.But dont remember if it broke before or after the mods.
  2. Drop the links to the parts you're interested and I'll translate you all.Kein problem für mich
  3. Thanks ,what about this? Shaft drive Does it fit ?Does this get easily damaged , I mean should try checking it's condition,but what kind of wear should it have anyway. I suppose new is better but what is the price for new if he has it already 100Eu.
  4. Lol thanks Paul, will take a look, I'll just have a search on Clutch plate , if that's the right word for the Schwungscheibe...hmm flywheel is.... THe Pete Roper thing I didn't undertstand (after reading multiple times)....LMAO
  5. I use a pair of OXFORD saddle bags at the back seat of the bike,Tightened on top with some etra belts for extra stability.Not a hassle to fit them in ,some belts pass under the seat ,but I have raise them a bit in order to be more aerodynamic, and yes that plays role in consumption and my fit was sucessfull,since I had a fuel consumption as without them The quality is great and though a bit pricey (150Euros=aprox.$190)I don't regret on having them there are extra watter resistant covers and a laquer protectand blanket ,though I don't use these sadle bags often ,they were a must have for longer distance travels. OXFORD review Oxford site
  6. I am getting pi$$*d to hear about stolen bikes and so on. I am getting into temptation and think one day just to make this experiment and leave the keys( I-false keys that won't start) on my bike with II-battery disconected) and lurk in the corner with some friends and all I need is my trusty Benchmade or a basball bat .No you can't bet what will happen.... Congrats for the intreview Ben , I'll line up for an autogr.It looks strange when you see your self on a TV ,that's how I felt the only time I was interviewed as i was on the navy before leaving to participate on Desert Storm 1(back in the90's)
  7. Well , here's something to download all nite long ...LOL
  8. Well many times now and in some shops I have seen some parts made of ergal and it is reported to be lighter thatn the originals, the question is if it is worthy spending a few (or more)bucks to make mods to my bike adding stuff like that.?? Are they long lasting or better lasting that the original?. So at least in the thought of changing them maybe just buy them and have them stock for a "emergency" use.So are these any worth? What do I gain or loose?? There is one part of me saying get parts like these for your bike and another part saying let it original the factory knew better why they put there some heavy parts in there. Ergal 1 Clutch Ergal 2 Thanks in advance.
  9. O.K.Cheaper is better so one has to "play" down the price a bit Can't have any opinion about model-year in the terms which is better or worthy(if any problems ect.ect.) Have you calculated the extras? For istance Which Guzzi jacket is there? If is this one this is a good one of the original Moto Guzzi line great quality and costy as well at 400+Euros new ($490)
  10. I was thinking to bid on this one Benzine Pump does it fit on mine?Just for a spare , dunno these things breakdown?So that I should have an extra one as reserve.
  11. Here is a V11 Motorblock and all other sellers items V11 items (folow this link cause the .com of the previouslly english made version won't show you any items) Well he says he sends to Europe so any European that's interested may find some bargains here.(who knows for smal items he may s well ship overseas) Good biding. If anyone knows what parts(at the above sellers items) of the V11 are OK (or can be fitted without a problem) on my 1100i Sport that would be a great help.
  12. Rockwell hardness scale is a scale to measure as it saids Hardness. This is more often used on various metals and mostly on steels. As reported a 25 or even 35 RC degrees on this scale are rediculuslly low. But more infos here Steel Chart And some steel standerds for convertionsSteel Standards Well lets say a steel that is used for a kitchen knive can be anything from 420 or aus6 (in better quality) or even 440 (C is the hardest) and these hit the scale above 50 to 58 for the 440C Well actually one can feel the difference in softness between a 420HC or J2 to a 440C that is tough and there are only 6 degrees on the scale setting them appart. now I imagine 30-40 degrees. Actually on of the best steels for springs and other stuff on the same subject, is the 1095 or this series of 10 actually(1065 1075) the 1095 beats the s**t out of many and is also used in knife making and the old Japanese swords. Hope that covers your questions about steel.
  13. These Mirrors-flash thing also remind me of a 999, right?
  14. Well what can I say , look guys if you ever need spare parts just take the situation in your hands and drop a call or email to some reliable MG parts seller such as AGOSTINI or to Stein-Dinse-Stein-Dinse_English-Info at least to any other trustee parts seller of your own experience and get the parts to do your job after you can go to any workshop to fix the problem. Dealers and so on are reluctant on buying parts (or they just wait for a big order to fill in place and then they order)-and that's absurd.
  15. I can only manage a 100+mi straight (or a bit more 115-120)before I have to tank... I get close to reserve by then, just depends where the nearest gas station is.....LOL
  16. Oooops thats a dangerous thing to do because it can damege the ignition AFAIK As far as the theme of the post here, any workshop give garantee to the work their doing isn't it so? The bike should work (at least)as well as before to all parts that don't have to do with the repair and the ones that have to be repaired should be of cource OK after as well.Taking it back and ask for free service to the OK state it was before you took it there is correct.
  17. The pipes on my bike are blueish on their upper part were it joins the cylinders, as long as I recall on various diff. photos that I have, is that what it is with the pipes being blue? I like the metal look on the pipes it doesn't choke off the look of the material
  18. What do you mean by getting out of spec>?and how will I see this?? ....Interesting.
  19. I have heraed about that too but I have not seen it.People change things and that's good but at the other hand it may as well be a myth fo some sort. Dunno I hhave no problem with that on mine, I will buy some titanium valves and stuff for extra and generally some better quality parts for spares like this camshaft on the right with drilled holes to get better oiled ...., all these just in case of cource.
  20. Carbon bodywork,OZ wheels , what's the real weight of the MGS finnaly.I have read the papers and the numbers , but what's the real thing? Thumbs up for your MGS, Guzz,
  21. First thing I thought after reading the symptoms.... ...Hmmm couuld be the rim as well.Ehh?
  22. One thing is sertain on the Guzzis , is engine longlivity (with correct service and no silly mods)That can translate at about 200k to 250K km. Easyness in service, it's all there easy to put hands on, just couple of screws and done. Numbers do not tell truth.As the weight is not actually felt as much as is on the pappers when driving , contrary to any Japan bike these new Guzzis feel lighter than what actually are.And the bikes are really tourgey and smooth on power delivery.Well , that creates the fun and the feeling of safety when riding (along with the bodywork quality for the latest-that Jap bikes only dream of) The ones with the raised handlebars can also be OK commuters I suppose. I go faster than (most if not all) scouters in the commute chaos of the city I'm in (at the moment) and though I have clip ons on my 1100iSport.It is a matter of getting used to something also, I guess. Finnally is all about getting along with a bike riding wise and so on if it suits your style , better get one. P.S. Did I forget to mention the community of the Guzzi people that's so great.It is like meeting a close friend, when meeting another Guzzi owner on a ride or on a trip wherever you are.Guzzi is something special really.
  23. It looks so light you can also hand it on the wall.
  24. Thanks for the info. Strongest Steel I know is the M-2,(O.K gimme a break and the ZDP-189,CPM 15V,COWRY-X and COWRY-Y beat the RC scale well) anyway was nice knowing fir the Nymonic thing Isn't titanium a better choice for valves? I think is super strong, anticorrosive as Gold (or so) and light as feather (well for a metal)
  25. What a great bike this supertwin is , one can see it's unique Guzzi charracter, Seriouslly thinking to own one sometime (instead of the MGS , or If Ghezzi prepears sth new)awesome looking bike(I only don't like the front type of brake..LOL), I think should look better in real than in the photos , please someone confirm me that. The Mondial looks like flying saucer seen 'em before sometime.
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