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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. You guys are unbelievable, ....Ginger Baker , who? I mean we're having a serious conversation here about some spare 1100Sport Guzzi parts, can't we talk about it?............ LOL Just kidding, ...hehe
  2. Can someone say to me what exactly are the nymonic valves. I am mechanically dump ...LOL . I think they don't need to be adjusted every now and then,right?.
  3. That's so Great and helpfull, wow I should find something now. Will check and ask ,thanks twice again
  4. Yes that's correct, I have preder spme stuff from his shop in great prices before
  5. Have you dynoed the V11 or the sporti? What was the bhp shown (wheel or crank)?? I'll do some peripheral runs for top speed measures some time latter on. About the tacho's accuracy I have heared that tahometers are kind of tuned to give more accuracy in certain miles/h or km/h and then they're not so accurrate + or- from indication.There also the bike has to be kept in steady in the same speed for about 20 secs or more in order to stabilise the GPS info I estimate.(because there is a play) A friend of mine in a stock Corsa (In Germany)has measured a close 240km/h for the bike in open road with his GPS.It had the Termignoni exausts up there and other than that not reported any extras. I was surprised at mine that though with a crossover and a Dynotec chip SEEMS to be slower on top speed.It though accelerates quick as I can keep up lets say with a Z 750 kawa. The 60 profile tyres also play some role on reducing top speed and also there is a reduce on power output on 5.5k to 7.5k rpm as compared with the 70 profile ones that the output was a bit more brutal and powerfull with those. The Lanfraconis on the bike though part of the stock are not supposed to be fitted with a crossover and a K/N filter probably are fitted for their "silent" abilities for road use than performance.May they have an effect at the performance (as the bike is now) I don't know. If any ideas for the PDA holder to the triple clamp just drop links and info. Well touratech has some and I am checking out if they'll fit mine.
  6. It all depends on the quality of the coat used and the conditions to dry in order to achieve best hardness, some solvent and benzin as well(the latter in more often-or permanent touch in same point )can make any coat peel off anytime, be sure. Proper cleaning (with right cleaners)at all places is an essencial to keep the life of the coat for longer time.
  7. Well I just forgot , to navigate and calculate a route that passes through different countries (at least with this NAVIGON nav Program) One has to have a map installed that has together all these contries. The best is to install (copy-paste) the whole united Europe map as is installed at the PC from the program to the PDA memmorey card. For that you'll need a more than 1G card since all these maps (as one) are 1,2G so a 2G crd would the be recomended.(that; costy so next year) For now the programm gives you the ability to select at retrangles areas of Europe and convert them to one map.The PROBLEM is that any of these areas shouldn't be more than 360MB(3-5countries about) and the second is the time that the PC will be in total use to make such map. It has taken me 20Hours(YES! heared right) with my "ancient" 1.2G Athlon with my 800MB memory to make such a map.The new version of 4.2 allows also to remove any parts of contries selectd of the retrangel selection and save plase to include perhups a biger space of a wanted country.
  8. Well the PDA(SIEMENS pocket Loox 410) has arrived a couple of weeks ago.I have fitted to it an extra 1G memmory for having more space for applications and media.THis PDA is a nice looking very light thing.(118-74-18mm about) The packet was complete with the NAVIGON 4 navigation programm (that I have latter downloaded a free patch from the company and upgraded it top the 4.2 version.) Inside there are the maps of complete Central and western Europe in amazing detail, including smal vilages and streets big and small , everywhere , as well. After installing some apps and some games I found out that except a Navigation tool the PDA can be used as a usefull companion.Playing pacman reminded my of the 80's and some pinball too is usefull to practice in hours of dullness or in the hotel during a travel....LOL Back to the navigation after installing a programm with the maps of my country I did a little navigation , actually the accuracy fo the whole thing depends of the Nav. program I have to say, as there were some minor glitches on some points of where I was 10-20meters wrong point on the indicating programm map.(that was the Destinator) Have not tested the Navigon yet here as it doesn't include my country maps.Reports of friends abroad are though very positive about it. There is also a small utility in the Destinator that gives you a data engine bout satelites and location point in lat.-log info , as well as altimeter and speed. I found that sometimes as the satellites that receive the signal were changing there was also a change in the data of altitude though actually I wasn't moving. THE REAL THING AS I was able to have this data of real speed I went out on the peripheral to test some speedo accuracy.The BIG problem is that in a sunny day you see s**t on the PDA display since the light that reflects the PDA screen eliminates every kind of contrast.Though I had the PDA over the tank bag=a bit worse.Things get better with less light at the evening,cloudy weather and even better in the night. At the so far little testings I have done the accuracy of the Veglia tachometer is very satisfactory, since I have measured a +,- 2% estimated. And I say estimated because one has to keep the throtle steady for at least 5-10secs and look back again on the indications to verify all times.Besides there is no 100% reading accuracy on an analog tacho ,right?.At the other side I am a little dissapointed because I have not seen more than 220kmh at my bike (at 7500rpm) but after that there seem to be no more power(so I don't rev. more).Anyway I'll have to further investigate that and measure high speed with the Nav.System to get the acurate measurements. Generally I am very satisfied at the moment and though all electronic systems can be instable , this is a usefull companion to me and can-will be able to provide usefull data and infos and entertainment on a travel. I will not part of my "faithfull" maps as they will play a backsider role on the journey adventures.At the other side I could recomend such a system to anyone that has the demand to accuratelly have "data on board" and a touch with the new tecnology.We've paid so many taxes for those damn satelites , why not use them. I'll just have to find a proper system to adjust the PDA (with some sort of a base) to my triple clamp, though I have this car holder (came along with the complete package)that attaches to the glass and has a base for the PDA (which I can remove) .But more impotant is to make some sort of accomodation that will brig the thing into shade and have some better view. Below some pis of the Nav program with a precalculated route to Mandelo form Venice In various detail levels.(The bar at the right marked with red is the detail notch bar)Where I state "Corect color" is the closest color approximity to the real thing.Actually the colors are very accurate and "exciting" in a shaded enviroment and definatelly much better than the photos here.
  9. Yep thanks Paul, yes there were also some tail and frond original -new and painted fairings for the Daytona and the back tail for the SPort sold from this ebayer over here MrGinger-baker Well actually I don't see anything for slale now. I am actually curious to see some of the other aftermarket parts as well because as reported are lighter than the originals.
  10. Which month's issue should that be?
  11. Well that's cheap, any ebay seller name that I should check out often if got any for sale, or that was jusyt a privatee selling them?
  12. Yes everything can be clearcoated.Dunno though if this was a mistake from the company (not to lay protective coat over the sticker) and or if you should contact dealer about it (fo warantee ect/ect/) Last year I have, extra, clearcoated the tank on my 1100i enough so that the sticker has tha same level with the rest surface, it looks like a china-class now sometimes...LOL
  13. A carbon tank ! I was thinking about sth like this the other day,why increased fuel capacity? for what voloume are we talking about? I hope it doesn't take so long to have the fairings if ordered...LOL How much do they actually cost? Well,after visiting their site I don't see any MG link for bodyworks (with details) anywhere
  14. Dunno , it looks pretty much the same as the Bimota Tesi 2D BIMOTA TESI Can't tell though who copied whom...LOL
  15. I see a Bimota tesi right back there. amazing!!This moto goes also to races.?!!? These Italians are "crazy"(cool) they seem to be racing anything that has wheels on it. Well that's mediteranean blood I guess.(I'm glad I have some ) ...LOL Anyone knows what was the fastest lap time? Does that 88 munber means something?Well...?
  16. Coool!! What a small world I remember Guaressi , I think he has also raced once or couple of times as a replacement driver to ..Chilli?! back in 96-97 or so if I can recall correct(after the war I experience memmory losses).Great driving
  17. Why don't you use a download manager and finish it in 2-3 takes?
  18. I would suggest to look on Schuberth for that, I think they do have best quality helms Schuberth
  19. Many Dynos are as well not tuned up right as I have heared,with as a result wrong results. Numbers tell me nothing, the true thing is on the road,that's were it counts, nimbers are for Jap.(not Jaap...LOL)bikes, The best description (no dyno numbers) I have heared about a Guzzi motor , and that was a Daytona (a bit tunned ) was from a magazine(BIKE) saying (with a photo of the motor)" Packs more meat than butcher's shop" And that's what Guzzis are all about:, packing the meat and let you have it.
  20. Here's the charging chart outputs coming out of the generator, For the Sport1100i ad the V11 as well. Taken out of the workshop manual
  21. I will have to dissagree on that just because Schumacher was already twice a champion with Beneton Renault a decade ago, then he switched to Ferraris and started developing them with the rest(and he was still getting podiums when he could)While he could have been with "easy" cars like the Williams or the Mersedes and still winning championships if that was only for him to matter.But now that the car has reached a great potencial is able to take championships with that,there's nothing wrong with that he has worked at it. As for me the greatest GP driver(of more modern motorcycling of last 20 years) was and is the "Professor" Wayne Rainey. (That's how most other racers should view him ) Unlike everyone else he has never had a fall with his bike not even on GP practice, very sadlly he fall only once and that left him on a wheel chair. Who knows perhaps with the nowadays protection uniforms and stuff he may had avoided that. Well to tell you the truth when you earn some millions a year or close to that anyway , you don't do that for a living , but for anything else ,you name it. Maybe 30-50 years ago guys like Kavanagh,F.Anderson.D.Agostini,Lomas,Cambell,... (.and list is endles)These people really gave more than themselfs to what they were doing.At least we have to mention them for who they were (thet time) and what they did. Nowadays I could only say that these TT racers are beyond belief in terms of courage and balls to do what they do,hat's off to them, but I don't see any GP millionare primadonas go there and "try their luck" ...hehe
  22. ...LOL yes , I just saw it was very black and thought it was a corsa...LOL...O.k>
  23. Is this a Nero Corsa? Ebay- GUZZI
  24. Thanks,that would be great. PM me your email and I'll send you my snail address,Willing to pay postage and the CDs Cheers
  25. Thanks , Great , I'm checking ... P.S.(ed.) Reading. ....reading... It seems that he sells only exausts here... ...V11 and Breva it says...
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