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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Are there any nice routes with castles inside there?I have heared various routes to be good up there.I want to also go Schwarzwald next time I'll be up there. Ich bikern 1-2 mal pro jahr in Deutschland ganz durch unten bis oben, da Gibts kein besser fur mich (momentan)
  2. Amazing service to hear , where is this guys address-site.I'll have in mind because I buy spare parts once in a while and perhups some cans in the future. I would suggest UPS there is not any better for sure(Globally speaking).Had issues with DHL also in the past.
  3. Alex-Corsa


    I have heared about this beemer that actually has a sportive character, How would you describe it? is it flickable, heave , light, Can you describe a bit of compartion Vs a V11 for instance?? Thanks
  4. Great , though it will take me 2 weeks or so to download them in this ancient 56k that I am using....LOL
  5. I guess I'll have to.In a lower price this bike is worth it's money
  6. A little bit cheaper and I'll buy iy..heh
  7. Lot of times people missunderstand wat a bike is made for and overestimate their abilities,I couldn't laugh about it.I don't think anything is funny when someone gets hurt ,even of doing something stupid. I felt sorry for this person after watching the video,Sh*t can happen but I don't think anyones deserve them, though anyone acting like this should expect them be prepeared ,as well ,to accept them.
  8. Alex-Corsa

    Guzzi Future?

    Start buying from now extra parts just for the sake of needing them some time,so you'll have the around. As fas as engine life goes, eith proper care that's not a problem for a Guzzi. About the new Breva motor, it was tested on going Full throtle on the test ramp (with all necessary oil changes I suppose..LOL )and the engine life was 60,000miles , that is equal (according to Aquile magaz.)to 200K miles, pretty good for engine life isn't it.? btw nice avatar.
  9. Alex-Corsa


    If you want a reliable , comfy and classy tourer bike ,Get a Beemer,(BMW) they're able to get you to the "other side of the world" with out a stop. Definatelly THE touring bike. Breva 11 is also goin to hit in this class I guess.(with a little air protection up there)
  10. Alex-Corsa

    Guzzi Future?

    LOL hehe, that's also a sign of the promoting that the Jap bikes get. I hope one day the press wake up and start thinking what is really in interest to sell. The Japs build bike with mostly one purpose to sell, no character very neutral. And they're really into a big marketing straegy game at the rate that they fool the people, i.e. Some brands will buid a supersport moyo with USD fork and the other without it , but with other features that the previous brads didn't fullfil., they they come up the nest year and ad th rest features and so on, crap. MT1 or whatsoever is a try to build a custom big cubics big tourgue bike, but the result is not so ridable. You see for a Jap to build a bike to be ridable this bike has to have a weight under 200k or even less. They miss the point since it is the way that all things are put together in a motorcycle so with a biger weight the bike can still be fun to ride (good chassis,ect.ect.) As for design and originality , they always have to steal from someone whether this is Italian or other European or US design.For example look at the tail part of the 1100Sport this was first introduced in 93-94 this "thin lined" slice look was then latter introduced to Jap bikes after 98 and latter improved and went even thiner but it was a copy, copy ,copy copy. They should have stayied on building moped then this would have saved lot's of peoples lives from the crap they build all the time.And the press should try waking up and write something real at last. Every year I listen the same about new models.WTF
  11. I use nothing but Brembos right now, on medium compount (when I find).I noticed that they give me a good bite yet a "comfy" felling on the braking(hard to explain)I do like them at the momment.
  12. Alex-Corsa

    Guzzi Future?

    Something like this?
  13. Indeed a lean angle. Ahhaaa
  14. Alex-Corsa

    Guzzi Future?

    I personally like the Breva tank and design, it is tasty and originall, for a bike in it's class and type.Look at others like these TDMs and Vstorms or whatever for instance, nothing but a but ugly masses(for the masses). Even the Multistrada has same uglyness inside but though it has the Ducati character and the lines are sharp in a way and that saves a bit the situation. Anyway the jugement would be a better for all ,when the bike is seen live, everything is different live and especially volumes and so on.Photos don't do justice. At the other hand I think that Guzzi should have maintain the thiner tanks in designs at the V11 that Aprilia messed it up a bit, though it has character too.
  15. That's easy. Because it looks Good ,feels Good and Sounds Good,(all these in any order that anyone likes) The basic difference I see on a turbo is the aditional HP and a Fast engine wear.It is a matter of taste actually.
  16. Alex-Corsa

    New Member

    Guzzis are just unique, One can say that it is either love'em or hate'em situation but I see it differently.Because once you appreciate their character and riding qualities you are really know that this was the bike you're looking for so long. Other than that is all same, beacuse every bike haves pros and cons, it is just an idea of intimidation that the press mostlly puts in the minds of the people and steer them to easy to find on the market bikes and that's all. Wellcome and enjoy
  17. Alex-Corsa

    01 or 03?

    Also the o1 has a 5speed gear box and the 03 a 6er , right?
  18. Alex-Corsa

    Guzzi Future?

    Well, I think I'll continue buying me 1100i Sports', till they make up their mind about what to produce
  19. Actually what does seperates Guzzi from BMW in terms of getting HP down the road? They both have a shaft and they both have considerable torgue.Mostlly at the same amounts.
  20. Cool , you got this super good supertwin? I'll wait for a handling behaviour comparsion review with other Guzzi you may have
  21. Obviously the chick has to get a hold on her pants,it seems they're falling off. I never understood why people agonise models to depict Bikes. And what a bike here phew in this one Ducati has followed the Jap. dinosaur On-Off things that look butt ugly and steer the same as well. Well , a 999 is a thoroughbred supersport, the RSV as well is a classy bike as well
  22. Yeah, I always thought that Guzzi engine sounds are reminished of propeler aircraft, especially those of WWII, that's also what attracts me to Guzzi. Let us not forget what the Guzzi sign is.
  23. ...LOL yes , first time I heared those Duck clutsch noises I thought the machine was damaged.Always something clinging inside there.
  24. Thanks Paul for both answers, cleared up my mind .OK. A calli engine ,oops not for me
  25. Hallo, thanks for the answer,really I don't seriouslly think of changing the trail but maybe do it for a try with these bearings perhaps latter. The main question is,Now that I don't intent to change any rake-trail bearings but just renew the originals should I replace both or just the one (upper SKF thing)? Thanks
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