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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa
Thanks for all these usefull answers.Though I am a little bit confused at the point of which bering should be changed.If not the complete angle steering bearings are used. As I understood there are 2 bearings , one upper (this SKF simple type) and one at the down (conical thing)Now should I change both every time , or just the upper.? To my example Agostini sells the original bearings for the 1100 at a price of aprox 60Euros.Now I suppose that this "original" kit includes the conical thing too.Right? The question is , should everything be replaced ?both bearings=buy a kit (normal or short wheelbase) or just the upper SKF (found in local dealer)is taking the wear? I will have my front fork removed in some days that's why I find a good chance to be prepeared and change the bearings too(precausionarry ,can't sence any wear when driving). If the SKF thing is the main to be changed then it can be found on the market and there would be no necessary mess to start ordering stuff. If I decide to make this short wheel base kit I think that I'll do it next time I'll visit Agostini (probably summer) Now the money is not the problem ,but the importand thing is the right spending of it. The convertion bearings from Ago.
I saw these WP forks yesterday at my WP dealer I felt like walking into a jewelery store these things looked jewels to me This has awakened me again the desire to make a custom bike
It is called lamminated wood , but if the width is thin then this wood is not going to hold. In case of wood , better make a custom frame of solid wood pieces (bars)joined-re-enforced on the corners with metal corner plates.But then again wood is not long lasting enough in such small dimensions when exposed to moisture,ect,ect. (i.e. if it is not joined-glued at the whole lengths, can loose shape) P.S> Paul pls check out my question here: Question on V11 Engine topic
When I think of mods,I think of Paul. Hey Paul I need your advice on that. I will have my front fork removed for changing oil and stuff, I think is a good chance to fit new steering bearings (dunno if they are worn out but since the fork will go away I think is a good chance to put some fresh ones) Now ,I have called Agostini and they tell me they have 2 kinds of steering bearings normal ones (about 60Euros) and the inclined angle ones for 192. So pls remind me. The question of course is if they're worth to but, what is the reduction of the angle after these put on? Does this mean that every time I change steering bearings that I'll have to pay 190Euros or so????!! What do I need for bearings? should I buy the whole set or should I just look I SKF parts and that will do it, What will I need finnally? I ask much? I know you're the Guzzi mods encyclopedia. Thanks ALEX
Here goes a translation Sie bieten auf eine Moto Guzzi V 11 Cafe Sport = You bid for one Moto Guzzi V11 Cafe Sport Bj 01-03-2005 ohne Zulassung =Build year 01-03-2005 (don't think so) Nach einem Diebstahlschaden wurden folgende teile entwendet = after the bike was stolen the following parts has been removed Gabel, Felge, Bremsanlage, Gabelbrücken, Lenker, Schaltarmaturen, Kotflügel. Kabel wurden durchtrennt = Fork,Rims,Brake system,triple clamps,Steering wheel, switches of the instruments (perhaps some switches -cables there)front fender kables were being broken. Technische Daten: Technical details Moto Guzzi TYP: KT KW: 67 / 8200 Hubraum: 1064 Leergewicht: 246 kg Bereifung: Vorne 120/70 ZR 17 Hinten 180/55 ZR 17 Kein Eintrag im Brief!!! NP liegt bei ca. 13.500 EUR== No entrances on the licence pappers!!! New price is about 13.500 2 Schlüssel vorhanden !!! =Two keys are given away Bei weiteren Fragen bitten wir Sie uns unter 06152-937368 anzurufen= If you have more questions call us at..... Versand in EU möglich!!!= Sending in the EU is possible Besichtigung nach telefonischer Vereinbarung erwünscht !!! Viel Spaß beim bieten ….=Inspection after telephone appointment is desired!!Have fun with bidding There were also many of Guzzi like this one also to www.mobile.de about 2-3 total I think, dunno but it would be better if someone checks the bike beforw to buy it and see the worth of itm though it is going to be a bargain offe at the enad I think
Should I ask for the serial number tag of the motor? Is there a way if having this number to check it out from what kind of engine is? (PS ect.ect.) Shoudn't he have in his receipt of parts which engine is this?i.e. 1100 or Cali?
Hallo , I didi ask him about the motor and he told me that he got it from a closing dealer together with hundrents of parts. After that I guess he got it on a bargain so the price is also low. But for me it will be much more if I buy it since I'll have to travel there, pack the engine, and get it back here and that's another 500quids minimum.(or about so). Well I'll see. There was another offer before one year at ebay for a brand new 1100motor, I think with the injectors too and was sold for 2200Euros(1500GBP) This motor seems to be well reserved but then again if you don't see it and check it out nothing valid can be said,ebay is most times almost like a "blind date" ..
......... I guess that the freedom we fought for (or better our anchesters fought for) Is the freedom to be given to big companies &co (Gonv.ect.ect.). to ask from us (the people) whatever they may rule.Or about so, the freebom of them to rule us the way they want.Simple isn't it?
These are 2 different things to compare though they have many simmilarities. A F'50 outperforms most if not all cars of it's racing class the MGS doesn't. It can't go next to a 999R or a R1 tunned for race ect.ect. But MGS1 for sure is: 1.A piece of art. 2.A limmited edition Moto Guzzi. &The strogest motor gone out from the factory to public 3.Lots of quality there (I suppose) 4.A piece of art indeed. But is back on performance when put next to simmilar class motorcycles. Therefore we can say that such machine (in this price-performance-ect.ect.) are mostlly made for the MG fan , though not only.
My airbox is custom cut from Dynotec and actually this is a modification I can safelly recommend (since Dynotec does...LOL) There are 2 paralellogram holes over the top of the box. one inch distance from each other about 2x4cm each. Any available pics of the FBF thing?
Interesting to gettinng it, anyone knows what should I be carefull of? Nice offer but though the seller has not so many comments. What do you think?
I'll have to dissagree about the WP , I think (and not only me) that it is an excellent unit.WP is also a brand that has racing developement and so far I only hear best critics about it. From people that are racing them. Problems can happen if the maintainance is not right but that doesn't mean that the suspension isn't good. So far I am totally satisfied about the WP susspension of my bike and I would recommend it to others too.
That's all crap. Everyone thinks now that they can gain a few more bucks vecause the bike didn't make ir into production and that will make it rare. It is rare but it cannot sold like a rarrity until things clear up. In 10-15 years or more a bike like this in mint condition will have it's rare values. You can't just sell sth that is now on the market with a list price more than that price.I see watches for example. Breitling for instace, has made up a few models in very rare production with serial number(300pieces or 1000series), yet again these are sold list price or less(well almost all Breitlings are of limmited production collectibles anyway)Maybe in some more years will have some value (that goes to anything collectible).And that's not a standard , it will also depend of the status of the brand in the market,the demand of the people about that piece, ect.ect.ect.
I second that too , hope that everything works at the best of luck next time (or every time) around. Having unlucky momments is sometimes innevitable,well hopefully they just stay little and that's at least what I can say for the better. The other day was my speedo cable (inside) cut and now I have no tachometer indication. Anyway ...who needs it...LOL.. I really am in a mood of not riding the bike until is fixed and this will be done sometime soon. Best of luck
Truck drivers , diesel engines, I guess this test is about big diesel trucks. And where's the UFI air filters there?Is this somekind of advert? Well they maybe true but all it is is just trying to squeeze steel out os a mosquito. My K&N works fine I just bother to clean it once in a while and that's enough.
It seems that this green V11 above has been really "Road attacked" ....Be carefull people photos with lean angles can look sweet but hide good danger in them. Every time one has to be very carefull and causious on the total setup of the bike before getting on the track.Tires and susspencion are the most important ,concerning the bike. People seem to be buying sometimes cheaper tires ,but on the long run they cost much much more than a really good tire.
That's a worthy input about it, it would be best to see a new Guzzi racer out there on competition,this might take Guzzi stakes higher.And we should have both. Guzzi was born through the races and none can doupt that.Anyway as things are at the momment it is like a summer dream to count on Guzzi getting back to the races,ideas though exist. And I hope (since there's nothing else I can do about it) to see a Guzzi racer like this or whatever (And have it on production too) I wonder what would the world say ( ) if Guzzi realizes a project like this ,below, which is even more extreme...hehe (V-8 cylinder engine) It would definatelly hit the moto GP class if the engine-chasis-reliability factors will exist on such a bike.Plus it has Guzzi tradition-power and character. Guzzi develops a lot of ideas and or innovations over the years but few make it to the product-line though I believe they could have been more and successfull too.
Thanks for the info Al and I'll check these threads out for my education. A simple question is, should I worry about a problem like this on my 5Speed gearbox? of the Sport 1100i??... I hope not.
Very fresh indded, I can feel the breeze coming from the sea! Next time remember, it's your turn
Damn! if I had bought all the MGS1's before they hit the market they would be posting my bikes' pics now.....
What ,where is the "breather"?
Ooops I guess I am a bit dump...LOL. Yes you're right , this is also an interesting thing that I am thinking about to doto my bike.And since our bikes are te same model I am waiting forward to see the dyno facts >I am thinkig to do this , this summer in Germany. Cheers ALEX Sound is great , though a bit distorted I couldn't enjoy full quality but I an imagine though
That carbon fender looks perfect !! A rear fender like this woould cost about 200-250Euros new in shop I think/. I just got today my front fender carbon for my 1100i sport Corsa. Believe it or not I got it new in ebay for 45Euros from Germany. I am so excited because this thing is so light. I thought to make carbon all my bikes plastics(fairings ect.ect.)Then I would gain many kilos out of the bike. (Though empty my pockets well ) Anyone has any idea if there's someone who can or makes stuff like these? Grusse Cantaloop schreib mal ein bisschen mehr oft hier.
Thanx for the info,though I havethe Sport 1100i Corsa and not a lemans type of Guzzi. I have checked today and found out that the wire inside was broken. I'll go replace the whole thing It has done it's duty for over 30K miles.