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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Thanks Zeb....In which tempratures do you dash and when should one start being causious. Have you noticed differences in the way the temp raises -fails between different oil ,types (sae or brands) and what are your conclusions, reports?(Zeb.- Paul?) Thanks Paul, give me a call when you're ready. I almost forgot . Cutting this perticular tank at the marked point ,the design of it will be aesthetically diminished (more or less),depends also on the changes of the rest "dress" to be done.My on 30yrs of painting experience. Thanks
  2. Ohh that's right , I am definatelly thinking in getting this cockpit from Daes-Guzzi I want to have an oil temp in And I am a big fan of these analoge instruments,Great choice there .Hey Paul can you tell me a couple of times or more that the oil temp can be a very useful instrument? (I believe it is and I have my reasons,but there are ppl that consist I don't need this in a Guzzi ) Hmmmm... I begin to like your bike more , do you sell it? ..... .....Just kidding of course.
  3. Alright , I will still doodle around ebay trying to find some best offers, so far this is the best value for money bundle that I have found containing a software with ALL Europe (though upgrade maybe neede to 4.2ver.)Bluemedia Pocket PC +Navigon 4 or this oneMEDION CYBERCOM MDPNA 150 I have no idea what or how good this last one is. ?Looks like a nice offer and handy design with lot of screen place.Looks like a cyber radio transistor.. I hope finding a few more so that I choose. If you're going to traver Europe West France or Germany or Switzerland.Drop me a notice early enough so that I can put in my schedule and perhaps meet. I do plan to go to Europe this Summer and intend to make the travel interesting by scheduling meetings ,events ect.ect. (Though I may not go to the MG fest in Mandelo)...dunno.
  4. In my whole carrer as Virtual pilot I could never get down to learn these choppers and couldn't fly them.I would like to do the pilot job,(actually flying was one of my dreams as a young kid). I guess I am maybe too old now in my mid thirties for piloting planes..but I would concider it though.
  5. Looks better now. I guess that tank needs a bit paint-finish.... ..What have I remembered now when last year I have added a couple of clear doat layers on my tank for extra protection.Well actually the paint was not touched at all.
  6. Thanks again DVH and you can delete these attachements if you wish in order not to take of your global space. That featur of auto zoom is great don't know if other programs have that too bt sounds very usefull. I just look for a software that is as versatile as it can be,y'know won't really hang around to try the whole bunch ,one good is enough but it's got to be versatile. Anyway yes I am trying to find a bargain in some ebay shops mostly from Germany , thay have a lot of stuff there and good prices. Bargaining on a Yakumo 300 with most Europe maps (hmm not the tomtom though) and 1G memmory for about 380Euros.New right out of the box. Check out this page for updating speed cammera positions , there are for every nav.software. www.radarfalle.de Ok it may be in German but most words you'll need are English based.Blitz is the word for "flash"generally used for speed radars too. At the left board you'll find the names of the software thet supports as well as the below plug in: Here is a plug in with an extra software for speed traps seems to be free (though is says that you have to register ti download-have not tried it yet)SpeedLimit 1.0 Here some payware inkluding some speed traps Payware Speed traps Software Here a plug in for Tomtom seems to be free to me with redar positions on Netherlands, Germany ,Austria, Switzerland. Nice pics there of the interface that looks more map familiar to me. tomtom Plug in Yet another for tomtom tomtom overlay with English language option P.S.-(Edit) Do youget any altimeter indications with this software?
  7. What article? which magazine?
  8. All thse sound superspecial and look just about the same,Having the ability to find parts and even sell them save lot's of the original costs.Yes this is a clue on having a project bike and don't cost you a fortune.What I am more surprised is that complementing and changing parts on one ready for sale bike create another with equally or better handling.It all is a combination of good to best quality parts,all put together and make a whole new bike.I don't quite understand it because if I made a bike myself I would have to sit down and mathematecally calculate to prove to my self what is there and why. Definatelly making your own bike is more fun....hmm ...errr.. I mean you learn about it much more (therfore can possible repairs are easier due to knowlege)than anything else.That's also a plus on driving it and ajusting it as well..Definatelly you know what you are riding Furthemore I can't ask how much a bike like this cost you (excluding personal work-only parts) because of the nature of getting parts and the time period that is being done.But I have as well undestood that someone will need all the parts composing a bike :i.e. Frame, wheels ,suspension(s),brakes, motor,swingarm,electrics,exaust,tank,fairing and all the other "dress" of the bike, and start right? I guess ,I will have to make my calculations and perhaps start my own too. Do you guys have any videos available with these bikes? II have downloaded one from your Frensh site but it's only static. I have made some with my Corsa mostly on board and I am planning to produce sometime a nice one with music and sport to supersport riding in magestic scenery around Europe. Possible to to track time too.I am also planing to visit east north east Frensh alps latter this Summer. Having seen and said all, now I'll have to take five now....and take care of my 11...where is my Auto Glym polishing cream?...
  9. Thanks Paul.Well yes I start to understand, from someone that has some experience on the subject.I know what to have as a target I just balance my thinking on getting a stock sport and only tune it for good or just start taking parts or go for ordering chasis and build myself the rest (with my mechanicer help? ). And money can be a problem sometimes when something is overpriced and or I can't appreciate it (for it's price) or find some acceptable to me reasons of why should cost it so. I see you have some triple clamps made ,like of CNC machining, I was used to design and cut on a Datron M1 CNC machine(i think M1) before a couple of years. You can actually do (cut) anything you can imagine (with the "right" program and work on it) I have this program and doodle some times, if you need anything just ring the bell. P.S. That's sound interesting. Is this custom made on any tank? or only ready for sale ones?
  10. Did he make the mistake of putting Racing pads to the brakes?Because it won't brake at all then (street use)
  11. Thanks again for all the info I seem to clear the subject, I have one question more, so far I have checked many sites and found various softwares. Though I didn't look at the central sites of the software publishers if all (or which) of these programms have the options of downloading locations of speed cammeras (Only tomtom does has this option so far I have searched.) Well the little problem for me is the interface and how the maps of this tomtom look actually(I have only seen close ups of the maps in pics-but how is it the look from a "unzoom" ratio?) here i.e. in Michelins map there is a more "map familiar" interface of the street card. This helps. Other example is Microsoft's Auto route , in there you can even choose between political or regional...map look.Are there any options like these in these GPS's softwares? Then there is also this Navigon program with nice interface But for all this I dunno if there is any speed cammera option at all (will check out though) Yes these pics show map with greater ratio. Does tomtom look about like this when out of zoom? (big ratio map) Thanks
  12. Great a "Guzzila" with 2Vave engine Have not seen that B4 Well hi, since I see there you guys have some experienece on making custom bikes , there I have to ask you a couple of questions.Well I was thinking on making sth custom(next year) but I don't know where to start?Or where should I start. Well of course I can go to the Dynotec (last year was there and saw the "facts") and order one but this costs ....cough..cough...s**t...cough...cough...cough) Or go to Ghezzi Brian and order sth?? (Here I don't know how much ...cough..cough...I'd have to go for..since I was not being there yet.),Any clues? The other idea is to get a normal 1100Sport and start changing things here and there and tune it,what do you suggest (if you have some time to bear me and write a couple of lines i'd really thank you)What is important to change (i.e. on chasis, or wherever)? Or how can I minimise the costs and do only what is necessary? . I like the looks of Paul 's bike or sth like the MGS1:food: chasis-look is also of what I am thinking of (whith a 2Valve engine ). You don't have to write everything analytical(except if you like to -no problem) but some info to get a clue. Thank you P.S. What about this Ghezzi Brian ,zebulon? how is the handling compared to another machine? i.e. a 999 ?
  13. Thanks everyone for your input, a couple of questions DVH, does this Hp ipaq 2210 use a "blue tooth" antenna for the GPS or is it intergrated?Cause I have heared that it is better having an intergrated GPS thing than blue tooth, for better funtionality (connectability,and or less cables ,ect.ect.) Though sometimes these PCs without any intergrated antenna seem more capable, then again I don't know. 2.Yeah I have heared these Garmins but it seems they require their own software maps only (ooops not so much compatibility)and they are too expencive (hardware-software wise)I think I'll stick to the PDA thing,and when it's rainy I'll have to hide it,or make a "custom" waterproof suit for it. I have also heared of the tomtom program and as well as the Navigon 4.2 that has all Europe. I have also heared that this (tomtom I think) gan give you warnings of radar ahead of you so you can avoid a possible speed ticket, is it so? Is it an "extra" feature" or is it another program? Which on is better I don't know. Thanks
  14. These Carillos that he's selling are of a longer stroke 144mm instead of 140 that the standard 1100 is using.In any case they'll require big moods to the bike in order to be fitted and that is actually a can of worms to open. No .thanks
  15. That would be interesting, Well here's an idea,if you could record some sound of "before"and "after" and post it here I think that would also be of interest as well
  16. Nope.Though it's hard to get lost nowdays days you can always stop ,ask and go(at least), and it's cool to have in a spot hotels ,gas stations,whatever near you in case you need any of these, even if it is a radar near you for avoiding perhaps a speed ticket.All these (and more) in one package I think is worth trying especially when you're 2000miles or so, away from home
  17. Gearbox oil change at least every 6000miles and check at least every3000miles P.S. (edit) All above according to owners manual.(change at 10000Km and check at 5000Km)
  18. I always wear my full face race helmet at all time and at any circumstances. I have learned in lesson in life and that is that s%$t happens when you're not prepared.It may be only 0,001% of the whole time the time that you're not prepeared ,but then is usually when s**t can happen,when you're not prepared and mostly then it's sounds odd but that's how it happens. (because if you where you may have not noticed it or not happen at all). i.e. On one rescent post I did I am talking about the traveling with GPS assistance, Y'know I am not going to be depended on a device to tell me where I have to go , or either is for me the only thing to find my way , I have done thousants of miles so far and never had a serious problem but some little adventures (that I sence they could have been turned into a problem).But why would I need this,well it may be a time only a little time in a jurney a couple of thousand miles away from home that I could be alone and need the indication of a gas station or a hotel or something that I would need that time and I could have no clue where to find it.Believe me and it doesn't have to happen but this time this very little but (possibly)very important time I will have most of the problem (if not all)solved.That's just a small example but being prepared is the basis of all So for Christ shake :BE PREPARED, just make it as a habbit and....y'know allways.Be....
  19. I second that
  20. I use Motul sae 80-90W mineral for the Gearbox and for the back drive sump i used the same but now I use Motorex Hypoid 80-90W alond with the Motorex additive HPLS specially made for use like the Guzzi back drivebox This is in 125ml tube and lasts for 1,2litter mixture of oil. (5changes) It is available also from Stein Dinse
  21. LMAO Guzzirider. That's what I meant too Well actually Garmin is a company related to GPS and aviation stuff and is a big industry provider Here is a short company profile Garmin Company Profile I agree with all the above , the excitment of the ride and the journey I ussually ride without so many info or directions, except a map that I may have. So being a ride passing through "unknown" territory is one of journeys "exciting"aspects. As I said I ussualy don't have any directions where I go ,except a map that I'll look on gas station stops and or when I'm not sure where to turn.And that's where I need this GPS thing I want to go where I aim (or where before 20 min. desided to pass through).But not getting unwanted routes and spent more gas. And there are some moments where the time is due and there isn't much of it to ride around. Hehe the last thing usualy I try to look for is a motel-hotel because I enjoy the riding or some stops most time passes outside on the street , would be great to have something there to point me out at last minute (before it gets to dark...lol)to a hotel or something.And I mean just about where it is not directly to the door. . Or if I take a decline route to see what else is there I would like sth to give me info i.e. about any gas stations in the near so that I can estimate when or if I need one. So just having the opportunity to know what about is in the near is a great safety feat in journeys. I am not a tech freak (that's why I ride a Guzzi.... )so I ain't gonna spend all the time taking the GPS as only guide but only as a usefull street advisor when I think I need to.I don't like depending on tech devices but I think I can use them a little to save time I am glad that it is can be used (mounted) somewhere , anywhere on the motorcycle and as I see it is about as I imagine it.
  22. Just about what I think of the screen limitation, though the most important is to know where you are every time, so you target where to go.Finnally a journey companion like "turn left", "go straight"....slow down. (if these things "speak")is also O.K. since you can respond " Ohh..SHUT UP" and don't get missunderstood. Thanks
  23. Just a link about the corsas Pirellidiablo And here is a link to the test of the German magazine Motorrad where they put the tyres on a really good compartion test.A very valid opinion magazine Tyre test results Well actually is in German and to help a bit here is the most importand criteria translated,other than that just hve to look at the numbers. Shimmy=about tankslapping [when acceleration(we Guzzisti don't have such problems ) ] Handlichkeit= Handling (right left easyness in flickability in track or road) Lenkpräzision=Precision of steering Haftung Kurven= Grip on the curves Haftung Beschleunigung=Grip when accelerrating Kurvenstabilität = Stability inside a curve Grenzbereich = Grip at the limmits of the tyre (in curves wet or dry) Aufstellneigung= This has to do when in brakes if there is good responce on the steering grips, or if the bike will hold steady like or have to be corrected.,ect.ect. Gesamt = Overall (rating) Rundzeiten= Track times (one round on the track) The criteria are more analyticaly described here: Test Criteria Also in German with a good PC translator you can get some meaning. Same test board for Touring tyres Touring Tyre Test results At the second board are the scores in wet test. Test were not done in a Guzzi but basic criteria as the Grip and the stability on the curves can be taken into concideration.
  24. Hallo, all of us have travelled some small or big trips with the bike. I a last big tour I did last year,over 6000Km in20 days I did schedule quite a few destinations.Most of them unknown and there were also a couple I had to add in the way.I cannot really count how many time I had to stop for checking if I am going the right way before higway intersections, or in small country roads. I saw very few people having these little devices looking like pcket PCs (or they were actually PDAs) having showing them ways and other infos when traveling along the road. As I am thinking if a divice like this shows you where you are along it's screen map and where you are going (along that pre scheduled route) this can save a conciderable time and money and both are needed when traveling Does anyone uses any of thet stuff and which ones are recomended.Are there any - (minuses) in these devises?(i.e. which one to get)I think seriously to get one of these before I hit the road this summer. Below I have some links from ebay auctions.(German-good market here in Europe for buying elect.devices) Most of them have an intergrated GPS antenna,and even software with maps or even "Blitz warnung" warning about radars so you don't get overspeed tickets. Is it finnally the software to be used more in importance of the device?? Cause It seems that the options are as many as the software allows you to do so and there are good prices for that stuff as well. POCKET PC MIT NAVIGATION PDA POCKET PC & GPS NAVIGATION YAKUMO delta Navigator + 512MB HP IPAQ h5550 TOP-NaviSet I notice , some of them have an extra memmory card, but dunno what is that usefull for in these new PCs(OK I estimate-the bigger memmory the better) Any usefull input will be appreciated.
  25. Almost everything I really enjoy is coming from Italy,apart from the bike or my helmet(AGV-Rossi-Italian flag )To Italian "identity"food Pasta-Pizza,to good wines and even Italian 18-19century music(Corelli,Veraccini.Tartini,Pagannini...list is big)and rennesance painters,I don't force it ,it is just there naturally. I guess I have to learn some Italian too,because the last time I was there it was difficult to comunicate because almost none spoke any English Salute P.S. Is that ECH helmet airbrushed? I do stuff like these sometimes if I like.Art painting is my profession.
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