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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Just for the record there is also a KN airbox Filter substitute for the Guzzi airboc, without removing anything.It si being instaled in mine Would be interesting to see any dyno results
  2. Nice work it's being done, would love to see this Goose turning on video. OMG is this how the bike looks like now
  3. Alex-Corsa

    My V11s pics...

    [Have always enjoyable rides with this beautifull Telaio Rosso V11
  4. O.K. I don't ride a V11 but the 1100i, anyway, I have quite some vibrations on the handlebars,but I like them, they just keep me awake when riding O.K. go on now
  5. So if anyone can add his knowlege to this question What about the 10W-60W Agip racing Full synthetic? Is it a good oil for our engines.10W Viscosity is better than 20W for early morning starts I suppose ,i.e. 0-10'C. (Spring-Autumn or winter) and I guess it can also be used in summer too. I am not an expert so this is my assumption. So is it good for our V-twin MG engine construction ?, or even more is it a better choice than the 20-50W in the above mentioned conditions.?
  6. Thanks once again Paul (and everyone).Ahhh bumps here are so many it is embaracing.Having traveled most Europe I use my bike here as less as I can.
  7. No problem, you can PM me if you wish, I'll tell to no one
  8. Spot on.. that's what he has..... Look at his story...He has the MGS1 and now desided to go "Super Moto racing"....LMAO Yea sure we believed you , he might not even own the bike as well.. Now,how much cost these MGS's actually? I have heared list price 25K Euros=aprox.33.5K USD ,aprox 17.4K GBP,........aprox377K Pesos (Mex) Anyway how much is the real price....anyone?
  9. Take care that if you want to paint on a muffler it better be HOT where you paint on it so that the appropriate paint will stay there for long time. ED> And here is a racing Xover on ebay if anyone is interested (new) Racing X-over For V-11 Edit2. If the exaust doean't get hot then proceed as other situations of painting the same material-.
  10. 1. I didn't know that, so actually there can be sth like 30mm Seems something like this It isn't mine, I got this from an Italian site somewhere I can't recall 2. I know that less(moving) mass on the wheels the more flickable the bike is What I don't exctly know is hoe this weight affects the grip on the street.? Butis the tyre grip more or less afected?And what about the stability on ,i.e. a street bump is it a + or - with lighter wheels? I am not a super sport driving guru I just enjoy some sport riding whenever I like doing so ,so sorry If I don't know all these stuff.
  11. Thanks, what you say is right.I was also adviced this from Dynotec before some months.That is especially usefull if there is a 160/60 profile.4-10mm is enough,though is a bit different than a shorter wheelbase. To tell you the truth now that I think is not quite nessesary, but Y'know we all have bees on our cups and thinking all the time to change little bits. Finnally the 160/70 is the right choice since that little height at the back of my seat is a difference but I don't get the same grip on touring tyres as on these M1s. Is not that of a trouble but I will try the yokes sometime it costs nothing importand I like this forum so far plenty of ideas
  12. Thanks Paul, thanks for the info.I guess that this is a bit too much to do to my bike.I would be interested to save 1 inch or 2 from the wheelbase but not cutting the frame under any circumstanses at also additional cost.Actually money is not a big problem but the fact that I have to cut the frame and wield it again.At he other hand all things have a cost and I think (at the moment)not to estimate a change like this for this cost. Thanks once again,I'll have in mind these triple clamps
  13. So in order to chang the front systems angle is required some bearings? I have seen somethin like these in Ghezzi-Brian site, at the other hand I have checked this daes-mototec site and they give it a a whole kit with triple clamps and cost over 1000Euros. If you could tell me what is enough to do? Does it require only a couple of bearings or is it finnally a complete kit, how much should I expect it to cost and what do you suggest/ Since I'm planning for doing someEurope touring this summer I'll try to combine it with making some light mods to my bike. I can't give you any more bit of advice concerning the frame you want to have but the before mentioned,Is it really costy to get a licence , orsimple it can't be done? And btw what's the price of the Guzzila frame>? ALEX
  14. Is it really DrJohn, I thought he was on some Carebian island relaxing. Thanks will check em out.
  15. The "New" Guzzila is naow being made with EU specs and gets a licence plate.I shot these photos from the lasts year Sept.Daytona Treff (meeting) in Germany. That's my Sporty Corsa, Actually I don't know how much this can be of a help but there is a European Union dictation, that states If a viechle gets specs and licence in one country of EU then it can be registered on another too (without having to pass tests if these are already done in the other country)Now this is good and valid if you buy a custom bike i.e. from lets say U.K. and bring it to another country.Have not done it yet my self (since I only got a normal factory model) Check here for more (try vehicle directives) E.U. Info ....just a moment.... ....I think this is it Vechicle Type Approoval There are also at other languages at the top right corner But still I have not understood ,you don't have a licence plate for that Guzzi?. Anyway a friend of mine in Germany that collects Bikes had also an overworked RS motor from dynotec (pretty much stock look) but many changes though, for "bashing in Hockenheimring producing about the same HP you say.Though it gets more I recon in other stage or so. Now he's bashing on a Duc.999s and has the RS at the garage also got one like mine after seing "her" I was thinking to make some minor changes in mine, like redusing a bit the trail of the bike , but i'm not sure if that will affect the stability??? of the especially if I meet a bumpy turn on the street while I am traveling.Twin spark is a second option, but I am staying sceptical because boring holes on any motor isn't my cup of tea.
  16. I use a knife instead of a chisel, ..works too Y'know,hehe
  17. My 1100 doesn't produce 120hp simply because it is not bored to be about 1300ccm, that's simple.More cubics more power.Can a motor handle it? Up to a sertain amount of power yes and concidering all right quality components and work are added.The most difficult I'd say is the COST OF PRODUCTION IF this has to be done in big numbers That's sure 100%.And they'd better be start storing some spare parts too I guess, I know what you mean and that's right. Do I have to tell you how many motors do the Ducati changes( brakes)In a single day abuse for WSB qualifications? At the other hand they shouldn't be making any motorcycles because to tell you the truth their engines brake every time. Still I know countless of people though with 99x..(you name it) that are using them on regular basis and still are working fine.And Ducati is selling them like crazy (and expencive too). True we abuse the bike much less ,but even a motor that brakes after a couple of hours (or less-Ducati) in hard race does make it into production. Besides it is a motor and especially if it is producing big HP is is reasonable to have failures after some conciderable km. None has to expect a tuned engine to last as long as an "untuned"(or with less hp) even with normal street use.That's why I still won't bore mine, and that's why you don't see many Jap. motorcycles with over 100K.km All I'm saying is that though things arean't "perfect" (or may as well a bit more further away from that) For some way or some reason there are companies that want to keep Guzzi out of racing competition.I know that it may sound a odd but that's the only logical explanations I can conclude plus the Cost of production -research too., don't know what other is it getting out as "excuse" but plain simple I can't believe any other.And all that about a company that has been "baptised" and born in races, what is thee?to stay out and perhaps end up doing cruisers? Anyway be as it may I have my Goose and I'm a happy camper over here. That's also a reason I "stick" on 2valve engines It's too hard to get out of stock P.S. Paul,that Guzzi you have looks awesome(not my cup of tea but is definatelly a$$ kicking),what hp do you have on it now.? How about it's steering-handling bahaviour?,Do you have kept the daytona frame, RS or 1000?
  18. For a couple of BHP more I am sure and tha can be done other way too, Now about the sound I had to know better,cause right now I like this grunty bass sound of the Lanfraconi, only that I want it a bit LOUDER and a bit more "dry" sound Cheers
  19. And what about that powerfull V10 project?Why didn't it ever came to production? I recon Aprilia has done more harm to the company as none else. They have even used the MG factory to assemply their own Aprilia crates ,haven't they? BTW a 2valve engine can put up to 120Bhp on the wheel with the right boring i.e. 1160i Sport engine can do a genuine114ps on the dyno.Concidering it's massiv torgue 116Nm at 6300/ a bike like that could kick ass!! anytime! .Also my Cheers
  20. I understand what you say,ussualy good thing take time to be completed, but Great things comes in a spark and ussualy there is little time to get everything better organized. Getting MG back to the races is one of those things. Really happy to see the Guzzi into some serious competition again,all best to all the people who helped for it. At the other hand personally I am dissapointed about how the MG marketing seems to work concerning the MGS1 thing.If they would get this bike into productionso that it gets a licence plate it would "sell like crazy" I got friends who are into these Japanese Sport bikes including magazine journalists and racers and most of them wanted to have a bike like MGS.Pitty, because it ain't going to be produced. We all hope we're going to see another powerfull project now with PIAGIO taking over P.S. BTW annima Guzzista is a great site Keep it up interesting
  21. I got the 40/200 and yes I use a 160/60 on a Metzeler M1 Sportec that has unbelievable grip.This summer because of touring I think I'll get these PIRELLIs GTS on ,I have heared always good critics concerning their cornering stability and grip. You are right about the sweet steering ,plus the bike lacks a bit on top end speed-acceleration now. These Mistrals are just the right option right now.At a price of 690Euros or so at Agostinis' Yet another question , what about any differenses in performance between the normal set up of the bike and while using the Termignoni exaust system?.Can you tell,have you used them both at your bike.?Just to fill my Guzzi "encyclopedia" of knowledge Regards ALEX
  22. And how that weight translate in compartion with the factory ones i.e. these marchesinis that the Sport1100i or the DaytonaRS's have? How lighter are they?
  23. Only a smal photocamera?..... Why,why,why,....I can't believe it.>LOL...Next time give me a call, will turn up with a (good)cammera ( Anyway , are you working with those Guys (Classic Co.)?
  24. Hehe What a smal world, I have had this pic of the Corsa on my PC as I was looking for sport Guzzis.That is you? ,nice. About the termignonis,they didn't come along with the bike as I got it second hand with 30k on her.I was looking to buy them, they are oval right.?But cant find these, If I buy normal ones they don't quite fit and will touch the back swingarm. I now opted for the mistrals as a choice MISTRAL probably the titanium ones (same as carbon here) Other than that the crossover and the rest of the pipe look like yours and there is also a K/N filter and a Dynotec chip inside (perhaps some little optimised bits from Dynotec ) and that's all. I have noticed that sometimes when I cut of my speed and throtle off ,dissangage clutch the bike sometimes was turning off (I have to make a couple of throtle "bruuumms" to keep it on)This has almost eliminated by the time I start using iridium sparks. But I am thinking to make these exausts and go a little from Dynotec to check it out. Some other question , you remember which tyres do you use in that photo? P.S. I have not seen any Yellow sport corsas hanging around.Haven't they ever made them?Or are they just so rare ?
  25. This is possible (TUV) these German technicians are genius on converting things. (Have been there and seen that) Let's see then what will the people at the MG factory say when the bike will get the EU specs to be able for a licence plate. Bacause from what I heared right now from Mandelo is that they won't make it (MGS)into normal production because they "can't" make it pass EU euro2 (or 3 or whatever) specifications having the right emmissions for getting licence plate. My is that this can be done. I have also heared to a factory recource a couple of days ago,that there is also a plan of producing some more MGS1 to be out latter this summer. .....Stay tuned. I won't buy or order any of them(though I can do this) for various reasons and one of them is that though before a couple of years they planned it for production now they "claim" that it can't have the correct Euro specifications for a street use , and I ask my self "Are they bulls%#g us? Y' know I can't buy such nonsence And perhaps IF I ever going to buy a special and powerfull guzzi I think I will be opted for something like this (but 2valve engine) These people who made the below bike know more about MGs that MG itself The below bike produces a healthy 147ps and has a licence plate and TUV..bla,bla....you name it Another resourse that I have and is the ones that provided the pistons for the race in Albacete (and I suppose many other tech stuff as well) said to me plain simple that the bike (MGS01) has a gerbox problem and that's the main reason for not taking it into production. P.S. Matheu are you from Germany? Viele grusse dann
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