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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. It's almost 3am and I have to go to sleep
  2. Yep got it right, I am also a MISTRAL believer. Once with fancy welding and I was left off while on tour with a broken crossover. Changed to MISTRAL , better weldings..... I have seen the enemy and that was sloppy welding
  3. Ohh man , If people come in here to ask about bycicles .... something is wrong. That makes me think...... hmmmmmmm Hmmmmmm. This is a damn Guzzi forum!!! we are supposed to talk about our big cc. (and so on , you name it.)
  4. I would get one that would be offered to get some lessons.... English I mean.... ...as well.
  5. Oh yes there is this vapor lock as well. I don't have any knowledge about it since the 1100 i Sport never had any issues about it.
  6. To my experience the most possible is that the problem lies in the intake rubbers. I had once similar behavior when one of the injector intake rubbers wasn't air tight and air used to leak in. You see once air leaks in once in a while then lean spots created, so to call them lean spikes and there are your "piffs" and "paffs"
  7. It was finally the Italian http://www.learnitaly.com/inno.htm
  8. Be sure , I will do my best. Though I can't match up up the lyrics to the melody after verse 8.. I mean the whole fro, 8-10 is like to big... I'll find out , I am doing some youtube search about it for a version with lyrics.
  9. yYep. Thanks Antonio , you made my day(s) Now I'll go translating the lyrics
  10. Lattely this melody has stuck to my mind and try to find a recording of it (wav or mp3) , to listen more often. Try to learn some Italian and need encouragement (well short off.) Heh , well, I like this melody what can I say, can't find a recording of it on the net to download. If you got any contact me. And I am talking serious
  11. Wellcome to the forum
  12. LOL, excuse my expression , that means without riding the bike..
  13. AFAIK from the time the tire is fitted to the bike and made some km , then it has to be used periodically(at least). If left for a period of over 6-8 months "unstepped" then it is pretty much not safe and definitely doesn't have the specs of the manufacturer. That's what my tire shop told me, and personally I wouldn't take the risk of not believing.
  14. I second that , the bike looks something like a fazer and a Triumph. Very banal look for a Guzzi , IMO out dated. My I hope it doesn't look like this. And to tell you something more , the very best of the newest Guzzi sport bikes as a design was the MGS (IMO except the tank that's a bit too fat...but..anyways)lot of people raving about it and even all that it never made it to street- licence production bike. And that perhaps could be OK, if they have something better to offer , but this? !! thiis!!! what is this ?!!! That's a bike abortion, are they on drugs or something?.... :lol:
  15. And how does it behaves when in brakes? Looks quite useful for longer touring,or for carrying lots of stuff with, cool.
  16. Ha , Really that was on ebay auction for a new original piece long time ago , starting at 50$ or about that. I have got the whole injector system for my bike though, including the pot for 90EUROS, all in great shape. from other ebay auction.
  17. Is this suitable for the 1100 ? That's a question that hs to be answered as well
  18. Perhaps you should look at REBOOT GUZZI spares, they have lots of second hand stuff. $600 for a pot , who's telling that crap (excuse me) that's rediculous!!!! perhaps they mean the whole injection system. I have seen the pot once in "original" price, NEW, for about $120-150 USD (WHICH also is a lot) Here is the TPS upside down view
  19. As long as it is the same red with the rest of the bike my artistic eye finds it really OK. That's my It's a matter of taste , if you like it , go for it. (as long as there is some harmony there.)
  20. And that's how it is without changing the oil filter and neither full draining the oil cooler from oil. Don't add any more it will blow engine sump gaskets......Been there and done that , and I'm never going back... It will be almost full with 2.8-2.9 liters when changing the filter too. Measurments I mention are with dipstick screwed in. I would say that with 2.4lt about half+ dipstick level , it is OK. After 0ver 55000 km in my 1100i and over 14 oil changes I guarantee you that's how it is for the 1100i and I never had a problem with oil or engine for that matter as well.
  21. I never stay or stayed in bad hotels. There's nothing wrong with checking the rooms before you pay or book. Just another reason for me for not paying for anything I don't see first.
  22. These must be the "newest" ones ,lol , all others I got including Guzzi gloves (talon) Jacket Brave and some pants I got were Romania Label.
  23. Yep it is time to give away chips for the Moto Guzzi Sport 1100 i. Developed by me after hundreds of hours work with AFR measurments using INNOVATE the LC-1 & XD-16 instruments. I have also optimized all the temptrature parameters and the altitude parameters as well. The chips you get are the fastest responce chips in the market with 90ns respond time. Chips are optimized for Mistral Crossover ans open exhaust as well as K-N or BMC airfilter in the box (no pods) But I recon it will work as well in other open exhausts as long as the corssover is the Mistral. You will get lots of torgue epsecially in 3000-4000 rpm and very very lively acceleration in all rpms. Meme who works on Agostini has tested my bike with my chip (even though that time wasn't that perfected) and in his own words said "Bike is very lively, very good , one of the best Sport 1100 i Guzzis I have ridden" That's all your for 75Euros this price includes registered postage everywhere you are + the 1100 i official workshop manual in CD pdf format. + 2CDs with Moto Guzzi workshop Videos. Attention U.S. users I would say that because we have different fuel here in Europe this chip will not work as well with the fuel you get in US. Check my auctions HERE or Here Thanks
  24. Te remark was on the email answer , not on my chip sale ...lol. For Christs shake no.
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