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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. If and when it does become winter here I intend to addres my suspension along with a long list of maint. details...however I don't expect or desire for my LeMans to be a "flickable" type bike. The smaller tire setup would no doubt make it quicker handling. I love the way Lopey the Lama likes to be set up early and throttled all the way around the arch.. Very "in the pocket" feeling. It's like apexing at the entrance of the corner... Instead of diving in then flicking, try setting up your line outside early and steer with the back wheel and throttle. Might not win any races but it is a friggin' blast and the guzzi is on rails. Forget drivin' in hard..breaking hard, flick and throttle. Use the FORCE Luuuuke...it flows through you...around you... I swear there's a grove out there that the Guzzi loves and is lovely to ride and P L E N T Y fast. Don't push it into corners, Let it pull you through corners. Just my Thats what I learned to do (real quick)and feel like I never had so much fun on a bike. YMMV
  2. Some wierd braking going on in those videos. Scarry. "I love it!! Speed up in the corners, slow down on the straight aways! Beautiful stuff Todd!" Yup........ Nice video..I like the camera position in the first one best. Rather hear the motor than music too. Nice road..no cars..no cops...lucky bastids...
  3. (860) 623-7795 Marsh MC They have NO web presence that I could see. I oughtta talk to 'em about that. No wonder a guy I know can't get his Coppa fixed.
  4. I've got 27K on mine, I felt a definate loosening up, better milage, better breathing at around 20K.......as advertised.
  5. Keep us posted Good luck
  6. My bet is your valves are too tight. Get off the factory specs and on the World Specs or Raceco Specs. Muuuch easier starting and happy motoring in general. No, there's nothing like it. It's fighting you because it's teaching you how to ride the thermals (corners) like a Falcon instead of a spastic humming bird. Give it another 1000mi in the sweepers... Thats Sophia Lauren ya got there, not Brittney Spears You think you like it now? Just wait till she finally teaches you how to do it all night long instead of a quickie in the mens room. Enjoy!! Oh...Kansas huh? They got corners there?
  7. Or linkage.. Even aware of this I rode most of 30 miles to my friends house thinkin' "Aww crap..whats with the tranny" Then the light bulb went on..got to his house, hosed the linkage with some white lithium...zing zang zowwiee... Yours may need a little wrench attention also. Keep us posted.
  8. I did mine by ear 20,000 mi ago Starts in a turn and a half, no pops pings or farts ..zero flat spots. Go figure.
  9. Merry Christmas you guys. Jaap, Pete, Greg. Todd, Ratchet. Nog, Baldini, Paul, Tom, Carl,dlaing, Bill , Antonio Greg, orangeokie, Helojim, Skeeve, g.forest, Ben, Martin, JRT, twhitiker, Alex, Gary, racerx, steveG, frenchbob, docc, r100t, stadetler (hope it's comming togeather) guzzirider, belfast, gforest, steveG, and anyone I've missed. It's an honor and a privlige. Especially Jaap, Thank you so much. 2007......Let's ride!!!
  10. Sometimes I catch her flirting with those heal clicking Bavarian types but we both know they could never leave thier fat fraulines with thier saggy tits. Besides, she would never stand for them muzzling her operatic voice. Oh yea..I let them dance with her while I take a few spins around the floor with Helga but she'd rather have my spurs digging into her thighs... Let the Aria begin. er...how's that clutch comming Ozzy?
  11. Great ...hope Guzzi gets involved somehow...and.. Good luck RacerX
  12. Gack! Tough luck. Hopefully it's just something foolish and simple. Welcome to the world of Guzzi. It's almost as if there's a right of passage. It's exactly like a woman saying "First you've got to PROVE you love me" It's like foreplay. She wants you to get to know her intimately before she'll bestow her favors on you. Luckilly mines been pretty much a slut and has given up the booty fairly easy. I laid down the law early on...."be good or I'll dump you for your cousin ST4s" Oh yea...I've lost my mind...
  13. Two up, naked, tent slalom.
  14. Here he is!!
  15. Wait till your riding it and crank up the torque.
  16. Just saw a battery tender comercial on Speed channel...it was plugged into a Guzzi!!
  17. Sad news. He was a legend and a hero to many of us.
  18. Wow...nice job on the fairing. With the miricle sunny high of 49F on Dec. 10 in New England, I'm off for a rondezvous with the guys from up north. Maybe get 150mi today. Waiting for the weather to force me in so I can get to the Guzzi chores. Shock, forks, headlight and a crazzzy paint job. ( Gotta leave the ''beige" behind)
  19. Hmmm A 32 year old Beemer.........Maybe it's just the pure fat torque of the Guzzi. You've got a beast between your legs there ya' know..
  20. Mine is me on my 80SP wearing my WWII Luftwaffe helmet and blowing a kiss to the infidel "Jay Leno" bikers.
  21. Wow. I'm honored to be among you. This is motorcycle culture at it's zeinith and proves out my long time belife that the Guzzists are the cream of the crop. I always have tools galore in my bags and always slow to get a thumbs up from a stranded rider and stop to help if I don't. This is what it's all about. And who dosen't haul down to stop anytime you see a Guzzi at a watering hole..or in some ones drive way. In these troubled times I just got to say: Hats off to Gary, Pete, Jaap, all the V11 forum citizens and the true motorcyclist everywhere. I'm absolutly proud of you all. Good luck staedtler. I know I'd be dying if my little freight train puked it's guts.
  22. Bah... Big deal either way. It'a grist for the main streem media mill. Opinions are like assholes...everybodys got one... and they all stink.
  23. "helpful to understand",= acquiesce to, negotiate with, and/or appease the "motivation" of terrorists? I think Winston UNDERSTOOD Adolf...more than Nevil. Why is it necessisary to equate "understand" with "acquiese"/ "appease" to mount your argument? It's intelectually dishonest. And the rest of your argument..... is remenisent of the fine print of a swindlers contract. Kind of in the "baffel 'em with bullshit" line of debate. Should we have joined in all out nuclear conflict with the USSR? Why did we bother to "negotiate" "appease" "understand" them? I'm real happy to have made your aquaintance Ratchet but if you want to follow an idealogical nimrod talking head (Bill Kristol- PNAC) into an ill advised foriegn policy built on dreams of empire I suggest you check your 6 before calling anyone "duped" or "brainwashed" (have you read PNAC?...and you still think the war wasn't pre-determined?) ...lov ya brother.......
  24. "Red hair and black leather...my favorite color scheme" "He gave her one last kiss and died...and he gave her his Guzzi to ride" ~~~sniff~~~ ...Thats the way I do it anyway...
  25. Geeze... no Tower of Bable option? As every 12 y.o. guppy rancher knows, you can only have so many guppies in the aquarium....then it's toss 'em all in the toilet and move onto neons or maybe barbed tetras or sumtin' If you go for sword tails be shure to put a cover on top.
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