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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. Next you'll get some 12' tall handle bars, take the shock off and then get the Harley you always wanted.
  2. Give Sadam his screwed up country back...it would serve him right.
  3. Hmmm....wonder if it's the change in season/ temp. Can't figure where the "clamp" goes...what about a spacer/spring between the manhole and filter bottom? I know I dont wail my filter on too tight because of the 4.5 hr fiasco on the first filter change.......... gulp.........
  4. MMnyaaa...Ducati...hmmm .. the great paradox... Yes it's the most lovely thing...But I just can't ride around like that... I need a real world unit... Had fun tonight playind darts in my buddies garage...leaning against his Monster between turns. Would love something in between that and my LeMans....Man I'm splitting hairs. I love everything about the Monster but would never trade ...just can't be foaming @ the mouth ALL the time.
  5. Ouiji Veck


    I finally drilled all the way through the whole mess and made a stainless steel, rubber, washer, screw, nut sandwich of the whole thing. I was running my friends out of zip ties...had to do something....works like a charm. Those Beemer boys get a lot of milage out of me every time something falls off or apart on the Guzzi.
  6. "Brest Monsters from Jupiter"..Damm! Fooled again! What really pisses me off is that someone gets paid to type that drivel... or paid even more to think it up...and it ain't ME! I have to go to work.....ugh..
  7. I've done a few 2-3000 mile trips on my LeMans and many weekends of around 1000mi usually with a flock of Beemers. A choice between an RT and my LeMans, the LeMans wins hands down. The R R on the other hand is a pretty playful puppy and though I've never staddled an RS I would think it would be even more so. Had I to start over I would be tempted by the Beemers for these reasons. 1. Luggage...ya can't beat the Beemers. 2. Dependability...though I've never had a problem on the road (except the rear wheel bearing @ 20Kmi !) I'm always pensive about one of the MGs "charecter" issues when I'm 1500mi from home..or a MG shop. 3 Electronics.......Heated grips..heated seat...heated vest...driving lights...I'm going to install heated grips soon but my stomach churns at the thought of putting any strain on the Guzzis puny charging sys. The fairing provides zero protection. On the other hand the Beemer feel is completly Gay...not that there's anything wrong with that. My resolution is ...next bike...Ducati ...ST ...or DS...best built thing I've ever seen. Simple, dependable and straight forward. ( unless I get more confidence in the LeMans..I'll definately campaign it for another year...26Kmi on the clock now and I get more confident all the time) Good luck and check out the Ducs...NO...They are EASY to maintain.
  8. Well.......right off...you were in a bar in Miami. By the reaction you got I'd think it was a pretty rough place..maybe upscale but rough. Despite the whole Natl. security thing I think this was a very seperate incident. This country is full of tough guys just looking for a reason to kick some ass to brag about it latter. A lot of these types end up with uniforms and guns. Fortunately most can't pass the IQ test to get into any decent security position...ie State Police etc. The south and south west is the worst part of the country for this. They were still lynching black men for looking at a white woman down there when I was in grade school. This is where our existing foriegn policy comes from. Osama/Sadam? Who cares, it was one of those Arab fellas...string 'em up ...And those fellas on the east and west coast is a bunch of pussies 'cause they got all them univesities makin' 'em stupid.
  9. Well it looks like I'll be running that black juice for another 4-5000 mi. then...
  10. Bingo! Thanx Alex. Gotta attend to either the tach or speedo connection thats ozzing goo on the top / side of the engine. Also have to attend to changing my clutch fluid...need to find the slave. Thanx again.
  11. Thanks Paul. I saved the link but that's not what I was looking for. It was a PDF parts fishe. I'd search it out myself but I'm on a friends computer with AOL and a phone modem....I wouldn't want to throw it out the window but I should....as a favor.
  12. Could someone link me up to the online V11 drawings. My computer is being held captive Thanks....
  13. True confession time... Just a LEAF in my farring...well...a loose screw anyway. But it wa so loud! ( uh huh...I know...not the ONLY loose screw I have) I get worse a thousand miles from home. My buddy once told me "Ya know what I do when I hear that? I put my face shield down"
  14. Save the embryos Launch the nukes Yipeee...Gods on our side!
  15. Hey ratchet...good to see your cryptic, commic self again. Head gasket? Hadn't thought of it..24K mi..Drat...better give a good go over for oooze.
  16. "Like someone else pointed out, 1st thing is to make sure your TPS is set correctly & throttle bodies balanced, and that you've got your tappets adjusted to the "world spec" settings" Zackly...tune it and loosen up those valves. Cured mine completly...I could probably run kerosene now...like a guzzi should.
  17. I have a sound like a leaf stuck in the ol' heater fan of a 64 Valiant comming from the right front of my motor...only under load so I can't pin it down while parked. I'm thinkin' exhaust gasket but it sounds pretty "fast" and there's no back firing etc. Plus no sign of it @ idel or reving while stopped. I'll give the valves a look tonight. Maybe I got a leaf stuck in there. Been away for a while...missed Pete I guess. It's one of those Tits, wheels and realestate things.
  18. And as always on poping ..coughing issues I sugest world or Raceco valve clearence.
  19. You can get red anodized caps for your brake/clutch resv. I tried to get in to my inst. and encountered the "free rotating" bolt problem. I was tempted to drill in from the back but resolved my "charge" light issue elsewhere. (sorta) Anyone else "been there-done that?"
  20. Duct tape is more Guzzi-ish
  21. Ouiji Veck

    Rear Caliper

    Fear not. You can get them. I was quoted a mere $70 from maybe BCM in N.H. http://www.bcmducati.com/index.cfm If they don't have 'em they know where to get 'em. Give them a call. Really great people. Then again there's Todd and Greg...they're ok people too. (I needed a caliper for my Duc but then BCM hooked me up with a rebuild kit...very rare for Brembo...they don't like our litigious way of doing things)
  22. Every time I see a "throttle grip" thread I'm tempted to relate this story. So, here goes...... Early on...my first year moto-xing my fore arms (and my buddies too) would get so pumped up that someone had to peel our fingers off the grips. "Death Grip" We saw some of those big fat foam grips and said "Thats it!" Everyone got a set and put them on. After about a half a lap our "death grip" was worse than ever...when we actually learned to ride we learned to quit holding on for dear life and never got PUMPED fore arms again. Imagine charging down a set of whoops WFO, over a jump. and blasting a berm and all the time "Lightly" holding on to the bars. Letting the bars / front end find where it's suppose to be. Moral of the story... Don't squeeze..strangle..manhandle your bars...loosen up...The Guzzi knows which way to go.
  23. I investigated my selector spring and it looked free through the gears @ 8K mi. Ordered a spring...it lives in my tank bag. After inspecting the spring the cover went back on with the adjuster out of whack...poor downshifting. I was able to use a bisected 19mm wrench and adjust it on the fly. The bisected wrench, spare spring and thier little baby ground down allen wrench all live hapilly togeather in county tank bag in the village of tool bag... All this during my honneymoon days with the LeMans. 23K mi now and my tool bag looks more like something a witch doctor would carry. All I need now is a bat wing and some goat blood and I can take this thing anywhere,.....
  24. Oh jesuz god...that was hard to endure... Welcome to American Idle...... I can see everything that means anything going down the drain.
  25. Ouiji Veck

    gear box

    Linkage.... must lubricate linkage
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