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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. Dammm if that isn't the pretties thing I've ever seen.!! Stick with the chrome tank... It just screems "NO, I'M NOT A JAP BIKE!!"
  2. Ouiji Veck

    Scura trip

    Thaks for the ride.. Yup...in the real world nothing beats a Guzzi. I have a good story about one of our chaps carving up a Hyabusa with his KLR 650...but I don't like to type as much as you.. All that big bore go fast junk is just another penis enlargement scam. (My new sound bite)
  3. Any one else have the thought as you go by a couple of guys on the side of the road or in a drive way, standing around thier HDs or crotch rockets, that they look up as they hear you go by and look @ each other saying..." Ducati...yea...yup...Duc...must be one of the new ones" Sorry...300mi yesterday...just the stupid stuff that goes through my head.
  4. Yea.... If I rode around on a chart.. A Cadalac has more HP than a Porche too. Fat girls got bigger tits... Same difference...
  5. Move to W.Va. then buy the Guzzi. After my adventure borrowing my buddies RT I can say the Concourse is a more motorcycley motorcycle than the B'mer. Multiply that by 4 and ya got a Guzzi. I jujst did a 588 mi day on the LeMans (all slab...ick!) It would have been better on a Concourse but I avoid the slab as much as possible and where you have to shift, break, throttle, lean, throttle...nothing compares to a Goose.
  6. Better to have a boot blow off than bend a throttle plate! Don't over tighten them. My beemer buddies manage to find radiator hose/ or some alternative. I KNOW they have Guzzi genes in them somewhere. What about greaseing them up with vasaliene?
  7. hmmmm.. I had seen a lot of 113.25 in other posts... Having changed my rear tire a few times I noticed that after putting these bearings in, the spacer was real snug now.? Any way I'm feeling pretty confident about it but plan to throw bearrings in every other tire change from now on. What the heck...ten bucks.
  8. Spacer was a non issue. Measured 113.20mm Don't know what the problem was/is. Checked my normal non torque wrench tight against the torque wrench... my normal seat of the pants, feeley meely was 70 ft lbs... Got the bearrings (SKF) 6204 rs C3 from a distributor. Put 'em on ice with the beer..poped right in. $10.18 for the pair. Man it was really great getting back on the Guzzi after 150mi on the much touted RT. Everyone I ride with are on B'mers....thier loss. Why not make your own spacer? Screw waiting around...it's august!! Everything you need to know is here..>> http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...l=wheel+bearing
  9. The RT was real nice. Plush..handled surprisingly well. I Liked playing with the winshield. Took me a long time to find planet earth with my tippy toes. Finally got used to it and was feeling like "I can see where people would like this bike" About 1.5 miles on the LeMans I was thinking...WOW.... That Beemer isn't very motorcycleY The RT just ain't got no rock and roll. Not served up the way I like it.
  10. Trucked the LeMans to a friends house after bearing loss. Took his Beemer home 2 hrs. away. Rode the Beemer back up tonight, fixed and rode the LeMans home. Man...I love that Guzzi !!!
  11. Geeze... A good and competent rider put on a couple of hundred miles with me and my regular riding buddies of 35 years, on some nice country twisties a few weeks ago. At one of the stops he said with a wide grin "Man you guys really like to duke it out huh?" I immediately felt responsible to put an immediate end to that type of thinking. ( Seeing how I brought him) I replied "Were not dukeing it out with each other...we're dancing.. togeather"
  12. Ouiji Veck

    gear box

    Behind the starter on the tranny plate there's a big acorn nut with another locking nut and the bolt they're threaded onto adjusts. This rotates a cam type device that works with the shifter to select gears. I may be a bit off here but I went throught his when I checked my shifting spring. I had to cut an allen wrench and a 17MM open end to get at the whole thing so I could field adjust it (such is my way) This is a general idea of a possible solution to your problem and my main point is don't panic. It probably can be adjusted...in short order. Do a search and see if you can come up with a better discription...even my original. Did it June or July 05...02 LeMans.. I'm too beat to help more right now.....................zzzzzzzzzzzz.
  13. Thanks Leon... Yea..I was too pooped last night to do a search...the topic is endless. I thought the 1/2" spacer on the hub side was the culprit and the needle bearing there was the one that failed all the time..from just reading stuff from since I joined the forum. Once I chased the wheelbrng. thread I see now anew. I will be checking the spacer length and paying attention to torqueing the axle in the future.
  14. Nero is about as pretty as a bike get's in my opinion... and ya gotta get the Ohlins or 800$ off for when the Sachs pukes. Either way your gonna love it..... The racing locomotive...
  15. Everything is being made cheaper and cheaper. It's the new world odor. All hail Bean Counter...the new messiah. To try to save pennies by using wire that will "just" carry the load, or connectors that are "adaquate" ....sheesh...they probably gave that guy a raise. Proclaming him a true follower of "Bean Counter...the Magnificent" hmmmm...too early to start drinking.......
  16. It's time to re-juice my Sachs...this time it only lasted +-3000mi...Theres got to be a shock off a big 4 Co. that will slap right into these things. Been shopping on e-bay and even bid on a Penske..8900 series. I figure those things are so rebuildable if I got the basic 8900 I could start from there ... I see a few shocks on e-bay that come close. Some Ducs/ Honda Hawk I think. I gotta get down to Cycle Salvage with shock in hand make them let me play in thier shock bin. They have hundreds and hundreds of shocks. The right Showa would make me plenty happy....especially for 75$ This is my Guzzi religion...it's farm equipment, not exotic racing bling. I hate bling....else I'd have an OCC chopper or chromed out Hyabusa. Gaspe Peninsula!!! Yea Man!! As good or better than Cape Breton. Spent a couple of rain days in Quebec and was drinking a Fin du Monde... "end of the world? Lets go there!!" We did....it was. Gorgeous ride. Down through the twisty piney woods, Up over the panoramic spine, down around the 90mph sweeper on the cove with the indian reservation and water falls...repeat repeat repeat...all day. Can't wait to go back.
  17. Checked my bearings 2,500 mi ago @ tire change. Left rear puked today....felt a tap tap tap on my foot pegs when I got on the balls of my feet... then felt wierd twitching at parkinglot speeds... Kicked the tires @ gas stop...then grabbed the rear tire and yanked it side to side...WHOA!!!...yikes.. The LeMans is now 2hrs. away @ my friends shop (I got to ride his RT home...fun..very different) My question is "What possible evil may have been done to pinion etc... And...It seems funny thats the bearring that went...after all I've read about the other side being the common problem...23K on the bike. .. I would jump to thinking I missed a shim/washer somewhere when I changed the tire but it seems it would have failed before 2,500 mi...hmmm...maybe not...better check the drawings....and other posts w/ bearing #s...might be better off getting one (a better one?) from the local bearing shop.
  18. WTF? When it's hot DO go to the beach... The water here is maybe 70 deg. and the wind blows on the beach... Get it? And what about all the nubile tarts in the string bikinis? I spent the day Wed. on a boat...98 deg...but we were cool as cucumbers 3mi out in the Atlantic...hauling in huge fluke and giant stripers. mmmmmmm...fluke........ I remember huddled in my sleeping bag watching the 4th of July fire works over on Block Island on my sail boat a couple of years ago... The ocean here will turn you blue until August... Tarts...bikinis...playing volley ball....margaritas...giant fluke... I guess thats why all my neighbors get 1200/wk for thier cottages... because the beach sucks so much when it's hot.
  19. On my LeMans I took out the brass wing ding that the screws go into and drilled through the rubber mounts and bottom plates then put long stainless screws through the whole shmeal with an assortment of SS washers and thick rubber washers between the screw head and CF face plate. The final solution after many attempts @ sticking with the original set up. Have been on a few GS trips on dirt roads and all that Vermont frost heave stuff for about 4K mi now...done deal.
  20. I got the joke.. His sense of humor will come in handy...sounds like a bonafied Guzzista to me. These things are quirky...mines been very reliable however. A Nero would be worth putting up with alot...hopefully he's got one that was built before lunch. Good luck with the Nero...
  21. 180 mph? For what? A decent rider can kick everyones butt on a CBR 600...end of story. If I was going new the Norge would have to be my choice...The LeMans comes up a little short on the camping/rally trips. Good thing I ride with my BeeMer buddies that are set up to haul cord wood. The more I think of it my '80 SP is more fun than anything. Sold the Duc a couple of days ago...the end of an era...~siff~ The 44 Y.O. that bought it is in for a treat. Getting off his 650 Hawk...his eyes were wide returning from the test ride. Give him a couple of years on the sausage creature and he'll be shopping for a Guzzi. He was smitten with the LeMans...
  22. Ouiji Veck


    Can the 4 valver be improved by loosening the valves too? I'm johnny one note this morning but it sounds like it could be tight valves to me. (one track mind)
  23. With 22K mi on the clock my milage just keeps getting better...near 45 mpg on the last trip, 350 mi of slab maintainiing 80 mph. I was amazed @ the first gas stop. 150 mi and just a little over 3 gal topped it off. My light usually comes on @ 160 or so. I've done over 180 on a tank on a few occasions. I often squeeze 4.5 gals in and imagine I could get close to 200 mi on a tank. I wonder if going to RaceCo valve settings helps? Shure helps with starting and I don't give a crap about uber exceleration or top end. Gotta go out and figure out what was happening with my front end now. I just took a short ride around the block (flying wing with the guy buying my Duc.) and the front end felt like it was on marbles and was going to tuck under me...!! The tire didn't look, feel low..not enough to feel like that. Maybe I'm just not used to riding it not loaded with camping gear.
  24. There's some little gems of truth around here. There is no oil crisis...there's a 12mpg SUV crisis. Which translates directly into an ego crisis. People just gotta have thier giant V8 to drive to work alone in. Penis envy? Just pass laws that encourage small displacement vehicles. no tax on them, high speed lanes etc. Make it "patrotic" to be "conservitive". 2 Israeli soldiers were kidnaped and we're ready to go to WW III over it. Thousands a month are being butchered and raped in Darfur and we don't lift a finger. No oil in Darfur I guess. Doctors can perscribe morphene like asprin but not marijuana? Insane. This all comes from the repeal of prohibition and the G-men needing to keep thier jobs. "The weed with roots in hell" was a government campaign to help do just that. The only people using pot were the blacks so it was an easy sell. 2 muslim children were killed by Kytusha rockets and we get reported thier names what they were doing at the time and what thier uncle was doing...literally. A couple of hundred Lebanese women and children were killed by Israeli bombs and thats all you here. Non humans..just numbers. Winning = killing them all because if you kill my cousin, brother, mother, father I'm going to kill you back. This is NOT what Jesus had in mind. Or Buddah, or Ghandi or Mohamed or the Great White Buffalo. Build tactical nukes..save the zygot! ........Nuts
  25. Look at it this way... For a Muslim to walk in the house and see his children watching Bay Watch is like you walking in on your kids watching XXX porn. Now imagine how you would feel if the porn sellers wanted to start installing cable in your town...with the help of tanks. How are we ever going to understand the Martians when they land? There's only one sermon to know. They asked Him..."You have said so much, tell us one thing, one thing so we can understand" And He did. Thats all ya gotta know.
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