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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. Yea...Ducs are the best thing in the world..... 'cept for Guzzi. All the fun of a monster, all the torque of a tractor. Nice to be able to ride below 4000 rpm huh?
  2. Pinging/ hard starting... Relax your valves... Loosen those babys up. Let 'em tick. US Spec= what ...001/.002? (thats Ducati tolerance!..this ain't no Desmo) World spec= .004/.006? RaceCo= .008/.010...thats what I'm running. Starts on 2nd or 3rd tick over. and on my last trip (700 odd miles) I was filling at unusual intervals so I tried toping off with 89 oct. with it's usual diet of 91-93 for 2-3 fill ups. We were in the Mt. Rds of Vermont and I was whacking it open on uphill switchbacks @ 2500rpms in second gear and had narry a ping. Guzzi proverb...."noisy valves are happy valves." Good luck...have fun
  3. nyahhh...I hate doing forks.... Waiting for a seal to go or atleast a front tire change. Ratchets done a good job of shaming me into it. Yes Nog...put up some pics so I can warm up for it.
  4. Wow...thats pretty in silver.. What we're you ridding?
  5. 40? 40! You'd win youngest rider @ every Guzzi rally I've ever been to. Happy Birthday kid..
  6. Nyet, nope, no thanks. Going the way of the Segway. Too bad for the people that are pouring thier heart and soul into it. A good friend was on the original Segway design team. Too bad, I coulda used a $dillionaire friend.
  7. Congrats!! I love the way my LeMans handles...and thats comming from a history of inlines and Ducs. When I ride aggresively I use my body (ass) and the LeMans loves it. Everything is so much more fun on the LeMans. I set up way early but I'm on the gas again earlier too. No zing zang zoom but big delicious archs...gas on and hangin' under the tank... I'm grinning just thinking about it... It never feels frantic...it takes everything in stride. Nope...you won't regret it. It just keeps gettin better. Some have said "it's just broken in" "not half broken in" is more like it. Have fun!
  8. Hmmm... My 02 LeMans is a brick @ 130 or in an 80mph sweeper. It's set up stiff enough to take you fillings out on a bad road but screw bad roads. Hows a Farrari handle on a bad road? You can't serve 2 masters. Nope...80 mph sweepers is my favorite thing. If the roads torn up I'll slow down and do some sight seeing...I like that too.
  9. True...I've only seen the ExplodeO clutch mentioned on the Scura. And only 2 (3?) of them...in the whole wide world I'll quit spreading ugly rumors...
  10. I plead "stupidity" She don't argue.. I got 380 beautiful Berkshire Mts miles in on Sunday.. 300 of 'em on roller coaster twisties. 5 good, talented friends. Very little traffic. The LeMans was purrin' and smilling.... AND ! I leave for 3 days in Vermont FRIDAY MORNING!!! I never know what to say to someone comming off something like a GS. Isn't that like the tallest, most comfortable bike there is? The LeMans shure ain't ...It's a wierd low reach...and thats comming off a Duc SS. I'm used to it but I'm 5'7 and made out of shark cartiledge.
  11. Dosen't the RM have the dreaded single plate clutch?
  12. At the risk of repeating what I said in another thread.... They cancelled Long Way Around to put on more episodes of OCC ...where the main drama is ..will the parts come back from the chromer in time. I grew up in a small town in western Massachusetts where it just happened that a few old timers were intristic in Indians racing campaign in the 40s and 50s. A best friends father was among these guys. They hated H.D. so when it came time for us little fledgelings to take flight (1969 +-)we were nudged toward Triumphs and BSAs. We grew up appreciating anything with 2 wheels and a motor. Often taunted with "If you ain't on a Harley you ain't on a motorcycle" "Cept our Bonnies and Lightnings could kick any HDs ass. We moved on...did a bit of racing...MX, Road, Ice, Enduro, Flat Track, got into Hyper in lines and have all settled into Euro Trash in our grown up years. These posers have no history and wouldn't know Isle of Mann from Laguna Seca. Stop @ thier pig roast ..get a good deal...continue on your way to the twisties.. glide by them when they clog up the artery but don't expect to talk Motorcycles w/ them They ain't got a clue. They think they're on TV Disclaimer: I got a couple of friends that ride HD and love to ride plenty... one is even got some talent...he must..to follow me on a Road King!! With his Bell Moto 4 on! That says it all...a Road King and a Bell Moto 4...he'd go out and poke @ your Guzzi
  13. I really gotta disagree with you on this one. My 94 SS is absolutely pristine everywhere you look. even underneath in the dark scarry places. No corosion or corruption anywhere on it. Admittedly it's only got 20K mi on it but it is in much better shape corrosion wise than my 02 LeMans w/ the same milage. And over @ the Duc forum there's guys campaigning 94-95 SSes with 80-90K mi. on 'em. The valves are a bit of a rubricks cube but other than that it's the most wrench friendly bike I've ever owned. What can you say about a bike with out head gaskets...?
  14. Did you go with a GEI or Bosch relay instead of the Seimens? And I've seen here that sometimes it's the socket. You can get a handful (5) of GEIs from http://www.dpguzzi.com/relay.htm for about $15.00
  15. Apples and oranges. (Ducs and Geese?) I have a beautiful, registered, insured 900ss sitting right next to my LeMans. It hasn't seen much daylight in a year. I've even gone to bed thinking "I've got to take the Duc tomorrow and keep it alive"...only to opt for the LeMans the next morning. I just can't justify being out on the public rds. on a machine that is suited a lot more for the race track. Out of respect for the civilians, the police, my well being and the bike itself. It's built (better than anything I've ever seen) for high performance ...100% of the time On the other hand the mass market can't justify being on anything but the uber-bike.. That might be a zx10 a HD or a Duc to different people...I beleive 90% of the new bike buyers are 70% posers. Who ya gonna pose for on a Moto Whatta? How many times do you guys have to pronounce MOTO GOOOTzee to uncle Fred when he's telling ya all about his real biker nephew thats got a Big 'Ol loud heavy chromed up whores purse in his drive way. Keep in mind they cancelled Long Way Around to run more and more episodes of the intence drama of the "Waiting for the part to come back from the chromer" MC show. Now you know how the boy that said "The King Has No Clothes" felt. The only people that we get to pose for are old duffs smoking a pipe that just rode his slash bike half way around the world Even he thinks we're daft...and he dosen't even have a TV
  16. Hey guys.. Do a search on HEADLIGHT.. There's plenty of info here.. The hot setup (that I've been putting off) is to put in a a direct relay ...taking the load off the switch and getting alot more current to the lamp. I guess this is pretty true of all MCs
  17. Losen valves!!! In .006m / out .008 This is huge compared to fac spec..which PO may have 'em at...Makes the world much nicer. I'm running raceco specs even bigger Dose it go "back! KAck! badakack cak cak cakbang" When you shut off under load? Real noisy backing off ? Oh yea.....Hey Mdude... sorry..I couldn't resist ...no wonder my poetic licence got revoked.
  18. I guess ya gotta- jerk off- your bike...... (sorry)
  19. Yup Balance TBs and losen the valves to world/ RaceCo Specs... (do the valves first!) It's all here...just do a search....might take 3-4 hrs the first time. 2 hrs next time...
  20. Nice picture tour...I really enjoyed it. Funny about the HD guys. I have a couple of friends that should be on a nice big Euro Twin too.They Just can't leave show business behind, I guess... (I have a couple that should stick to HD too) The guys that I've rode with for 35yrs are all on Beemers. ..and make 'em go. They love my LeMans ...and I must confess I put the whip to them now and again. They'll hear the Mistrals and start riding like we're 25 again I'm going on a week end trip to Vt. May 5th... I'll try to remember to take a camera and do a nice post like you did. There's some REAL nice rds. up there.
  21. Hey!!! Geeeez ...another one.... Welcome aboard. Essentially Guzzi sells a kit...it's all put togeather but ya got to dissasemble it a little and put it togeather right...keeps the riff raff out of the blood line. Mine was doing the same thing...pukeing @ around 3-4K ...more speciffically @ 3.8K. I was gettin' ready to make a trip to my Beemer pals place and sync the carbs when one day I got so frustrated I just reached down and dialed it out on the fly. Purrin' perfect for the last 13K mi. Don't worry...you'll "get er done" All the niggling little quirks are just that. Take a step back and a deep breath and hang out here alot. All will be revield. Meanwhile...keep it above 4K...how bad can that be? I do love chugging around through the back woods and small towns @ 3K though.. It's a hoot...and banging up a Mt. switch back from down @ 3k..wop wop wop woooop
  22. Ha! It just keeps gettin' wierder donnit? We're all wackos..... Good for us! Still I do delight when finally some one crosses the parking lot waving and smiling and sayin' "Wow ...a Guzzi...I didn't think they made them anymore...wow what a beautiful sound when you pulled in". It happens....once in a while
  23. My sincere condolences... Your a great friend to come here for him.. We all share a special passion and Christian was a part of it... He is in our hearts and thoughts now. That means something. You were good to tell us. Thank you and all the best John.
  24. HeY ! I can't believe no one said hi! Welcome to the club...jump right in... Wait till you get that thing in it's natuarl enviroment...twisties and sweepers. and...She'll walk all day at 80-90 on the slab....noooooo problem... I think it likes it.
  25. obscene.....
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