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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. It's 5$ and 43 minutes work...
  2. Badest looking Buell I've seen. Gotta be a hoot to ride. Congrats.
  3. Need a real BOTT Get togeather with Buell and Duc and make it attractive to Honda and Suz. Get everyone togeather and do some PROMOTING. Hold a "cruiser" race on the same weekends. Big Wings and Road Kings ....racing!!! It would fill the stands! I'd watch The factorys race to sell. Let "SBK" run with NASA. Can't REALLY ride those things on the road anyway. (This is what I come up with after 3 beers and a magarita )
  4. Ouiji Veck


    Wow...your a big guy. Yea...your gonna need everything you can get to stretch the LeMan out. I'm 5'8 and used to sport bikes and the LeMans took time to get used to. The bars seemed lower than the Duc SS I was on for the previous 3 years. They'r not really "lower" ...just more of a reach. My theory has always been to hammer my body into what ever contortion necissary...The Duc is surprissingly comfy. Have done some 500 mi days (W. Va -Ontario) no problem. The LeMans actually took a little MC Yoga...A day on the first long trip. I had to borrow a Ninja 900 one time for a trip, by the time I had run around town and done pre trip chores and met up with the group I was afraid I couldn't go. My body was wracked...killing me ...and this with my Ninja 6 in the shop! By the time we stopped for 2ng gas I was doing cartwheels..couldn't wait to get back on it....so ... go figure. I'm shure there's some tall guys kickin' around here somewhere that can give you a better lowdown. Good luck whatever you end up doing. It's the best bike thier is (especially the Nero Corsa ...with the Ohlins Mmmmm Ohlins) and a great bunch of guys here. Good luck whatever you do.
  5. Ouiji Veck


    Well...ya can't have mine so beat it....... Your gonna pee your pants when you ride one of these racing tractors.
  6. OK ...thats it...close the door Rens the last one in..... There's just too many jumpin' on Guzzis lately. At this rate pretty soon you'll be seeing Guzzis on the street and in the parking lot when ya pull into the watering hole. How will I retain my noteriety? My exclusivity...my delusion of class and distinction? There'll be dealers on every corner...with parts and everything... What fun would that be?
  7. hmmm... I've let mine get down to the bottom 1/4 of the dip stick on a long trip...beating it pretty hard. I bet it's the sender. Try wigling the wires while its running.
  8. WOW...Glad you and your familly are ok. ( I thought doing my taxes was bad)
  9. Everyones welcome @ the NEMG rally in Monson in sept. Lotsa Beemers...I've been there some years when there was 40 bikes and like 4 Guzzis..!! 22nd - 24th New England Moto Guzzi Rally, Partridge Hollow Campground, Munson, MA You also may be thinking of the IMOC in Sturbridge http://www.imocusa.com/rally2005.htm Beutiful things to see there...
  10. I'll be comming out Danbury way some Sunday soon... Gotta get down and see the Markus specticle once.... Just gotta plot out a good course to get there..........
  11. Your gonna love it.
  12. Yo Tom... Hey! My old stompin' grounds. Still up there alot...Ya get to blast around the Quabin for an evening scoot. I'm jelous. Maybe I'll hook up w/ ya @ the Vanilla Bean in Pomfret some w/e a.m. I'd get the relays right off ...about $15 for all five from Dan Prunske (sp) And I got an xtra spring in my tank bag...I just won't be happy 'less I do it roadside I guess. But I got 17K on and no sign of troubble (02) $5 ..I forgot where... How d'ya like it so far? What were you riding? I think it's kinda neat, ya hung around here for a while first. Good thinkin' Ya know all the gory details. Where'd ya get it? What did ya pay? * *optional There's a small MG rally in Monson (my home town!) in Sept.
  13. Two different worlds collide. How we ever going to bring about world peace like this? On the one hand ya got the view of " a shopper cutting in front of you" and on the other "His talent is so much greater than mine, that I trust him to do that." Trispeed is looking @ the situation like geno is sneaking up from behind and geno is talking about a group with pre concent of a balls to the walls holligan ride. I've made a few inside passes...20 yrs. ago...with people I rode with all the time and still ride with.We didn't do to much lane swapping for no reason and were looking for each other to do such things. I could be heeled over in a corner and see Ricks or Freds front tire nozing in on me and just grin and try to get a leap on the exit. If anyone did such a thing now he'd get slapped down @ the next stop. New riders that tag along with us often get chastized for following to close or making a dumb ego driven pass on a car... (or having to brake for a corner.) But it's all done in good humor and we all know we've done simillar (dare I say moronic?) things. People either respect our opinions or don't get the great honor, privlige and joy of riding with us. My opinion is my opinion and dosen't extend beyond my world. Everyone is welcome to be as stupid as they want. Heck...you can even ride without your helmet as far as I care. Just don't call me a moron if I wear one. I'm shure geno was taking some risk...in a crowd of risk takers...but you take a risk every time you pass a car even on a straight away. I'll let Geno decide whats too risky...he sounds like a big boy to me. I wasn't there...maybe I would have grinned if I saw the ride he discribed (in my mirros ofcourse ) or maybe he would have got one of DADS lectures if he threatened someone elses well being but we'd probably not got all bent out of shape about it and parted as friends. I get where trispeed is comming from too. 35 yrs in the saddle and ya kinda cringe @ the thought of people really mixing it up on the public roads. I've never seen anyone killed and only one serious accident in 3 or 4 hundred thousand miles but I can shure picture it. Glamorizing outregious riding does set my teeth on edge. Then again...if a squid always going on about how bad his xyzxz was, and then entered every corner hard on his brakes and left the door wide open for me.. and I thought he wouldn't just fall over.... I'd be tempted. ... and I'd probably be proud to tell my fellow Guzzist all about the shinning moment. Have I attained world peace yet? ( I imagine every pack of HDs I walk around think I'm an insane squid on a Jap bike)
  14. Funny you should ask.. I just told everyone I know "If your going to get a second bike -get a Monster" I traded with a friend for about 30 miles the other day. I've ridden his M900 a few times before but WOW. What a truly great toy. There's nothing there but that great torquey motor and two huge fat tires. It feels like an MXer. Just a wicked FUN bike. And thier fit & finish is supreme. Neither of us have had a lick of problems with our Ducs. Theres less rust and crust on my '94 SS than on my 02 Guzzi. In fact there's zero rust or crust on my Duc. Battery box, dirty underneth places....no where. And if you can do the gear selector spring on a Goose you can do the valves on a Duc Whip it around like a dirt bike...roll up a wheelie..toss it in to a corner...weeeeee! I'll keep the LeMans forever but a Monster is shure fun.
  15. OMG! I really appreciate how much these guys contribute to the world of motorcycling.
  16. " cmon guys most of us enjoy a fast ride " Yup In fact I've posted a few times that I've touched 130mph on the Guzzi more often than on my Duc. This is particulaly true when I'm with my Monster buddy...but it's doing 70 thru a posted 40 corner thats where the fun is. It's the mix of adenaline and testosterone. When I'm alone I am real happy just puttin' around on the LeMans. When I'm with my life long riding mates we go as fast as we can *without touching the brakes* This to me is proper, safe, sport riding. It keeps the speed down yet the challenge up...and the speeding tickets to a minimum. (never had one on a bike!) So you've rolled up to 70mph on the staight and there's a 25mph curve comming up and breaking is for squids? Thats when it's good to be on the big Guzzi. I love the "lumbering around" cornering of the LeMans. Shut it down and let the compression do the work, Move to the outside of the corner, hang my ass off the inside... and look for daylight. The game we play, having to brake for a corner is half as bad as crossing the yellow line. Your over your head and didn't set it up well. Yea, you don't go as "fast" as charging and braking hard but the challenge, fun and skill is as much.. or more. And as the original post alludes to ...ya "walk" around alot of other bikes like this. Competely in control and having a hell of a time. Get on some twisties and go as fast as you can without touching your brakes sometime if you have never tried it. It's a whole new world and you have the perfect bike for it. Kinda warm up to it though. ( this is probably old hat to many here.)
  17. I'm real shure I could carve my way around 80% of the bikes/ riders out on the road on my Guzzi. but then again I could do it on an EX 500 too. Knowing that takes away all desire to do so. Then again I'm not 24 anymore. When I was, I was a pretty big idiot too. Boys will be boys but it's best to get it out of your system @ the track... It's ALL rider....all rider. What a blow it would be to the 1100xbzyrzzx market if that gets out.!! I'm glad you waxed some xyz tails with the big Guzzi. It musta felt great. Too bad you didn't get to sit around and bask in the glory with them. (shock and awe) These things can "Git 'er done" in the right hands and are a joy to do it with. Some day it will all get digested and you'll just ride around with a stupid grin on your face and a feeling of satisfaction in your heart, dragging your kickstand through that last left hander, like us old guys. The trick is making it that long in one piece. After a while it becomes a matter of "I love riding too much to risk crashing and missing next weeks/ months/years rally " Aww...I'm just an old fart. It's definately a dangerous game...and what do ya win? Oh ..there's definately a pay off. It's just what the pay off is.. ain't worth it, except @ the track...where it's safe...and everyones going in the same direction and have some talent. Shut up Dad! ok...ok... have fun
  18. Ouiji Veck

    Tank Bag

    I've got a doubble decker TourMaster I really like it but it does slide around if I don't make a special effort after gasing. It's also done a good job of dulling my paint ...but I've always promised myself I'm going to paint it something other than "beige" (Champagne in Italian) anyway. The no skid pads suggested sound like a good idea.
  19. I really love "out of the box" thinking..( Burt Rutan is my hero) but this looks a little convuluted...un like perimiter rotors which just looks right. Yea Greg...counter rotating props on boats and planes works real good. Like I said I love that kind of thinking. While working on a friends RC hellicopter I came up with the ingenious idea of vectoring the exhaust of a Huey and get rid of the tail rotor..all by myself. Of course my bright idea was 15 yrs. late for the NOTAR. Oh well...back to the drawing board. I've also spent my lifes savings on "great ideas" twice now. Ideas are easy. Bringing something to market is another story. 1% inspriration 99% persperation 500% money.
  20. I don't know what to think. Is it worth the unsprung weight, assuming it works at all.? http://www.reverserotatingrotors.com/index.html
  21. Scoundrel More than a bit naughty - you're heading for a spot of bother at this rate - that is if you're not already inside. You don't have to be perfect, but if no one says you're a bad person, they're wrong. You are. Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: Years in prison: 27 Potential fine: £7000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty! *Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed. Death penalty? Seems reasonable...
  22. For that price look for a Nero Corsa or Rosso Corsa LeMans. They have the delightful Ohlins. It's just the Scura, Mondelo and Tenni that have the single clutch. It's only been a couple that have blown but...who wants to risk it? Maybe get your self a used LeMans or Sport and do some suspension work.. I campaigned a CBR 1000 for about 5 years...lots of 3-4000 mile trips. I like the Guzzi ALOT more...just more fun. I loved the CBR too..but it was an over grown egg beater. There's lots of info here...and secret society of the dark side (Scura). I'm alright with my stock Marzocchi / Sachs set up...though it's not "plush" but dials up tight enough to be stable in 80-90 mph sweepers. Good luck whatever you decide.
  23. It's a little scarry buyin' a beautiful Scura.... http://www.thomasseibt.de/guzzibilder/index.htm http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3520 Print it out and talk the seller down a couple of $$...put that into a dual clutch... Get a Guzzi...you'll love it.
  24. Ha! Your love affair is just starting. I've got the same LeMans...I'ts just the best (most fun) bike I've ever had in 35yrs of riding..and I've had some fun ones. Better get on the niggling gremlins...relays, clutch and kickstand switches tank suck...just to get started. It's all here in the forum. We can use all the juveniles we can get. I'm tired of seeing 40 somethings winning "youngest rider" @ all the rallys!
  25. Thats why we have to defend the republic. In a pure democracy the good citizens of Riverside could just vote that all the motorcyclist have to leave town. Like the good democracy of Pakistan... Turn Christian ...ya get your head lopped off. Hey... we voted for it. There's people around here that can't even paint thier house without going to the historic society and getting the color approved.
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