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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. I took the talk yummy underware quiz. "What your underware says about you" Turns out I'm a pigmy lesbian slut trapped in a mans body. I already knew that!
  2. >Thou needest to watch The Holy Grail again soon! Everyone should have "the Grail" on a continuous loop. My version of the Koran, the Bible and B'hgivad Gita rolled into one. Thanks for the responce d'lang. Better check the STUPID factor. Thought of a good possibility this morning. I'll be back for "true confessions" if it proves out.
  3. Ha! WOW I'm bettin' you tie it down real good. Never used anything more than 2 straps myself. Rosso Mondello you say... yea...you'll tie that down realllll good.
  4. Threw a K&N in just 'cause I had it. Would it follow that I can't get enough (richen) out of the push buttons on the face panel of the PCIII to get rid of the HUGE hole I now have @ 3K RPM? Ran real good with that dirty old stock filter. Intending to order the stock unit tomorrow...rather than re map Also wondering what you would call 3K RPM ...high low....low middle? Tried 'em both...no.. or little,, joy. Leaning was right out....not stopping at 2 or continuing on to 4....5 is right out....then lobith the holy hangrenade at thy foe and blowing him to pieces...in thy lords mercy................
  5. Speaking of which... Just threw a K&N in that I got with the bike. Now my peviously perfect running LeMans has a huge hole where a nice fat 3000 RPM pull used to be. Looks like I gotta put the dirty old filter back in or figure out how to push the buttons on my PC III. Dammm I'm so sick of reading how to "DO" things. Computer fixes, Honda ignitions, Guzzi glitches, Video rendering, Device settings, grant writing, calorie counting, Secrets of the female anatomy. ENOUGH!!! Lets ride, camp and drink beer. I know how to do that.
  6. I've got a huge Tour Master...good for napping on with both decks on. I just run my front ( Y ) straps down around the frame. Taking care that nothing interfears with the steering stabilizer.! The back strap down under the seat. Perfect cinching is required to keep it centered and behaving. Hence I travel around with it lop-sided unless we're going to a formal affair. Who cares...as long as I got my rain gear...sweater...tools and 12 pack!
  7. I use the needle. A lttle x-tra bend and it's off to the races. It's going to be part of tire maintainence I guess. Sounds good huh...every 8K or so....hopefully.
  8. I've done some 400 mi days on the LeMans. A 2700mi one week trip to Cape Breton last July. I've never owned a BMW but I imagine it would be much more comfy on the SLAB but when you get on the back rds. I'm real pleased to be on the LeMans. The only comfort mod I have is a gel seat. I'm 55, 200lbs 5'9 (what are you wearing? ) I have the Teknos and rear rack too. Travel w/ camping equip. If your into sporting about once you get to where your going you'll love the Guzzi. I gotta check out the lower pegs. Sounds like a good, cheap comfort mod.
  9. The work has probably been done or didn't need it. Easy enough to find out. Test ride it...if it goes through all the gears and runs pretty good ...grab it. Ya can't go wrong. There's huge support here. These guys got it down. I'm betting you'll be saying "Why didn't I get on one of these before!?" Like the rest of us. We're mostly old timers and have ridden...... everything. A Guzzi is the livin' end....a total blast...Sport Locomotive. ( Cover my back Ben ) HA!
  10. Pulled the hoses under the middle bottom of the tank w/out cheking which is which...Vent to canister and overflow.. Does it make a diff?
  11. Thaks Guys.. Martin...I followed that thread. Thats what got me started..mine are healthy. Docc...thanks. I'll be adding some separate grounds and check the lamps and chase the alt wires back...connector maintainence is done.
  12. ????
  13. OK.. Got my tank off for winter? maintainance and want to get rid of the annoying intermitent charging light.... Is there a general concensus on which grounds, where, are suspect?
  14. If I was to go racing I'd race something small and cheap and fun. 350 RZ Lots of classes to race in and still competitive. Or I'd race vintage...Guzzi O'course...it's for fun after all. If it was just for track days ...I got a 94 900ss Duc that would be perfect. You could pick one up out there for 4-5000$ in great shape. Big grin bike like a Guzzi and bullet proof. I've put 20K on mine without any problems and do my own valves ...they are exquizitely put togeather and tinker toys to work on. Plus....it's a DuF$%kincati The CBR 600...if you have the talent you can beat anyone on one of these as well as any of the other big 4 600s . Perfect track bikes. Get one pre-crashed for dirt cheap. Power isn't the issue. Talent is everything. I'm jelous (can you tell?) My closest track is 5hrs away.
  15. I forgot ScarED DeaED....I was illeagally using my poetic licence..which has been revokED
  16. Too frustrating.. your constantly saying No...nope...not now...no...crap no...naw...nope It's an Ed bike.. Your either FrustratED or aresstEd or DeaED
  17. Well thats a good looking Nekkid init? Would love to do the BarMatchless thing...that looks great.. hmmm 2 hr highway drive from here...into a city...THE city... Cities give me kooties...'specially big cities....and on a Monday night... What goes on there on the week end?
  18. Ya got one of the real pretty ones. Love the silver, red frame and NO paint on our beautiful motor. Welcome aboard....your gonna love ridin' that thing... once you get outta town, Head for the Catskills or better yet the Adirondakyakyakyaks.
  19. nah... been there... done that... pointless...
  20. Ouiji Veck

    Best helmet?

    I'm surprised I didn't see any "Snell Rating" comments.Required here to race. That was always a pre-requisite of mine till I went for the... beer drinkin', bike yellin', jerky eatin', border crossin', convinence store jawin', tobbacco spittin' flip ups.
  21. Ouiji Veck

    TLM auction

    Was my sweetheart there?
  22. jeeeezz.......You guys lookin' to adopt? Mom....dad.....can I borrow the..... Congrats to the Missus.... Your going to like the way it's put togeather. Over grown dirt bike.
  23. Sausage Creature>>> http://www.latexnet.org/~csmith/sausage.html
  24. Seein' how I have a 900ss and a LeMans I gotta chime in. I love the Duc and as far as I can tell it's bullet proof. I do my own valves...kind of a rubicks cube but word is after 15 or 20K mi it's no longer an issue (20K on mine.) Lotsa 900s getting 70 80K on them on the forums. I wouldn't go less than the 900 and I'd be looking at MultiStradas...if your looking @ Gosses too. Everything you hear about "the Sausage Creature" is why I have the LeMans. Waiting on a throttle cable I was "forced" to take the Duc last w/e.... On the way out I was thinking....Hey...I oughtaa ride this thing more. On the way home I was thinking "I gotta get that throttle cable on the Guzzi. The Duc is just too Grrrrrrrrrrr! for anyone over 20something. It's a wonderful wonderful machine but when you decide "Ok ..thats enough of THAT!" It has no idea what your talking about. Between Johnny Law and Issac Newton there ain't much room for a Duc on civilian roads. God bless the little Sausage Creatures heart...
  25. Congratulations...to you ..and Moto Guzzi A small step for Guzzi A giant step for Guzzikind
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