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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. When new I thought the LeMans put the blast right in my face... I got over it and don't even think about it any more. Still wonder tho... if the Lip diverts the rain at all. Anyone?
  2. Ouiji Veck

    'nother new guy

    There's no comparing a Guzzi to anything. The locamotive torque of a HD and the handling of a Duc for all PRACTICAL purposes. Chug through a small town @ 2500 RPMs or carve 80mph sweepers on rails. Walk down the "way out there" roads at 100+mph relaxed and in stride. Best all around fun, satisfying, big grinn bike out there. Problems are all little niggling things like relays (15.$ to replace them all) vapor lock/ tank suck, some need a shift spring replaced (1 hr.) grounding...kick stand and clutch cut out switch...little stuff. Hang around this board and you'll have 'em all strightened out by spring. The R1150R is a great machine but dosent have the Shake Rattle and Roll of the V11 so it deepends on if your a Paul McCartney or Keith Richards type.
  3. Good call GR... It would be a huge improvement on a Jackal or Stone Looks and marketing wise. It's a nasty thing to do to a stand alone, break with the pack Grisso
  4. Then there's my seat of the pants method... Ride the bike @ the RPM it stumbles @ ...reach down and dial it out....( VERY small increments...) Did this over 10,000 miles ago...the bike runs flawlessly every where on the dial.... Also have stucci-PCIII -Mistrals.... Valves- loosey goosey...
  5. I love my LeMans... I swear (so do my buddies) I go faster more often on it than on my Duc 900ss. These things REALLY take 100mph in stride. An incredible calm, confident feel at speed....and the delicious torque makes it a joy at any speed. I owned a fleet of real fast inline 4s and there's just NO comparison. The Guzzi is Wayyyy more fun. The little glitchy gremlins are just that. It's part of the right of passage. Have a look around this incredible forum and you'll head 'em all off at the pass. Relays, grounding, shift spring ($5.00 and easy job) Tank suck vapor lock (move hoses) clutch switch (purple wire under tank) Kickstand switch.. couple other goofy charecter things. After that your clear for 200,000 miles of care free stump pulling.
  6. I WANT to paint my LeMans BLACK.... With the Red roundel ...just like the beautiful Nero Like a black Tuxedo with a red bow tie. simple elegance. Not really nuts about the ol' champagne...though it does look lustourus in certin light but most of the time just looks "beige" Also the paint sucks...soft as baby sh#t. My leathers and tank bag are doing a number on it....I can shoot some really tough stuff on there....couple of decals and I got an 02 Nero Lama....time...it's just time. Anybody got a spare cup of time I can borrow? And yea...the black engine paint sucks...I love the big aluminum block. They got some very strange people designing these things.
  7. Last week end we discovered some new back farm roads comming back from Gillette Castle on the Connecticut River. Twisty, uninhabited roads that you get glimpses od the next couple corners...in other words ...perfect. Managed to burry my side stand on 3 seperate occasions @ 50-60 mph. Air temp +- 45 Pavement temp? Not warm. Conti's behaved fine. What more do you ask of tires? Ha! Also had alot of fun on the six lane back- back roads. 3 lanes of pavement...3 lanes of sand. Good for practicing your focus and decision making abilities. Seat puckering @ 35-40 Been an unbeliveable winter...600mi in Jan!! The Gods are merciful.
  8. Ducks are absolutely wonderful and the fit and finish is the best there is but they're made for one thing...attack. attack attack. Which is fun...but not ALL the time. Gearing them down helps alot but it's no contest with the GRUNT of a V11....and you can do as much attacking as you'd ever want. Anybody want a 900ss cheap?
  9. You chose wisely... My Duc has been langiuishing since April...fully registered and insured and in perfect shape. The LeMans is just alot more fun. You're gonna be pleased with yourself...welcome to the Big Grin Club.
  10. Right...the leftist press. Thats why I've known about Tom Delay and Abnemoff for a year and a half. And don't forget about that leftist America hatting Scott Ritter decorated Green Beret wepons inspector that had the un-patrotic gall to say there were no weapons of mass distruction. Bill O'Riley and Rush Linblob are the only true Patriotic News people there are. Patriotic News....thats what we need....Like Tass Then we can bring freedom to the rest of the world. Especially the places with oil. All we need to do is cut out all the social programs like health care for the elderly and school lunches...bunch of free loaders. Project for a New American Century. Read it. Read who wrote it. http://www.newamericancentury.org/ http://www.oldamericancentury.org/ myself....I like the America I grew up in....this ain't it. Installing a theocrtic democracy in Iraq is not a great leap. The x-govenor of texas thought he knew more about military operations than the Army Chief of Staff (Shinseki) or the Marine Chief of Staff (Zini) I don't read what Hillary (wipping post of the uninformed ditto heads) has to say.. I read what they have to say. But I guess you and Rush think THE"RE UnAmerican.
  11. I feel naked w/o my full face...flip up and the rest of the gear. It's a dangerous sport and it's scarrier @ 20-30mph in traffic than 100+ some where else. I just roll my eyes and shake my head when I see someone w/o a helmet... especially below 50 deg.....oh yea...he's a tough guy...real BIKER. Me ...I'm a sissy with only 35yrs on bikes and a decade of racing. Hell yea I wear my helmet.. Any other opinion is daft....and comes from a reigon well below the neck.
  12. Way to go ...It's been a great ride. No less enjoyable because we have identical bikes...right down to our shop stands...I'll keep the grey valve covers though I do covet your red ones. Well done....now if I could just get some winter week ends around here I can get all my little maintainence projects done.
  13. What winter??!!! Wow...I must be over 500 January miles! I'm happy to get 10-20mi once in a while in the winter. I put on 187 yesterday in glorious 55deg sunshine. complete with a few good doses of kick stand scraping and a bit of 120mph leg stretcing. I'll never get over how shure footed and CALM the LeMans is at 100+. I think it likes it.
  14. Ha! I'll take the 14mm bolt trick any day over searching out a 14mm allen wrench. Git 'er done..... (Though I do have a 14mm allen wrench...I just like being resourseful... it's half the fun.)
  15. Textile... I have a dear leather jacket but feel like a neandrathal..... Just one word. RAIN Says it all. Then again all my pals have Gucci textile stuff and always dig out thier Frogg Toggs the same time I do....Still this IS 2006
  16. The more I hear about these genuine MG stands the more I like my $49.00 PEP Boys....and the more I wonder why there's NO CENTER STAND. Gonna win a race or something? Sheesh. The Breva got a centerstand? Oops...er...sorry about your mirror. And I had a real low tire today so I'm on my centerstand war path again. Turned out to be just the valve.
  17. If you do go for it, finish it with a couple of Acylic Urethane clear coats. I'm a hack and I've done some beautiful stuff with 6-1200 grit and a good clear coat.
  18. Wierd ain't it? My Duc is fully insured and registered and I've ridden it twice maybe since I got the LaMa in May...and I really liked my Duc. Ducs are just too MENTAL. Wonderful... but MENTAL. Definately the best built machine I've ever owned You can Duc around on the Goose or you can Beemer around on it or even go sub-sonic and rumble through a little town @ 2500RPM. It's just the best. Alot of people are missing out on the best motorcyling experiance there is.
  19. Allens, popular wrenches and sockets, wire, duct tape, vise grips.. Axle hex, box cutter, needle nose..hose pieces & clamps, plug kit, zip ties, air gauge, flask of Jamesons All in the bottom of my tank bag. Still room for Frog Togs. sweater, gloves, hat and a 6 pack of Harpoon IPA.
  20. Des-d Looking forward to the pics...02 LaMa here too. Wondering about those BIG grips...after 3-400mi We found BIG to be BAD a LONNNG time ago. (Wore our forearms out)
  21. I like the Know The Rules link...real time saver. You could expound on a few more rules..clutch switch/connector..kickstand switch.. neutral switch...tank suck..vap lock..shift spring... Ha!! You could pare the whole forum down to one page. Untill ratchet rattles the cage with an oil or filter post...then we'd be back to a couple thousand pages.
  22. These are the ones>>> http://www.dpguzzi.com/relay.htm about 15.00$ US for 5
  23. Great to hear your back togeather and firing up is iminent. Yayyyyyyy!! Good man. Good job on the web page/ 3 day trip story. I've had a few of those missery trips in the rain. Brought back a few memories. Although I've sworn more than once I would grab a room and hold up for a few days I never do. There's something about just schloging through it that won't be denied...and as bad as it is it's still better than not riding. Looking forward to the next post.
  24. The king has no clothes. This guy is paid to tell just how beautiful the kings clothes are. He would have wrote the same thing or worse if it was a 999 in the test. He likes 'em big & slow with lots of chrome. If someone likes riding with thier feet on the front axle a Duc is gonna feel a lttle twitchy and unpredictable... deffinately a design flaw..."stay away...don't touch it" As Bugs Bunny says " What a maroon" This guy must be trying to get a job @ "Iron Horse" magazine. Here on the east coast of the US the HD scene is mostly a fashion show. Middle aged wanna be's with skulls & cross bones, 1%, swastikas and Nazi helmets for thier costumes. Most put about 2000mi a year on thier bikes and triler them any where over 100mi. They parade around @ 5 mph less than the posted speed limit and scowl at me on my Jap bike (LeMans) when they catch up @ the next stop. The skull and cross bone, swastika clowns think I'm a threat to the motorcycle image and society in general... Thank God! I often tell people.. "I'm not a biker...I'm a motorcycle enthusiast"
  25. Highest octane you can get....until the pinging stops. Sounds loke NZ ratings are different. I run 91 US. When it gets hot out 93. 89 is no good. Sounds like NZ 91 is = to 89 US
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