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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. My 02 LeMans is a BRICK in 80mph sweepers. I'm 200lbs. I was up in Vermont camping about a month after I got it and was winding up wonderful Rt. 100 and had that wierd wallowing feeling while digging into the corners. I chalked it up to maybe all my gear on the back. Still...unacceptable. After I got every thing off I did the suspension walk around/ bounce/kick the tires test. Finally grabed it by the tail rack ...stood it up off the side stand and gave it a bounce... Boinnnggg boing boing...blown shock. Got the Sachs shock repaired and used my MX experiance to set up the suspension. This consists of mainly setting it up pretty stiff... then the all important "ballance". By ballance I mean the front and back MUST work in perfect unison. My high tech way of getting this is to stand on my pegs while a friend holds the bike upright, lock the brakes and literally bounce.... a third friend does some observing.. we switch off...have a beer...change a setting fore or aft...comp or damp..another beer/ more bouncing....more adj...bounce..look.. screw it..close enough ..ride it....perfect... (note...cranked the shock spring about 4 turns tighter than OEM...(fat boy) and more weight on the front end is a good by me...ala my Duc.. and went from there) I did not fool around measuring sag...without going for new fork springs it would be moot. I have my dampner cranked at least 3/4 max. It's the best big fast sweeper bike I've ever owned...set it up..pitch it...pour on the coal...giggle, shake my head and grin. I've been ass off the side of the seat and watch the speedo up over 120 carving a turn and it's just a big happy, stable BRICK. ( Last time was going by Rob the hero on his Road King ...farting and puking it's guts out @ about 100...hahahaharley) My suspension theory; 1 Balance is KEY The front and the back MUST compress and return identicaly 2 Stiff is good. Ever notice the difference in RIDE between your Porche and Caddy? 3 It's a big ol' $13,000 Guzzi...big ol' forks...big ol' mono shock...big ol' tires It's gotta work. This is my favorite handling bike ever...including my 2 CBRs and my Duc Not so much in the tight tight but for my favorite (sweepers) I like it best. You can chase your tail around for ever ($$$$) trying to staighten out suspension problems. Maybe I just got lucky ..As ratchethack says YMMV Good Luck
  2. Wow...I've done alot of ice racing but never saw a Gxer on the ice. Not the best flat track frame. yeooow. I guess you have some big lakes out there. I always wanted to see a 500mi road race down a river in Norway or something. Anyone want to sponsor it w/ me? Here in the US it would have to be raced with "choppers" to get any TV coverage. (bizzzzare) Meawhile a Christmas Miricle.... "What to my wondering eye's should appear but 48 degrees and the roads are all clear." Managed to get 78 very plesant miles on, constrained only by familly obligations. Oh well...Not everybody worships motorcycling. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Guzzi night. (yea...I stole it)
  3. rachet; I think the big difference in "opinion" or more correctly "perspective" may lie in the fact that you (I believe) and I, expect, (or in my case am on a mission) to put 200K on our bikes. Most would be trading out thier scoots in 40-60K (@ the long term) just out of avorice and afluence. I. for one, am not expecting to do a ring job @ 60K. I do expect to be just over the honney moon and wringing the crap out of the ol' tractor, with my Beemer buddies saying "you gonna ride that thing forever?". yes......yes I am...
  4. The mirrors on my LeMans are great but the SP has Napoleans and I love 'em. I'm real real big on checking my 5 and 7 before switching lanes. But if you really want a mirror solution may I suggest >>>>
  5. Again I am in complete agreement with ol' ratchethack. Though I don't see a K&N as potentially threatning to the long life of my Guzzi. In that my passion for Guzzi lays in my perception that I could throw a handful of sand down the carbs,fill the tank with kerosene and ride my old SP out to Ca. and give ol' ratchethack a visit rather than I could tweak another pony out of the motor and go straffing GSXRs. I've always been a devotee of the KISS school of enginering which harkens back to before the days of picking up my buddy to go dirt biking but ended up packing it in because he had no "Yamah Lube" No amount of frantic arm waving discourse on the properties and origins of petroleum could convince him that Yamaha did not infact have thier own oil well in down town Tokyo that was specifically designed to pump the only black gold that was suitable for the divine chariot that was his YZ. Madison avenue had done it's job all to well. And still does, judging by sitting here watching C-Span.
  7. Shnozzle..nozzle.... All the ends of the grease guns come out to a larger coupling that fits over and snaps on to the zerk fitting (this is what there's no room for) but they make one that comes down to a point..like a needle. It takes 3 hands to keep the pointy end pressed into the zerk while you pump the gun but it works like a charm. The wife helped me. Sorry for being flipant. Here's what it looks like. http://www.farm-home.com/cgi-bin/miva?/mn/...021-5158~~~~~~~ Found one at the local auto parts. Have a great trip.
  8. Wow...a Venture to a sport framed Guzzi? Thats a serious leap. ..serious leap.. requiring a deep appretiation of the joy of rubber on the road, carving glorious sweepers, Loving the thunder, refined braking and geometry of a pretty aggressive track bike. We love the attack positon...nose to the grind stone...looking for the next tight corner to set up and throttle hard out of. All day long. Often 5-600 mi. Thats what we paid for..thats what we got. These things when used properly are very "Rider Involved" More physical and more rewarding...which keeps you pushing for the next corner. I don't know if you've ridden or owned anything with clip-ons but it's pretty different. It would take some getting used to but once you do anything like a Voyager feels like a VW pulling a trailer. Hope I haven't over stated my case...but thats a leap...then again my buddy went from a HD to a Duc and rides the wheels off it...but he's CRAZzzzY Best wishes
  9. I shopped for 5 years for my LeMans (bought a Duc in the interim) and just checked all my old haunts...e=bay ...MGNOC ...Want Ad...Cycle Trader, etc and found nothing as of now (this side of the Missisippi) for a Sport or LeMans. There's this>>> http://adcache.cycletrader.com/5/0/7/78900307.htm (Trust me...he'd drop a grand off it) Which is real pretty but I think you can get a 03 LeMans for 7,500 or so before spring if your patient... I've got this shopping thing down. I got my 02 w/ Stucci cross over ..Mistrals,PC III, Gel seat and Tekno bags with 6,400mi on it for $6,400!! (Half retail with $2000 of x-tras) March is the best time. I felt the same as you about EFI but I've calmed down...it should work the same as my mini van as far as reliability. The PC III and crosover stuff...I dunno...is it necesary? Love the sound of the Mistrals though....FOOOOBAHHHH! By the way I get more like 42mpg and expecting more when broken in. I only have about 17K mi on it. About 200mi/tank 5.5 gal but the last half gallon is for ballast I hear.
  10. Is my 02 LeMans something different? "I ended up resorting to a "needle" schnozzle with a little home bending ... Works great." The schnozzle wuz about $4.00 Wheel off... done deal
  11. This will be interesting.... I'm certainly not in a league with most here except for pure passion but I'll put in my since I'm here anyway. My favorite is the LeMans...Love everything about it. With the prices you can get on a used one it's a no brainer with one caviat. Get an 03 or newer...seems they got by alot of earlier glitches starting w/03 Rossa Corse with the Olins.....under 10K$ Yeoooowwww. Loud pipes? What...they got no HDs in NY? If your more into touring ala R or K bikes I guess you'd be lookin' @ the big Breva. More into street hot rod / looks ...maybe the Grisso? All have Hyd. clutches as far as I know. A big differnce is the suspension. The Scura (clutch issues...maybe) Tenni, Rosas and some LeMans come thru with the Olins package....highly desireable...and you'll likely pay for it. There's a start....Good luck and welcome aboard.
  12. The 02 turns out to be great. I had misgivings about it for a while. My infatuation with Guzzi was always it's simplicity and reliability. I had a bit of buyers remorse combined with all the complaints on this forum. I was also getting off of a very simple, truly wonderful work of MC art Ducati...which has now languished for many mo.s because I just love the LeMans and though I've walked out to the garage more than a couple of times intending to "excercise" the Duc I always take the Goose. I'm intimidated by FI and it had a (the) stumble (hiccup) @ 3,800 Having read all the info here on tunning...including people taking them to the shop and still not getting satisfactory reults I had intended to get togeather with my pals that are dam good at adj. thier Beemer FI. Before I got to do that I got frustrated enough to reach down and balance the carbs by ear while under way. BINGO...perfection...smooth as a CBR...over 12,000mi of happy motoring. This changed my whole take on the bike...this was a Guzzi. Now all the glitches I see are bad grounds or bad relays...kickstand switches etc. This is Guzzi...sipmle...and if ever I do need to set the TPS et al I'll be un intimidated. It's my favorite MC ever and I've owned and loved a mess of them.
  13. 58mi......Not great but better than nuttin'....better than moth ballin' Bank thermometers 43./..37..Got 30 mi before I got a little slideways on the dark matter. sooo.. Jumped on the slab to get back south to Mystic. Great to cruise @ 80...good for the bike too. Rt. 1 was like April...clear and dry....panoramic vistas of the ocean. If I had stuck to my plan and stayed on the coast I could have done 200mi but it's pretty congested. Road conditions not temp was what ultimately drove me home.
  14. I ended up resorting to a "needle" schnozzle with a little home bending ... Works great.
  15. Thats not what I'm Jelous of.. It's that SoCal weather!! Wonderin' if I'm going to suck it up tomorrow 38deg. forecast high
  16. ~~Jelousy~~~!
  17. I happen to be fortunate enough to have an old racing friend who is now in the suspension buisness...So I ended up bringing it to him. He was fairly confident he could rebuild it but alas was thwarted...he gave it a shot with a cleaning, new sweeper and fresh oil. At the time he felt the operation was probably a failure except perhaps it was a case of the seal drying out and "rolling". (the bike had been laid up for many months) He insisted on not charging me but I insisted on paying just for the mess if nothing else. (Been there...done that a few times. hurrendous) Any way it's been 100% the last 12Kmi. The same service can be done in your garage (the top screws off...it comes apart...drain...fill...bleed. It's the bleed part thats hell to me. Gotta get all the air out all the way back to the "gas" bottle. Pumping the piston and pouring oil...more pumping...more pouring.. then get it charged with nitrigen,,, pain in the butt) but for $75.00 it's a no brainer. If there's someone out there in AZ. that does shocks etc. (Husky uses Sachs) give em a jingle and see what they say, otherwise you could try my friend now that he's familliar with the Guzzi Sachs. http://www.ccycle.com/ You didn't mention actually having a problem and since your in AZ you'll probable be riding so it's not an issue but to anyone laying thier bike up for the winter it might be a good idea to swab a little lube on that seal.
  18. Yup...rear shock. If it starts to bleed I suggest a freshning up. Not rebuildable but for $750 I'd get REAL creative. The top seal is pressed/sandwiched in....nothing you can do with it....supposedly. Maybe I got lucky...maybe a cleaning / frehs oil would save someone elses. Worth a try... Same with the dampner...I'd be trying to find a way to keep it seviceable. Thats just my way...thats how I got hooked on Guzzi...para millitary...field seviceable farm equipment...I like that.
  19. I maybe was over stating the case. I've only read a few instances of head shake/ tank slapping short framers, but it makes my blood run cold when I do. Then to read posts saying "toss the dampner"...I get a little excited. Your making my point. Your sport is set up correctly (expertly I would say). You've had no problem. I also think it's a matter of terrain. Here in New England we suffer from a condition called "Frost Heaves" Pavement heaved up in groups of irregularly spaced bumps and holes in the road. Perfect conditions to start the front end into the first spasms of a tank slapper. Paradoxically the better your bike is set up to carve fast smooth turns @ speed the more it's susceptable to the frost heaves. For me this is where the dampner comes in. Awww...any way...I'm just trying to talk people out of tossing their dampners. The one time you need it .... Sorry for casting any aspersions on the short frames...though I see the logic of it as well as read accounts.
  20. I love it Thats how alot of these glitches are cured...a relay..a plug wire..a kickstand switch. This forum is the best thing Moto Guzzi has going for it. Without it there'd be some seriously pissed off Guzzi owners. I'm surprized MG dosen't tell it's dealers to read this site religiously. Guzzi should have JAPP on the payroll for atleast $100K/yr... Whats that ..the cost of a couple months advertising?
  21. The short frame sport is known for head shake high sides. The worst way to get off. Voice of experiance...there's nothing like being verticle on your front tire going lock to lock. (Shutting off an 85 Ninja 600 hard, entering a corner full of Stutter bumps. 8 of the 12 sold came back to the shop for the same reason...16in front wheel) Events and conditions can reach out and slap ya. I keep my dampner pretty stiff....I don't care how it feels @ 20 MPH I would bet a good MX suspension man could repair the Bitubo. Definately try it yourself. Afew pics and you'll be the resident expert. I thought I had to fork out $800 to replace my blown un-rebuildable Sachs...bleeding like a pig. It turned out to to be "dried seals". A juice change and cleaning has got me 12,000mi. Im going to make it a yearly ritual.
  22. "Does anyone already have an answer at hand, why some tyres tend to wear out only on one side? I destroyed the left side of my Metz. Z6 I chalked it up to my wacky riding position, as soon as I hit the big roads I twist my body so mostly my left ass cheek is on the seat..knee in the air..my right knee is tucked...right hand on the throttle...left elbow on my tank bag ...chin in my left palm. Ready to drain a tank till we get to the GOOD ROADS.. Now you'll know me when you see me commin' down the road. I suggest others try this before screwing with the bikes geometry. In the twisties I get wide, drop my ass off one side or the other, get under the bike grin,,then throttle.... a good time is had by all. (~sigh~ It's gonna be a long winter)
  23. Man...! This thread is giving me cooties... It's frustrating to not be able to jump on the bike and see what the F#$%# is going on...ya gotta get someone else to try it.. It's got to be something stupid... Boots on the wrong feet... Unmatched foot pegs... Butt crack miss alignment...
  24. Yea, we have some "bella vias" up here. VT. being the #1 one day R/T with plenty of "Oh My God" vistas and twistys. Cross the river and your in N. NY which is " Ya Mon!" Cross another and your in Canada. All with low tax base. ( No money for xtra cruisers....unlike around here) BUT....look where you are! Best roads on the east coast are as close to you. How long does it take you to get to Deals Gap? (About a day less than me I guess) Been down there a few times. I like to be down on the river more than up on the Mt. or trying to play on the Dragon. Need a 250 for that. I like to stop in the little towns and sample the local culture. We have a first ride (camp out) of the year, wing ding in VT. in early May "Frosty Nutz Rally" if your up for it. By March I'm usually walking around with a glazed expression mumbling "Frosty Nutz Frosty Nutz Frosty Nutz." I get a good bit of riding in before then but it's that 3 day...wake up in the morning with nothin' to do but ride and the absence of "She Who Must Be Obeyed" thing. I'm expecting to get 100mi at least this Sunday...rain Fri...Sunny 40s Sat/Sun. Sonds like you got a good reference on your cross over parts. I wonder if there's a cross over set up I can retro to my 02...then again I wouldn't bother. It's running spot on and it's plenty fast for me. Only A radar detector would make me faster.
  25. There's nothing to be out of balance. Tires was a good place to look... the Level thing is just not applicable. Steering dampner malfunction? Not Likely. Tire defect? Doubt it. Rear wheel alignment?.... I defer to ratchethack My guess is it's just the combination of the new.. torque/shaft/camber/ A Guzzi feels real different. What are you getting off of? MI is great have them check it out. Get 1000mi on it then see how it feels. Good luck...your gonna love it.
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