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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. aLmost made it out today. Low 40s But the salt and sand where 1/2 lnch deep and decided I'd be good for a change. Promises of rain then 40s next week end....I can make it...(gasp)
  2. I just want Guzzi to sell enough bikes to stay in buissines and maybe have a little factory support. Most people are riding bikes that are all looks or not applicable to riding on public roads....ie; most of what you paid for can't (shouldn't) be used. Beemer's are nice but got no Shake Rattle and Roll Ducs are wonderful but who wants to always be above 4K rpms Big bore multis...take it to the track or flush your money down the drain. HD..buy the required costume and stand around next to it but don't be carving up 80mph sweepers. V11s the best...any other opinion is by someone that dosen't get it. I would say IMHO but there isn't anything humble about my opinion regarding my LeMans...it's poetry in motion. Not something that can be defined by numbers...except grins per mile. My magazine article would simply say: "It's the motorcycleiest motorcycle I've ever motorcycled on." Think I could get a job as a writer? (Gimme another beer...I got a deadline comming up)
  3. Ewww boy... I'm the last person to help ya here Doc. I fially got a new set of headers for my Bella Bambina and was ready to rejoin my friends on our monthly vintage tours when I noticed the brake light wasn't working...that was 2 yrs. ago!!! I had the head light BLINKING before I was through.... I decided I was going to break iit comepletly down again (engine on the bench) and give it the final build and ride it into my sunset years...but I got no room in my 20X12 garage and the other 2 kids always need something...something small then I can ride....the Ducs got to go ...or a couple more years and I can ride that with the Bonnies and slash/ bikes I bet there'sa wiring expert here somewhere...I'll be watching...cutting and pasting too I bet.
  4. Sounds good Doc. I didn't like where the crack was through the bolt hole otherwise I would have went with the JB Weld...especially since your now the resident expert on this job (!) it would have been a breeze for you to go back in if it didn't work. With the good deal you got on the new piece it's the only way to go. Now it's a race between delivery and the parts gremlins. It's going to be tough on all of us waiting for your post that says... "Well I got 150mi on it today...no leaks and I LOVE this friggin bike"
  5. That made me laugh out loud. This is the humor of my tribe. We are a poor people but a stupid people.
  6. Parts..... Thats the scarriest thing to me....not loseing anything. I use an assortment of tubs and trays and often puit any small nuts bolts etc. back in the holes of what ever larger part I just took off. (sigh....my SP has been apart for a year now...scarry) A previous post mentioned the "woodruff" key in the shaft....Got that somewhere safe??? And don't don't don't forget it reassembling.... I'll remember to remind you when you get going in the other direction. It's remenisent of a piece in a carburator widely known as the "Jesus Clip" because if you drop it or place it somewhere unfortunate the first words oh of your mouth is "Oh Jesus" Especially since most of the time I've lost it is between heats @ the track. Maybe we could rename the woodruff key the "Dammm IT key"
  7. See....this is why one beer at a time won't work. Several beers will relieve alot of your stress while having little adverse effect on the overall project. Don't know if you have the parts fische >> http://mphcycles.com/Parts%20Manuals/GU003...920090_1100.pdf Sorry but I don't know how to lift images off it. (Adobe thing?) I gather your talking about frame piece # 2 on D7? Looks simple in the drawing...yea,,,with no wires and plumbing running through it. Hopefully if you remove the bolts you'll have the slop to get your cover off. I can't imagine you really damaged the seal ...maybe it got that way from the factory.. but while your in there...anyway. Though next time it will only take you 90 minutes....and a 12 pack. I haven't been confronted with this problem but it looks like a pain in the buttt. Not a high tech thing but alot of nigling and no space to work. Good practice for changing the headlight on a LeMans.
  8. Sounds like you fiddle with the relays and it goes? Go and get a full rack of these (about $20 US) http://www.dpguzzi.com/relay.htm
  9. Actually MG would have me takin' out a new Mtg on a brand new 2006 >>>>>>
  10. Don't need a donor bike.... Just need donor $$$$$$
  11. A beer????!!! Costs me at least a six pack just to have someone come over and make fun of me while I do all the work. Sounds like your over the hump Doc. Scarry jammin' that screw driver in there huh? I know I've done it so there must be a reason. Must be all the slop all the way to the back wheel. Just can't get the immediate force. Ratchethack is vindicated again.
  12. I got into the habit of dragging my back brake while frolicing in the twisties with friends. This was due to them being on big twins (Beemers) and me on multis....I'd end up rolling up on them a little too much if I didn't. With the Duc and the LeMans it's a moot point unless your at the track. Trail breaking does feel to me like it loads the suspension and settles the bike in a good way but with the Goose it's all in the throttle/motor. It's just perfect for lazily carving the crap out of corners. It feels like the combination of frame, motor, suspension, RPM and even WEIGHT are just right for the kind of fun you can reasonably have on public roads. Much more FUN than the 160 170mph bikes I've had. This is the best thing I've ever seen about having fun on the roads. You've probably seen it too. ( I have a couple of caviats but everyones different) http://62west.net/bikers//pace.html
  13. Definately a consideration. I immediately wondered if the promoters considered the famous NS fog.
  14. A..ha I take it your all straightened out now? (been worried about you)
  15. much better As long as the slop in the drive isn't too agrivating.
  16. Nice Zip code!
  17. I like the hole in the alt. cover idea. I'm not going to do it but thats true Guzzisti thinking. Also never been there (on a Guzzi) but sometimes those are reverse threads on the stator nut. Anybody? I usually use impact on any spinning dodads. Impact and fly wheel crowbars can be dangerous ....but effective.
  18. Go for it Doc. It'll be good for you and the Guzzi. Ya got all the help you need right here. ( I come here for all my high drama) I'm rooting for ya.
  19. Wuz Duc there? With the new "Classics"? You guys talk about looks alot and nothing looks better (to this old geezer) than them. Except the Tontis we saw on that thread. Fit and finish on a Duc is truly the best also... IMHO This not only includes just motorcycles but power tools and farm equipment. I used to think the same of Guzzi. I've followed a handful of threads about the "Frame crack" on mid 90s Ducs Ducati made good on every one...replacing the frames for 2nd and 3rd owners. Wish THEY"D buy Guzzi. (clutch exploding...pawl failing...Sachs suckin'...paint flaking...tank suckin' relay popin'' ...bearing burnin 'Guzzi) Good thing they build the best, most fun riding, bike there is.
  20. I can't imagine any one this side of the Mississippi not getting psyched to go. Great roads...great race...great camping....the incredible Bay of Fundy and it's about $5000 closer than IOM
  21. Time to start planning. IOM comes to the esat coast. Once in a life time or the begining of a tradition? Either way ...this is great. http://www.cdnsuperbike.com/news/05/100605.shtml ( is this only news to me? )
  22. Hi Anthony.. No Electrics....Hippo hands...light gloves .(can't stand bulky gloves) 2 pairs of sox Long underware..jeans, Leather chaps.. t-shirt, long sleve jersey, T-shirt, nylon wind breaker, leather jacket I'm fine down to 35F. I take an xtra sweat shirt and heavier gloves in my tank bag just in case. Below 35 I don't want to be out there too much... Ice shows up in unexpected places.
  23. I've ridden the Buel...it ain't like a v11...it's more like a CR500 ice racer. Wicked fun...a tempting bike for those of my ilk but my LeMans is purrrfect for me. The V Rod I've also ridden. It's exactly like a V11 if you put 10 gallons of water in a 20 gallon tank on top of your gas tank and put your foot pegs on the forks. Oh yea...don't forget some nice tall handle bars.....you'll look soooo cool God bless Eric Buell...
  24. Got 116mi on Sunday...mid 40s and 142 tonight! (Tues) Pretty good fun riding around looking @ Xmas lights. .. A Heads up....black ice... Snow melts...runs across the road...then freezes and bites you on your way back home. But you knew that didn't you.. Scarry when you see that big dark spot on the pavement....
  25. Friends/sober?.........aye...there's the rub.
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