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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. I got about 3Kmi on my Road Attacks...got another 3 left on 'em easy. I ve been a regular little holligan on them (pitching and gasing hard @ speed) and they have only inspired confidence. Let us pray..."God give us a sticky tire that will go 10Kmi"
  2. Love those drifts through the corners. Great Vid...
  3. I'm 54 and it took me a while (2 mo.?) to come to the conclusion that my 02 Lemans is just the best friggin' motorcycle in the world. I love it to death with a mint 900ss Duc sitting next to it in the garage. 2 of my best ridin' buddies have the R1150R and I think thats the next best thing but the Guzzi is just such a joy with it's brute torque and growl. I just got back from a Tues night 140mi New England cruise through the farm lands and I'm still grinning. It just delivers that THRILL of riding like no other bike... (except the Duc but....like I said I'm 54) I often say "It's a BeemerDuc" It carves 80mph sweepers like a brick and chugs through the little town @ 35 like a locomotive....bang the bottom of one of those Mt. switch backs down your way...a gear too high? Just roll on the throttle and giggle. No bike I've ever owned gave me such confidence. The motor talks to you...it's like a companion, a friend to tour the world with. 30+ yrs riddin' and many many bikes and feel this is what I think a motorcycle should be. Bear in mind I ride a lot and am made out of shark cartilage. ie been holdin' on to clipons since the 80s 500mi days...no problem. Best ergonomics for a LeMans....big tank bag. Good Luck...hope you find your nitch and have an understandig wife.
  4. Grips are usually around 30w too. I just got caught short this yr. Maybe by spring ..vest and gloves. (Santa? You listenin'?) I just ride too much to get anything done. Soon I'll be snowed in...then play with the elecs. Take care of that intermitent charging light (ground maintnance) Head light reroute...grips. Vest maybe. Next year paint. The Champagne is nice but I see nicer. I like the simple black v11s I see pics of,, . with the red Guzzi roundel on the tank. I'd also go with the "LeMans" script on the tail too.
  5. My condolences... MN! yoweee.....I'm in New England and I can barely take that...sometimes only miss 3 or 4 week ends...( a good bit warmer here on the coast.) My saying is "10mi in January is equal to 100mi in June" It's enough to make me go live somewhere warm....but the south hates us yankees and the west coast is to crowded and $$$$$$$
  6. Ha! Thats some cut up carpet fastened with zip ties on my old SP. Not beautiful but 200% more effective than the $35.00 good looking Parts Unlimited hippo hands I have on the LeMans. All that glitters is not gold...
  7. Ouiji Veck


    Low 20s F out there right now...... Low 30s tomorrow....good day for chores. Mid 40s Sunday.....Yipeeeeeeeeeee!!
  8. There's quite a handful of my friends that can take my precious LeMans to California for the asking. Be proud & tickled they asked. As Long as they left me their Beemer or Duc to ride while they're gone. Any of my cruiser HD types I'd veto. Too diffrent a bike. They'd fall into the catagory of novice or uninitiated, with my concern not so much for the bike, but for them....and mostly for my reputation, It would not sit well for me to allow an unexperianced person to hurt them self. Bikes are FUN but they are not TOYs. Lastly and most important.....80% of ALL crashes are on borrowed or new bikes...FACT. I my self hate to TRY someone elses bike. I feel all goofy footed and awkward. Plus it takes a good 20-30 miles to get into the groove....even on my own bike sometimes. A friend (30yrs ridin' togeather)just insisted recently that I try his new SV1000. We traded for about 30 mi...me out front. He was surprised I didn't really wring it out....PFFFft...The thing was animal...I could tell that @ 6000rpm...I didn't have to see 10 or 11...nut bike.hehe. He LOVED the Guzzi by the way. We all learned early in our MX days switching bikes dosen't work once you learn to ride very aggresive. Just the seat hight or bar position makes it...unfimilliar...which can be dangerous at speed.
  9. Yea...Happy T.G to all my "Merican Guzzi pals. Comgratulations on extended drinking hrs. to all accross the pond. (Talk about being thankful!) Meanwhile some holiday cheer... http://www.youthofbritain.com/chillout/
  10. Well you guys talked me into and out of it a couple of times. Then I remembered...the friggin' highway sucks. I'm no stranger to 5-600mi days but even those are 90% back roads. Beers by a stream. Slicing and dicing through the corners. A pretty waitress @ the pub. When ever I can get away for 24hrs..... I'm doin' that.
  11. Yep....I do all the rim scrtchin' M'self. I can do it in less time than it takes me to drive 25 mi to the shop and back and my anal-pour is much the happier for it. I guess all those years ice racing wasn't for nuthin. In fact...one of the last times I shelled out some 350$ for a set of tires, the guy collectin' the loot began weepin' and wailin' when I warned him I had put some flat fix in the rear tire while up in Canada. I calmly rolled all the parphnillia out the door....went to my trunk...pulled out a tire iron and a big screw driver and changed the rear tire in front of his showroom widows....Gave everyone a "what the f#$K" shrug and chalked it up to the New American Century. Guess everyone hasn't been to an enduro race. Wimps.
  12. Just used one to change my tires...fore and aft... worked like a charm with a couple of strtegically placed tie down straps. PEP Boys $49.00 Centerstand though.......my kingdom for a centerstand. Again...what are these guys thinking? They got a GP bike here?
  13. Triumph man/limited wrench time? How'd you do that? Fear ye not! Your in good hands here You'll be an old pro before you got 20K on the LeMans (same as mine) and it will just about be broken in. It's always easier than it looks. Wrenches won't fit? Thats why God made grinding wheels. So far I've only sacraficed a 15mm? (acorn nut for gear selector) and a small allen. I forgot what that was about. Gotta show those tools who's boss. Good luck...your gonna love the Guzzi when it's all sorted out.... By the by...I have no engine paint flaking on my 02 Champagne LeMans
  14. Jimmy Adamo Made me Love BOTT & Ducati the first time I heard him down shifting into turn 10 @ Loudon /mid 70s. Managed to get down to the pits a few times to shake his hand and give Reno Leoni an awkward grin.. Here he is with the infamous Leoni OWO1 I met a 63 y.o. riding a MV Brutale Sunday...looks like I got another 10 yrs anyway.
  15. Right. Dumb & dumber
  16. It's definately a stable bear/cat/antalope For what ever reason I've been over 130mph on this thing more than my Duc (3 yrs) or my CBR1000 (4yrs) It just feels "calm" Not all hyper and frantic.
  17. Video of poorly adjusted dampner... (just kidding) http://media.putfile.com/Faces-Of-Death---Motorcycle-Crash
  18. I have mine cranked up pretty stiff from when I lost my Sachs last spring in Vermont. After getting the shock fixed I've left it stiff because of how great this thing feels in 80 MPH sweepers. Gotta be doing something right. Tight twisties and parking lot work is fine, I had read some tank slapper episodes on the short wheel base units also. I've steped over the handle bars in a tank slapper once.(85 Ninja 600+ frost heaves) Not a good way to go, so I'll keep a little tension on the ol' damper.
  19. Yes... The black paint on the V11s just drives me to distraction. What is wrong with these guys? I shoulda just dumped a couple of K$$ into my SP I intend to anyway...then the Duc came along...then the LeMans.. If I had Andre's my 02 LeMans would be sporting cob webs.l It's a UN bike R 90 fairing, CX tank, CX turbo tail, 700F seat, HD front fender (Bolted right on!) Gotta get back working on it ...grins per mile is off the chart..so is the reliability!
  20. Oh boy!!! I'm going to get one of these @ dealer cost...maybe less BECAUSE NO MOTORCYCLIST IN THE U.S. WOULD BE CAUGHT DEAD WITH A "NORGE" DO these guys even know anyone in the U.S.? It will be a laughing stock. It's the equivlent of calling it the "TURD" "Hey baby check out my brand new bike...it's a TURD / NORGE. same difference It's a cultural thing. Think again M.G.
  21. WOW what pretty bikes... Great thread.
  22. There's KZ 750 rat bikes with 12,000mi on them. Then there's Guys SP with 212,000mi It's more like a rolling museum You could say thats less than 10K a year but he's got 2 with over 200K I wonder how shinny my Lemans will be @ 100K How many keepsakes will be hanging off it. How many memories. Live to ride, Ride to live To some it's a belt buckle To some it's a religion See ya in church
  23. "Dead Horse" is the operating phrase in this instance. http://www.deadhorse.com/ Started as a Guzzi centric club when dirt was still new. This "Guy" is a walking Tonti parts encyclopedia and can usually cross reference anything with an NSU Opel VW or tractor part. Guzzi ought to have him design a new model...$6000 new and it would run forever. He's also fairly humorus
  24. My Gurus bike. There's a 1980 SP under there somewhere... He's got 2 fo 'em w/over 200Kmi Try to stay with him!!
  25. Bella Bambina ... Why I got hooked.
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