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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. I always set my trip OD @ fill up...traveling w/ big tanker BMWs & Connies (7 gal!) Yesterdays fill up was at 180mi (Light came on @ 156mi) She took 4.6 gal. I figure 1/2 gal of useable fule left... Rule of thumb>>>>200mi and I'm walking/maybe 16K mi on '02 LeMans...Loosey Goosey valves, PCIII.Stucci,Mistrals This is at sport touring RPMs ...4K most of the time...not to much WFO. But thats the only time I consider millage...get out where the gas stations can be 50 mi apart. Around town raising hell??? I'm more concened how far it is to the next pub than the next gas station.
  2. Ouiji Veck

    V11 in BUFFALO??

    Yea....what he said... I think the R1150R is just about IT. BUT....I gladly give up a good bit of convieniance to have the Rock and Roll Soul of my LeMans though. 2 or 300 mi on a Sunday or 4 or 500mi a day on a trip is the norm for my tribe which includes 2 R1150Rs. I'm not standing on my pegs anymore than them but I do end up poking around at some "charecter" issue more. 6 or seven of us (mostly Beemers) have been riding togeather more than 35yrs. and they love to have the Guzzi in the mix. Hey! Somebodys got to bark back @ the HDs The R1150R is absolutely the cats ass but it don't plaster that stupid grin on your face like a Guzzi will. The purr and thump become part of your physiology.. like your curled up with a big cat or chasing down an antalope or playing with the other cubs. Big Fat shure footed throbbing power. I I I I I I Like it!
  3. Hey! I just did the catski8lls last W/E....brrrrrrr North /South Lake Not bad on the way out but sub 40s and raining Sat mornin' No electrics....Got a set of Gauntlets/Hippo hands on my LeMans Slapped some Duct tape on the Gauntlets for waterproofing on the leading edges... Was with 4 Late model beemers...all electric everything...including seats...we all enjoyed the ride..never went above 40deg and poured this side of Htfrd. My hands are super sensitive to the cold and though I prefer electric grips the gauntlets got me through fine. I didn't want to screw with the Guzzi charging sys. on such short notice. The gauntlets were even better than heated grips///my hands stayed perfectly DRY.!!! mmmmm...nice. Other than that I was in sweater, windbreaker, leather.chaps and Frog Togs.!!! We all Frogg Togg...even those of us with $$$ Tex stuff. The Frog is unbeliveable....looks like paper towels...works like tupper ware...breathes like cotton...miricle stuff. heading out tomorrow.... Don't know where yet.... Victim Westerly
  4. Once again I find myself in great company. It seems I was born admiring the fighter pilots of WW2. Chenault and the AVG (Flying Tigers) Boyington and the Black Sheep The RAF Eagle Squadron.(Americans in the RAF by way of Canada) The 8th and the 5th and all of the RAF in those gorgeous Spitfires. The Mustang was almost as pretty and had better performance but that eliptical wing on the Spitfire...what a beautiful airplane. Unfortunately I've never seen one fly though I go to every air show that comes round. I still love the war birds best. What a world. It was only 60 years ago. Will this generation have to learn those lessons again?
  5. I'm self employed and goof off way to much. BUT... Who ever layed in thier death bed muttering.. "Gee ...I wish I worked a few more days." ? I ride every weekend..sometimes both days...evenings around home I get erked on some of these rides (50-150mi) because I don't reach that nirvana ya get too on a 2 or 3 or 14 day trip to unexplored territory...where there's not enough tax base to support a high police presence. Crawling out of my tent to put 50mi on before breakfast, heading down the untraveld road to "I don't care where".. I live for that. And if i won 300 mil $$, thats what I'd do every day. No glitz and glamour,Limos or gold toilets. Just my Guzzi and my tent... and my friends Thats why I feel Jay Lenos' no "biker" If he was a true "motorcyclist" he'd take his dough....quit that douche bag job.. and go ridding'.
  6. Geez.... I got a 1500lb motorcycle jack they sell at PEP BOYS for $49.00 Slide it under the oil pan...pump it a couple times and both wheels are off the ground. Couple of safety straps and do whatever. ('cept change the oil! ) Or take the staps off and roll the bike around the shop. Hard to beat. Half way down the page.>>> http://www.pepboys.com/great_buys/products/
  7. Ouiji Veck

    Guzzi virgin

    Wierd ain't it. I got a happy little 900ss Duc that I was going to take out for a much needed excercise yesterday but when it came down to it I rolled the LeMans out of the garage for the 150mi tour around the neighborhood. I just love that big bear. 35mph through the little towns or 80mph carving up the farm road corners...Big grin. I just love that big thump and purr....3 days in the Adirondacks next week end..!!!! Yea yea yea.... It's embarasing ..how much I love to ride.
  8. 30lbs is a bit low... I think 34 is more like it. I've been riding 30 yrs and never ate a front tire first....especially on a big bore twin, shaft drive, I got a couple hundred miles on my new Conti Road attacks. They feel great. ( I think someone mentioned running them @ 40/38psi) The price was right and I read a couple of unbiased articles about them that sounded very good....long life w/ good rain grip...wish I had the links. One was from a group called Canyon Chasers. It's an eternal struggle finding a high milage yet sticky tire. I don't need Nicky Haydens compound but I do get stuck far away from home in a deluge now and then and if a bikes going to slide out ...well..you know. I got 7000 mi out of my last metzlers...the left side on the rear was completly gone when I got back from Nova Scotia (2700mi) this year. Will we ever see even a 10Kmi performance tire?
  9. Yes... unbridled capitalism. Yea..Why should workers in the 1st world countries be treated any different than in third world countries Oh... then we'd be third world countries too....No Middle class. It's an exquisite balance... I'm kinda proud a man that put in 40yrs, making GM or Ford plenty of money can put his feet up and do a little fishing in his golden years in my country.
  10. Hmmm ...Maybe he'd like a nice Italian air cooled V twin in there... Guzzi ought to make him an offer he can't refuse... I can't belive I'm the only one to think of this either.... A Guzzi Buell.....yea man!...
  11. Don't get me started. God bless Eric Buell....some one that can think past eagles and chrome and nostalgia for something that never really did exist except in a couple of very bad movies. Hey ERIC! Put that V-Rod engine in there. (I can't be the only one thinking this) The wifes #3 son is sales manager @ a huge HD shop. He says the HDs aren't so bad now days and I agree. He just hates the "Gay Pirates" (his words) he has to deal with. Nasty mean guys with tattos and swastikas doing 40 mph in a 45 zone. I'd rather come upon a grandmother in a mini van pulling a boat. At least she'll have the sence to pull over and let me by.
  12. Well...I suggest 2nd or 3rd rather than 6th...
  13. At the risk of beating a dead horse... I got rid of all hiccups, farts, burps,stalls,hesitatons by adjusting my throttle bodies on the fly. Think about it. While your sitting and idleing in your garage looking at needles and dials I'm under load @ 3200rpms (right where the skip WAS) listening and feeling the heart beat. I cruise @ 3000RPMs every where. Runs like a sewing machine from 1000RPMs to 8000RPMs ( I will set the TSP next time though. Just to start from zero.) Maybe I just got lucky. I'm dying for someone else to try my method. This hiccup thing seems so chronic and alot of people are working so hard to get results that sound utterly unacceptable. I hope I don't end up eating my words but mine's been purrrfect for about 4000mi. Voltage and dynos and maps.....oh my! C'mon...somebody give it a whirl.... Take note of where your starting from.. Turn the big white SPICKET a 1/16th turn and ride it where it sputters....repeat. Try it 5-6 times in one direction....no improvement? ..worse...? Go back to zero and try the other direction... Worked like a charm for me... Of course if yous blows up...I was never here...I never said nuttin'.... What is the worse that could happen....run crappy?...backfire?.. In all seriousness if anyone thinks this method could cause damage speak up and set me straight....I would delete this message post haste. I ended up actually rotating the adjuster 3/8ths of a turn. Is that alot? Not much? Compared to your experiances?
  14. Dam good job of explaining this procedure in a straight forward and understandable way. Copied and pasted into my glitches and fixes library. You Da MAN! Yea this board is great. Next chore is to find posts for stealing some juice from the charging system for heated grips and vest (October!!) and halogens...or a white cane... Sheesh...I thought Lucas was the prince of darkness.
  15. This may explain why my Metzler disintegrated on the left side on my 2700mi trip around Cape Breton. The right side had another 2000 mi left on it. The left was nearly down to the belts. I chalked it up to road camber/ shaft and torque effects and undue proclivity we all have for soft rubber. We'll see how the Conti Road Attacks wear.
  16. I did the adjusting in and around where the hiccup farts were.. 3200 and 3800 rpm in my case...I'd crank a 1/16 turn on the knob...ride a little (maybe a mile-purposely trying to get it to hiccup) trying to stay around one of those #s ..still hiccup and fart...I'd try another 1/16 turn...repeat... I did 6 counter clockwise..with no improvement...went back to zero and started going clock wise. At 5 ..1/16th turns I thought it was better...at 6 ...definately better...at 7 purrrfect. And I mean purrrfect...not nothing...not the slightest skip or blip anywhere...I also noticed when I was on the right track the "backing off" detonation when shutting off the throttle at higher RPMs got quieter and quieter. Now, if I'm doing say 6Krpm and completly close the throttle or down shift hard for a corner it just goes " DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" (like my perfectly tuned Duc) Instead of "DrrrBak! Bak!Bak!rrrBak!rrrr" (I'm wondering if this is comprehensible?) It also got rid of embarrasing hesitation off the line. ..from dead stop to rolling out. This all is in relation to the problem of hiccups and farts at flat throttle..just cruzin' ie: TB synch...as far as I know. If there's a problem skipping or farting under throttle it may be or probably is something more complicated...
  17. I've got 13000 mi on mine. OK so far ...I'm figuring they musta got some of 'em right or there would have been a total recall. I looked @ it and the coil seemed loose on the pawl but I got a spare one in the bag as a talisman as well. I always have vise grips and allen wrenches. Hey! Duct tape got the astronauts back from the moon!
  18. I'm getting 42-43mpg and cleaning my buddys clock on his 900 Monster ( I can't belive how this thing corners...I have no chicken strips) I'm a total guzzi nut because of the '80 SP I rebuilt. I fell in love with the Briggs and Stratton technology. At the time I owned a 170mph CBR1000 that I put 54000 mi on witout anything more than gas oil and new plugs once. I'm trying to find someone to try my "adj. the TBs on the fly" tecnique to validate my own results getting rid of the notorious "hiccup" in an effort to get the Aprillia Cooties back out of the Guzzi blood line. Aprillia Cooties! Aprillia Cooties! Aprillia Cooties! Don't call NASA...you can just use a fly swatter. (maybe)
  19. It's not a big job...you'll be on the road this w/e ...git'er done.. "We always do it nice 'cause we always do it twice."
  20. " runs smooth, gets decent mileage, and never hesitates to pull like a Kenworth on command. " ZZzackly Specially the "pull like a Kenworth part". Thats what puts that big grin on my face. I wuz expectin' to catch hell for my tirade. Yea jrt....hands over the exhaust or my favorite... "pull one plug wire and it should stall after 2 or three revolutions." I love that kind of stuff. One year when ice racing (flat track on a frozen lake) I replaced a broken brake stay on my CR 250 wirh a coat hanger. A Dudley DoRight type from my own pit started slandering my mechanical accumen. I then proceded to win my class that day....yet another trophy for Team Duct Tape.. ( not that brakes are useful ice racing) note: No it's not slippery... Infact there's 10 times more traction than on any other bike. Exit every corner in a wheelie and throw a rooster tail of ice 12 feet into the air thru every turn.....500 5/16 hex heads diggin' in..man what fun... A lttle like juggling chain sawz though...got the scars to prove it.
  21. Dyno dyno dyno... Thats what you do to a Hyabusa to get .001 sec. off your time @ the drag strip. I'm tellin' ya..I balanced my TBs by ear and it's purrrrfect. (previously sucked) Not a stumble, hiccup or cough...I just dialed 'em out. Isn't simplicity and reliability what Guzzi is about? What is this chronic problem about? ( stumble, hiccup or cough.) So much time and $$ for dealers and dynos and people are happy it's not "as bad" as it was. Maybe I just got lucky or maybe all these dealers and dyno techs just don't know or like Guzzis but love taking your money. Has anyone got one of these things back from the "techies" purrrrfect? Sorry to rant but to hear Guzzi and Dyno in the same sentance is an abomination to my ears...and I hear it so much here. I either just got lucky or this problem is deing over analyized. All tounge in cheek....feel free to rant back.
  22. Whiile waiting to get my carbs synched I got so agrivated with the 3100 & 3800 RPM hiccup I finally just reached down and adj. them on the fly. I went counter clock wise 1/16 or less at a time. After about 6 I went back to zero and started going clock wise...after five it was improved...after 7 it was perfect. I did my valves sinces and figured I'd have to get 'em synched now for shure.. WRONG...It's running absolutely wonderful everywhere through the RPMs... Plugs are tan ..I'm happy. ..no stumbling or hiccups. . Mistrals Stucci and PCIII... I figure theres a reason it's a big white knob instead of a little tiny screw...Then again I'm an old farmer ...Duct tape and vise grips. Thats why I bought a Guzzi.
  23. My milage just keeps getting better.@ 14000mi on my 02 LeMans I've seen 175mi before the light comes on. 93 octane mostly. I end up running under 4000 rpm most of the time. It just seems to like that. My only niggle now is starting. It usually takes 3 cranks @ half throttle. If I switch the kill switch three or 4 times before I crank it , it might start in 2 cranks. This is only for the first start of the day...after that it's fine.
  24. Nice to read...just threw a set on...
  25. I thought the bars on my 02 LeMans were a bad low reach at first. And this is comming off a 900SS Duc! Now I'm completly comfortable. I've always been of the school of thought of "Ride it till you fit it" I got real comfortable the second day out to Nova Scotia last July. The first 400mi day my shoulder blades were yelping. The next six days (2700mi) I was fine. I also have a TourMaster double stack tank bag that I lay my left arm accross (such has been my way for decades) and lean into with my chest once were out of traffic. Lots of times I put my elbo on it rnd rest my chin on my palm. Totally relaxed and comfy. I also hang a knee out and sit way over on one cheek or the other alot between tank fulls. ( I have my quirks) Try a TourMaster tank bag. All the ergos you need. I also dialed in my carbs while under way. The 3100rpm and 3800rpm stutter finally drove me too it but was putting it off till I Adjd the valves. Just reached down and started trying 1/32 turn @ a time. Did 6 in one direction...no help. Went back to zero then 1..2..3..4.. 5 the other way...better ...6 ...better...7 and it's running like a kitten purring...all through the RPMs...flat throttle...prrrrrrrrrrrr I've done my valves since and figured "Now I'll have to balance the TBs" NOT! Plugs are tan on one side...black on the other.. (the shadow knows..) If I'm being foolish let me know...but I figure there's a reason it's a big white thumb knob and not a little set screw...Maybe there's some Guzzi left in Guzzi after all. Dyno tune a Guzzi? It's like Dyno tuning a John Deer Oh..did I mention I LOVE my LeMans? Would'a been tough without this board though.
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