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Ouiji Veck

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Everything posted by Ouiji Veck

  1. I wouldn't kick her out of bed.
  2. Anyone thats got a nervous feeling V11 better set it up like mine. Feeling extremely stable at 80mph in posted 50mph turns is my watermark of a decent motorcycle. My 02 LeMans I love because it's even more confident feeling than my last 2 CBR 1000s and my Ducati SS. which were pretty decent bikes in their own right. How do I have mine set up? In a word, STIFF.
  3. oh yes yes yes.. everyone should have a Duc in the toy box. Monsters are a continuous giggle. Exquisite engineering
  4. Yup... Start with the front end. Just grab the front tire 180 deg.apart and give it a few good shakes. See if it pivots at all on the axle That would be the best news. front wheel bearing. If the bearrings seem fine, get the front end off the ground..(various methods..none pretty) Grab the forks and give 'em a yank for and aft and side to side. (may need extra hands) to check the steering head bearings..there should be absolutely zero slop. If nothings suspicious yet check the rear wheel bearings by same primitive methods. (Hey..it's a Guzzi) The wheel bearings are mercifully easy fixes and the stearing head bearings may just need tightning and grease. These are first because they're the quickest things to check...and most suspect. Next ..suspension. .. fore and aft. Not so quick but should be cheked any way. I direct you to the "search" feature here...there's VOLUMES..to much info really but you'll be an expert when your done. Good luck...we're all rootin' for ya.
  5. The bikes you are comparing it to are more stable, but the V11 should NOT be unstable. HUH? I've switched with 3 of my Bmer buddies this season...1 RT and 2 R1150s Everyone came away amazed at how sure footed the LeMans was in comparison. Especially me who couldn't wait to get back on it after those wallowing buffalo's. I'm a big fan of the R1150 too. Looks, power, utilitary simplicity but after riding 2 of them they're scratched off my list directly because of the wishy washy handling. Maybe it's the 25 yrs. of clipons. Anything else feels "wrong".
  6. like the bike wants wobble when I'm in a lean Well thats a different kettle of fish. Totally opposite of what my Guzzis feel like. The normal sensation is it takes some deliberate effort to initiate a turn. More than any bike I've owned..sorta like the CBR 1000 X 2 It's changed my riding for the better. Calmer..more deliberate. (there's that word again!!) Once committed it's on rails...as Bob says..I mean really on rails, Like a brick. No. Wobbly is totally inverse of it's normal modus operendi. Curiouser and curiouser..... Steering head bearings? Tweaked frame. Bent wheel? Lose seat? Wheel bearrings......ahhhh....when my rear wheel bearring went..(it really WENT) that was how it felt. Kinky in the corner. Just got off the highway in Vt. Attacked a couple corners and felt some odd wiggling (wobbling?) Hopped off and grabbed the back tire and twisted it side to side. Sure enough ......way sloppy. Some of the V11s eat wheel bearings due to a short spacer that found it's way into the parts bin while Guido was having lunch and a nice chianti.. There's volumes on this board about it. Either way something is askew. Guzzis are odd creatures and have some special charecteristics but "wobble" is the last thing they're known for. Quite the opposite. Good luck. Let us know...
  7. I did it once....YIKESS!!! Idiots!! Next time it's going to go like this. 1 Cut the fender bump off flush...epoxy fill, paint. 2 Take the tailight lens off, dremel the downward facing side off, epoxy in a clear lexan piece. 3 replace lens.................done
  8. I love the way my 02 LeMans corners more than anything I've owned in nearly 40yrs of riding. Yes it is different. I can only try to describe it as "very diliberate" Set up way early, way outside and steer with your ass and throttle. It's a friggin' blast. Toss it side to side approaching a corner to get the feel, then move to the outside of the radius and crank through the turn. It's the opposite of "flickable" and yes, it likes sweepers..not tight twisties as much. Someone should chime in soon about narrower tires too. Good luck.
  9. Under the acorn nut that lives behind the starter is the adjuster... It's all foggy now but is pretty straight forward. In my usual John Deer Guzzi fashion I did this by road testing/ adjusting/road testing It took about 5 or 6 ride/stop/adjust/ride and a hacked off 19mm wrench. (which lives in my bike tool kit along with the cut 5(?)mm allen and my spare shift spring) Good luck.
  10. i could have adjusted my valves by now........
  11. Mine sputtered and surged under neutral throttle @ 35-3700rpm and popped and farted on deceleration when I first got it. One impatient evening before I was going to take it to my FI hip friends to sort it out I ran it right @ the the problem revs and reached down and turned the "spigot" very incrimentally. 7 little tiny turns one way...no change...back to zero...then 3 or 4 turns the other way..better... another couple little tweeks and it was running perfect. No surging..no popping and around 40 MPG with nice dark brown plugs for the last 25K mi. It was just a matter of syncing the TBs under load. I love that kinda stuff...
  12. Oooooo one of the purty silver ones. Congrats.... Wait till you get out on the curvy roads...your gonna pee your pants. A very wise and lucky young fellow...(youngest here?)
  13. D E V O We're going to hell in a hand basket. Well...actually I'm going to New Hampster first...then Va. just to get a look @ this Dean Rose fellow and a couple of those "other" guys. (Perhaps someday to the west coast to get a look @ these ratchet , dlang types.) Nice suspension article. I will be forwarding it on to my Beemer pals.
  14. Hope you don't have a copy right on that....
  15. Mmmmmm. I dunno.....ol' Dan charged me a whole $8.70 for three of 'em.. Sent those to my old address and shot another 3 out to this address. He's gotta be rollin' in dough. I'm locking these 3 in the safe. Frickin' homing relays.......
  16. This explains everything!!! http://www.visordown.com/motorcyclenews/vi...et_iii/849.html
  17. The question is "Where do they go?" I had 4 Siemens and 3 GEIs pack their bags and move out in the middle of the night. Is this how Dans getting rich? Homing relays?
  18. I don't blame ya Ben... It just looks right...donnit? http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ost&id=6854
  19. Steve... Well mine was fine for 29K mi plus. Then one day I stuck my toe down there and,,,and ..annddd... Everyone else was already popin' beers and I was still fishin' around. Ratch...Even with my 29in inseam I've determined I can lose about 2 1/2 inches of that foolish thing. Gonna look a lot better. Only Guzzi .... we can actually contribute to the design. I like it.
  20. Ratch... I like yours a lot better.. I'll be upgrading to something like that. It was a quick 20 minute job to get me through the day. It'll be as short as my 29in inseam will allow too. Nog.. The welding was wire to wire...not wire to kick stand. And yes..I almost arched it up in place....but thought the ECU might not like it.
  21. Haha... Good on you Gil. Nice read.
  22. After welding my "toe loop" kickstand OEM Guzzi bodge once and it breaking again in a new spot I thought I'd get creative while waiting to find a replacement.
  23. Dang!!! Shiver me timbers... Just over 30K on mine...figured I had it beat... better check and make sure I still have a spring in my tank bag. Got a few long rides coming up.
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