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Dan M

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Everything posted by Dan M

  1. Sorry dk, I made an assumption from your post #35.
  2. Yes, it should have been in the box. Evidently dk got one with his. So far it is uncertain if they forgot to include it from the factory or it was misplaced by the importer. edit: to add insult to injury my new tires just showed up.
  3. Dan M


    Nice bike Guy. Are those tube type tires? There is a intro write up here: http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/200...view-76850.html
  4. Fred told me to "hang tight" yesterday while he waited for a reply from Italy. I don't think he looked around to see if it got set aside when he unpacked them. I'll call him on Monday to remind him I have these wheels that are currently only good for looking at. Being in business myself, I know that things don't always go smoothly so I'm giving him some time to sort this out. I do feel though with a sale of this size he should follow up soon. Very soon.
  5. Thanks guys, looks like I'm missing some parts. I'll call Fred again. Edit: Fred had told me last week that he wanted to photograph the wheels before shipping. On my last call to him I suggested that he may have misplaced the box during the photo shoot. He dismissed that theory.
  6. Really? In the Marvic literature that was included there are pictures of other wheels that have the vane type of cush drive casted in. When I called the distributer he made no mention, and I asked if there were more parts. Also, the bearing does not protrude to support the spline gear as on the old style. Seems like the spline would wobble. Unless their carrier has it built in.
  7. Dan M


    Welcome Remo! San Benedetto, damn. I have relatives there. Haven't been there since 1977. Wish I had known sooner.
  8. The front is 6lbs-13oz -- 3.05kg / The rear is 7lbs-14oz -- 3.57kg Weight is with bearings & spacers, without rotors.
  9. A big box arrived yesterday with MARVIC all over it!!! I opened it up, lifted the front wheel out, beautiful, very light, nice finish. Dig further lift out the rear, it's... wrong. Completely different drive side. Sonofabitch. I talked to Yoyodyne this morning and sent him some pics. Now more waiting. Talk about a mood swing, Sigh....
  10. That clip gave me chills. Beck's "Blow by Blow" album is an all time favorite of mine. Pretty much everything you've linked is stuff I like. To compare guitars and motors, I remember being at a Beck concert several years ago and in between bands the lights were on in the theater and the crowd was shuffling about. He was getting ready back stage and there was a single, very loud and quick chord from behind the curtain that brought everybody to attention. It instantly reminded me of being at the dragstrip and hearing the unmistakable crack of a top fuel car's throttle from the pits. You couldn't see it but you knew what was coming.
  11. Much like a Guzzi, his soul is precisely the reason Clapton is great, but in my eyes Beck is still best.
  12. Bingo. ...and weigh the least and fit into the smallest place. There are many considerations for all of this stuff. Unfortunately, the bean counters and bureaucrats weigh-in heavily. Sometimes a design is sound and the components are supplied by the lowest bidder. Now I'm not saying there isn't bad engineering out there, I've certainly seen my share of it. The time required for those heater core jobs would not be an issue if the core itself didn't fail. Hey, if everything lasted forever or was so serviceable anyone could do it, some of us would have nothing to do.
  13. Is it just running off of battery voltage with the bulb removed? I'm not familiar with that unit although many need to receive volatge from the warning bulb to operate. The resistor would be there in case the bulb fails. Often with older style units, if the regulator is not excited by the voltage through the bulb, it will not turn on. Tomorrow I will try to look for a diagram for that unit. Again, if the sense voltage is low (poor connection) the regulator will up voltage until satisfied. In other words, if you have a 1&1/2 volt drop between the battery and the terminal they use to sense the voltage level, the regulator will up the voltage from 14.5 to 16. Let me make sure this is how Lucas does it. Hopefully the US model uses the same set up, so wiring diagrams will be accurate. If I can't find a wiring diagram I'll call my rebuilder and see if he has any info on it. You may want to check and see if all alternator terminals that are hot with the engine running match battery voltage. This still sounds like there is a voltage drop somewhere to me.
  14. Many have switched to the narrower band for quicker deployment I'm wearing mine at the moment. I love it. It does run fast though, gains about 30 seconds a day. I know it can be adjusted but I've just been living with it. Great watch.
  15. True story but BMW riders (and forum members) are worse. I have both; and I'm on both forums :homer:
  16. Me too. I was happy to buy one almost 3 years old with only 900 miles on the clock. There are quite a few people who think they want a bike and just don't have the addiction most of us have. As for myself, the combination of a business that takes 55+ hours a week, the need to carry stuff in a car or truck that scrubs the commute idea more often than not and the four or so months of winter here, I'm lucky to average 6000 miles a year. Every spring I promise myself more time in the saddle but the next thing I know it's fall and my life has gotten in the way of that plan.
  17. One more thing, I had similar trouble with the selector arm hanging up and not returning to center after releasing the shifter. The paste that had accumulated in the mechanism was causing it to drag. A clean out and switch to Redline SH as suggested above cured it.
  18. Back on track. Guzzis are somewhat rare around here. When I saw my first V11 in the flesh, I was smitten. The fellow riding it was at a local Norton meet several years ago. After some conversation and my apologies for the drool on his gas tank, we discovered we did not live far from each other and knew some of the same people. Much to my surprise he offered to let me take it for a ride. I took it out for a short 3 or 4 mile ride and was hooked. It was only a matter of time before I found my LeMans. I bought my first street bike in '75 and have not been without at least one bike since. Bought the LeMans in '05 at the age of 47. Now it is the bike of choice almost every time I pull my helmet on. I think about something to replace it occassionally, something newer, maybe more powerful or perhaps better handling. Then I take the goose out for a spirited romp and think "I'm never selling this bike."
  19. Quite lovely Diesel. How do the spoke wheels compare with the stockers on weight & handling?
  20. Yes, you will boil your battery. The alternator is overcharging. If there is a poor connection and the regulator is sensing less voltage than is actually present, it will up the voltage until it is satisfied. Typical charging voltage (above idle) is 14.5. It is possible, but unlikely that the regulator is bad. Since you had the alternator and battery disconnected for the welding I'd go back and look closely at all of those connections. Make sure nothing was left off or loose. Look for corrosion at the terminals.
  21. A day late on this one... Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he'd just been run over by a train. His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised and he's walking with a limp "What happened to you?" asks Sean, the bartender. "Jamie O'Conner and me had a fight," says Paddy. "That little rascal, O'Conner," says Sean, "He couldn't do that to you, he must have had something in his hand." "That he did," says Paddy, "a shovel is what he had, and a terrible lickin' he gave me with it." "Well," says Sean, "you should have defended yourself, didn't you have something in your hand?" "That I did," said Paddy, "Mrs. O'Conner's breast, and a thing of beauty it was, but useless in a fight."
  22. Famous last words... Not wanting to send you on a wild goose chase (so to speak). I looked for a wiring diagram for this unit but unfortunately my Land Rover / Lucas info from the 80s is spotty at best. I did discover that it uses a "warning lamp control unit" that can effect brightness of the warning lamps. It doesn't seem likely that there is trouble with that if only the charging lamp is acting up. The fact that the lamp comes & goes and changes in brightness would indicate either a loose / corroded connection or an internal problem with the alternator. If it were a blown fuse the trouble would at least be constant. - good luck.
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