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Dan M

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Everything posted by Dan M

  1. Long runners are usually good for low end torque but hurt top end. It would be interesting to know if it actually works.
  2. Quite proper of you Ratchet. Now let's get on with our new lives sitting under the gallows. And remember, big brother is watching. Oops, never mind.
  3. Dan M

    It wasn't me!

    Not you Molly. Read here: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12743
  4. Very cool. I wonder how it runs.
  5. I feel the same Bob. Told Jaap much the same in my response. You should reconsider though, I've always enjoyed your posts. Still miss the stories of the late Serge. It is a terrific forum but threats to all who have contributed and even donated? hmm...
  6. Excellent point Ron. I believe TPS will indeed have an effect on timing curve.
  7. Dan M


    Seems to me that if it has to do with safety, it is the insurance companies trying to manage their risk exposure, hence the lobbying for new laws. Helmet laws, seat-belt laws, all insurance company driven. I'm not saying safety is a bad thing, nor do I want to start a whole political discussion about what drives these things. Do those in the US remember the government mandated 5 mph bumpers on cars of the '70s & 80s? The idea behind it was cars cost too much to repair after just a minor bump. Why would the government care? Of course the insurance companies paying for these repairs on the other hand... I just don't think the typical government really cares if we hurt ourselves. Insurance companies have a financial interest. (tire companies do too in this case but I don't think they are behind this sort of thing) JMHO.
  8. Dan M


    My Commando is 100% stock including suspension, brakes & tires. I am not capable of riding it at the same velocities as my V11. Perhaps Mike Hailwood, but not me.
  9. Dan M


    Too many variables. I replace tires on my modern bikes before they are due, not the same on the old bikes. Of course I don't ride the old bikes in the same manner as the modern ones. I'm sure the tires on my Commando are well past their prime yet still look new. I hate when governments (read insurance company lobbyists) attempt to save us from ourselves. I think you should police your own tires, wear safety gear or not, decide for yourself if sticking your hand into the lawn mower or snow blower is a good idea, and let natural selection take it's course.
  10. Yes Antonio, Mike Rich. http://www.mikerichmotorsports.com/MGproducts.htm Seems like I'm saying his name often lately. (hope he remembers when I send my heads for porting ) I see no problem with quality. They come coated and mic'd out exactly the same as stock. I can't comment about FBF but with all of the talk of pinging around here I would not want to bump up the compression that much.
  11. Mike Rich has V11 cams. http://www.mikerichmotorsports.com/MGproducts.htm I don't know if any are "drop in", most would require additional work. You could probably expect a reasonable increase in top end power. The down side is low speed power and drivability will be hurt.
  12. Good Pete. No one on this side of the pond has responded so I can put a check in the mail Monday morning. Is a US check OK? How much in US $ ?
  13. According to Mike there is not that much difference in actual compression ratio with his pistons. The whole idea is better shape for a more efficient burn. So the mix should be the roughly the same. I intend to have him port the heads next month. Then I'll certainly have to change the map. I've already found one that should be a suitable place to start then tweak from there. When I bought my PCIII from Todd E. he had several maps available. One of them pretty much matched my mods. PM me with your e-mail and I'll send you the maps I have.
  14. Sounds cool Kev, I'm near the IL/IN border so about 175 miles away. I'll keep in touch as the riding season nears.
  15. Yoyodyne looks to be the best deal for those of us in the US. Anybody ever do business with them?
  16. Tom, My bike has similar modifications to yours, no TI ecu though. I tend to do things in stages so I have a handle on the degree of improvement (or decline ) from each mod. The last thing I did (a year ago) was the MR pistons. The only other thing I did at that time was drill the air box lid. I was using an off the shelf map for the bike with the mufflers and crossover and left that unchanged to see how things would be. Seat of the pants, the bike makes more power across the board but especially in the upper rev range. Now I'm fully aware that seat of the pants is just that and often times hopefull thinking will make a bike/car/garden tractor feel more powerfull . My acid test was on a particulary long straight with my best riding mate on his S2R 1000. The season before the pistons he would pull away from me through the lower gears and I would barely make up ground above 100mph. After the pistons we're neck & neck in the lower gears and I have a couple of bike lengths on him by about 125. So if for no other reason than to edge out my old pal, the mod was worth the money.
  17. Has anyone got rid of a pinging problem by installing aftermarket pistons? FBF, MR, or other? Has anyone got rid of a pinging problem by machining the cylinder or head to adjust the squish band? Tom, My bike does not ping with Mike Rich pistons. It didn't before them either. Mike says the squish area is better with his design so perhaps they may help. Certainly it is a lot more complicated than that. Your mapping can be way rich in some areas and way lean in others. It is likely you are too lean in the range where you are getting the pinging. If you want to play with your map and don't have access to a dyno, figure what rpm & percentage of throttle opening you are getting the ping and enrichen your map in that area - you can always go back. Also, if there is a lot of carbon in the chamber, that can cause some ping as well. A build up of carbon creates two problems. If it is thick enough it will raise the compression ratio, (doesn't seem too likely here) plus bits of carbon can stay red hot causing the mix to ignite prematurely. Pull a plug, look around the edge at the base of the threads and see if it is black & sooty. There are products to clean out the carbon. We have had good results with Seafoam.
  18. Welcome Nanc, Don't fret about the price, when you consider what $4800 will buy these days, you did good. You'll love this bke. The people who will tell you how terrible they are seem to be the ones who have their eyes fixed on spec sheets and acceleration numbers. The V11 has a quality that can't be measured in weight or horsepower. Soon it will become your bike of choice and the VFR will gather dust. They do require some maintenance and need a little tweaking to be "just right" but once you get it that way you won't want to part with it. There is a collection of guzzi knowledge here that will help you through anything that may come up. Enjoy!
  19. While in the midst of my annual maintenance, I have decided, what the hell, might as well fit one of Pete's plates while I'm at it. Where does one procure one of these? From Pete directly? Did I read once that somebody was stocking them in the US? Was that you Greg? Hurry, the money is burning a hole in my pocket.
  20. I think the LeMans is a sporting bike. Having my feet under me makes it easier to keep my weight on the balls of my feet when I move around on the seat during more aggressive riding. If my feet were more in front of me I think I'd have much less control. It is still plenty comfortable for long rides but maintains a semi sporty riding position. If I need more legroom than that, I'll just ride an actual touring bike instead BTW kevdog, where about in Michigan are you? My friends & I head up along Lake Michigan on some summer sunday rides.
  21. Dan M

    My Le Mans is dead

    Always thought he was full of it. Good riddance...
  22. The MOTRA kit is a nice looking, well machined product. It looks to be too far forward for my taste though. Seems like you would be in too much if a jack-knife position. The Motobits moves down & forward just enough for more legroom but still keeps your feet under you. About the shift action, my shift throw is shorter and more precise than stock with the Motobits stuff. There is no extra linkage and if you adjust it so the angles (link to lever) are at 90 degrees the action is very good. (Tip from Greg Field)
  23. Sport Cycle Pacific - here: http://www.sportcyclepacific.com/featureditems.htm
  24. Dan M

    Belstaff Jackets

    Hmm... It's all coming together now. He comes from generations of Guzzi riding Americans who like to jump women that prefer women. Tis a rare breed. Or maybe not...
  25. Dan M

    My Le Mans is dead

    I think Foxy is a little too motor savvy to follow this bad advice. If there are metal bits that have circulated through out the engine and he doesn't strip it completely (including removing the crank) he is asking for future trouble. There are always contaminants hiding somewhere that will not be cleaned out without taking it completely to pieces. Only an incompetent or unscrupulous mechanic would take this approach.
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