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Everything posted by CIV11

  1. I'm in. PM Sent
  2. thanks for initiating this. I'm in Hal - CA, USA
  3. One here in San Jose, CA approx. just uner 10,000 miles. odo wasn't working for awhile.
  4. Maybe next year we can rouste those at Bohemian Grove and use their facilities. Looking forward to meeting you all. Packed and anxious to get rolling. -Hal
  5. I'll be there Fri. Now having serious headache on which bike to take? I hear there will be a load of fire wood and a big pot of Hobo stew for Sat Night. -Hal
  6. CIV11

    NorCAl Rally

    I plan on heading up there from work around noon on Friday. I'll be camping. -Hal
  7. Very cool. -Hal
  8. for those headed Southbound from points north of San Jose, I asume the main corridors will be 280, 680, 880, 101. I'm looking for a good central spot if any would like to meet for breakfast before arriving in Hollister. Imelda has offered to cook up some eggs and bacon and such if anyone inclined. I'm just .05 miles from 280/880 and maybe 3 from 680/101. She would enjoy meeting some of you. Let me know your thoughts. -Hal
  9. I'm willing to meet up for the ride to Hollister. Last year I went early to have breakfast there in Hollister. I'm about 45 minutes from Hollister if any would like to meet around San Jo. for breakfast. -Hal
  10. This from WildGuzzi about a bike for sale. pasted url I did not see this posted here, so I thought it might be of interest. -Hal
  11. I only had used cars until recently. I bought my first new vehicle, Dodge Ram 1500, in 2002. Before that it was VW buses, Trans Am, Triumph TR4, and a van. The mileage on the bikes are quickly overtaking that of the truck. If I get a car it will either be a Caddy Sedan Deville, or I'm going to build a low rider. -Hal
  12. I was happily surprised to see my bike selected as bike of the month. There are so many great bikes posted under the "Just show us your bike pictures" thread which deserve to be selected. Thanks Jaap and those who selected mine. The weather out here in Califronia has been rotten, with all the wind and rain the good roads are covered with dirt and debris. Happy New Year, -Hal
  13. I have been wanting/intending to go to track day, only thing holding back so far is a good set leathers and apprehensiveness. I will probably do one with Club desmo with an employee from Moto Italiano this coming year. I think they often go to Buttonwillow. Keep us updated on any potential dates. -Hal
  14. I've a big smile eveytime I'm on mine. I have 04which I bought new Last May. The only issue I had was a crush washer on a front brake was not torqued correctly wich caused a small leak after a 1000 miles or so. The high exhuast limits the use of my Givi soft bags, so I haven't had a chance to take on a multi-day trip. I'm sure others here my have remedied this. I'd be interested to hear what others have done. -Hal 2004 Coppa 2003 Stone
  15. Here are some photos of my trip. -Hal My Webpage
  16. Mike, what is the first track day like as a "beginner" I',m little intimdated already as not being a fast rider in the first place. There's a group out of MI that will help set the bike up etc... -Hal
  17. Hi Mike, I'm sorry to hear of your injury. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you. I've been planning on my first track day next month if I get all the gear in time. -Hal,
  18. Just wondered who may be going. I plan to meet up with RD in Fallon or Ely Wednesday some time. Hal San Jose, CA
  19. Tom, I'm glad your ok. I was just down at Moto I. Your bike looks remarkably good for what you have described. Though the mechanic did utter the T word, based on price of replacement parts, I don't know. I'd give it some thought. -Hal
  20. The Cozy Cup is fine with me, I'll be there around 8. -Hal
  21. I'll be heading south from San Jose, 45 miles to Hollister. Any one care to meet early in Hollister or here in San Jo for Breakfast? Or Does Star Bucks now serve bacon and eggs? -Hal
  22. CIV11

    Fun with tape

    Carl, Try green and white, and post more pixs. Life is good with Guzzis' -Hal Ok, whats the proper spelling for multiple Guzzi?
  23. I've just purchased a Coppa Italia to go along with my Stone. I've put 13000+ on the Stone with no problems, except for the odometer to quit at 12999. 400+ on the new Coppa, I'm very impressed and happy I made the decision to buy it. -Hal Go for it. I didn't know what I was missing. My previous bike to the Stone was a 75 850T. wish i had that one too.
  24. CIV11

    Paint jobs

    If you decide on the CA option , I'd be happy to take mine to Redwood city for them to get a look at mine. -Hal
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