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About grossohc

  • Birthday 12/10/1959

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  • My bike(s)
    v11 cafe sport, honda vfr750fl, Yamaha tracer 900gt, Honda monkey bike

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  1. My bike sits at a jaunty angle when on the stand. Checked the small bolt and it was loose, tightened it up but just keeps turning so put it on with thread lock for now. Main bolt tight and no deformation on bracket, but the wear on the stand is 😳. It’s like someone has filed it away. Does anyone know of a side stand foot extender that fits.
  2. Giving the cafe sport a bit of love, been languishing in the garage since before covid 😳. Re insure it this week take it for its MOT, once it’s passed that get road tax and see what the summer holds for us. 😎🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  3. Hi, Advice needed. My Cafesport has been laid up for over a year now, but it’s time to get her ready for a summer of fun ( should be out of lockdown by then 😎). Anyway l drained the tank and changed the fuel filter when she was laid up. Is it a good idea to change the fuel lines as they are the originals, they look ok but it’s the internal condition I am worrying about (how come I only worry about the guzzi, and not any other bike I have😳). Also it is clips that are crimped onto the hoses and not jubilee clips, are they reusable or do I need to source new ones if I do the job. Cheers Gary
  4. Lockdown is finally easing here. Went a 400 mile run on Monday to the west coast, roads were very quiet, no caravans, Motorhomes etc to impede progress. Loved it, just what I needed. Pubs, hotels, campsites open next week. See what the “new normal” is then.
  5. Thanks for the replies
  6. Have my swing arm off for some maintenance ( s/arm bearings are good, phew 😅). When refitting do you add threadlock or just lubricate the threads and tighten the locknuts. Would hate to damage the fine thread used. Can’t find any mention in the manual. cheers Gary
  7. Just cleaned up my front brakes and changed the oil. Looking across to the clutch cylinder on the bars and the fluid looks like cold tea. I know it’s a pain to get to the bleed nipple so have sort of ignored it for a long time . Any way the battery is out of the bike, so I removed the starter motor and the rear shock cylinder thing, all the room you will ever need to get to the bleed. Job done, easy peasy
  8. grossohc


  9. What happened??
  10. grossohc

    My Special

    Nice job, love the colour.
  11. There is a V11 side stand on ebay with a modified plate fitted.
  12. Chuck, you beat me to it as i was going to post this. My bike has the same wear, I noticed because it seemed to be leaning over further than it used to. Scud has hit the nail on the head. I have always taken my bike out of the garage, put the sidestand down on a concrete drain cover and warmed it up,now there is a slight angle on my driveway so the bike can slide a few inches when rocking back and fore, obviously wearing away material off the stand every time. We need someone to engineer a solution, someone who likes a challenge and can make it look good, someone with, oh i dont know say a aviation type background.
  13. grossohc

    1/4 Scale

    Go onto the glen english models site, he has 9 pre ordered. Ten if my lottery numbers come up.
  14. grossohc

    1/4 Scale

    Wow, i want one. But at £8750 i will give it a miss
  15. Welcome to the forum. Another cafe sport in Scotland, getting affa common now.Where abouts are you based.
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