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Everything posted by dmoon64

  1. dmoon64


  2. Hey Guy's, Thanks for all your help. The emissions sticker was right there under the hugger. The bike is stock so there shouldn''t be any problem. Once again the V11 forum helps out. Thanks again. Darryl
  3. So it can be set to the true actual mileage of the bike. Would that cause any problems legal wise????
  4. Maybe I should explain. I'm looking to sell the 03. A interested party contacted me about the bike but he lives in CA. The bike is over the 7500 mile limit CARB has set for used vehicles being brought into CA, but I had to replace the odometer at 4947 miles. So the odometer only reads 4003 not the 8950 that is actually on the bike. I like the fake boobs by the way!
  5. Morning, What are the differences between the V11 LeMans sold in California versus other states? I have an 03 and am curious. Thanks, Darryl
  6. This site will live as long as the Hooter thread keeps going. I rode the LeMans in to work this morning. It was cold but what a blast!!!!
  7. It was a email blast to all inmates or a hack job. Some group of whiners got on his nerves and he responded with this. This is a great site for Guzzi V11 info. If you want to wax politic or talk about global warming i'm sure there are other sites. I can't believe the help I received on my rear brake issue. That alone was worth the very minor inconvenience of his email. I also think we should remember it's winter here in the US and idle minds are the devils playthings. Jaap. Thank you very much for keeping this site up and running.
  8. I'll look at the freeplay thingy first. That seems simple enough. Just loosen the bolt and turn the threaded rod. Am I looking for 5mm of play at the toe end of the brake lever?
  9. I took the caliper off the bike. Got the pistons out cleaned them up, put them back and bled the brake line. Took a 5 mile ride and the damn things are still heating up and grabbing the brake disc. Bike was difficul to push once I got home. Only thing left is to replace the caliper. Brake pistons had some small scratches on them, but nothing that seemed like a big deal. Thanks for your help. Darryl
  10. Hey SantaFe Rider, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to try and boil this down a little bit since I appear to have the beginnings of your rear brake issue. There is no rebuild kit for the rear caliper. Your rear caliper was toast so you bought a new one. All is good in Santa Fe. My rear is not toast but it is sticking. I will try and remove the pistons from the caliper to do a thorough cleaning. If I can't reuse the seals I need a new caliper. I had started my own thread but yours seems much more entertaining! Thanks, Darryl
  11. I googled Cadwell Park. Those guy's are nuts! There are all sorts of cars, bikes, go karts, and side cars airborne on that track.
  12. The sales comment was tongue in cheek. I really appreciate your help with this. I'm pretty confident I have cleaned away the problem. If not I'll just keep working on it until I have. Thanks again, Darryl
  13. Has to be a photochop. Why would they have any kind of jump on a racetrack?
  14. Ah screw it. Can get both pistons to move but they don't move the same. I'll ride this weekend and see if I still get the high temps on the rotor. If I do anyone want to buy a LeMans. $6500 and it yours...
  15. Breaking, cleaning, and bike storing habits. Breaking. I use both fronts and rears. I had been using the bike as a commuter. 35 miles one way, mostly 70-80 mph on I-80. Pretty straight run in Iowa. Some weekend fun rides but still not huge amounts of miles. I carpool now so I very rarely ride. Cleaning. Not a very important to me. I may spray down with the Honda clean, but I usually wash it once or twice a year. Storing. Goes under the house into a heated basement. So no real winterizing. If it gets over 35 I may go for a spin. Last year I rode until late January. Iowa had a warm winter until February, then all hell broke loose. I didn't notice a smell but I had the brake groan. After I cleaned that up I happened to touch the rear rotor after getting to work. It was very hot, and that was about the time I read of SantaFeRiders melting rear brake isuue. So that started me on this path. I still haven't got the one piston free, but I will give it one more try tonight before taking it to a dealer or trading it for a KLR650! My 03 LeMans has two single pistons inboard and outboard. They squeeze the pads against the rotor.
  16. Bob's your Uncle!
  17. I was under the impression the second piston was fixed so it looks like I will need to free up that stuck piston. When you guys mention clamps is there a specific brake clamp or just anything that can get in the space to hold the moving piston?
  18. After SantaFeRider's rear brake meltdown I decided to look at my rear brake caliper. Just because I was curious I felt the rear rotor after my 30 mile highway commute. The rotor and caliper were very hot. I mean real hot. Last night I took the caliper off and did the caliper cleaning and brake fluid bleed. I also went ahead and replaced the pads. In other threads I read where you can pump the piston out enough to see a groove in the piston. I never saw the groove, but was able to get the piston pretty far out. As I pressed on the brake lever the piston would move out then retract when I let up off the brake pedal. I cleaned it with simple green then put it all back together. Took a ride and all seemed fine. Now for the stupid question. Only one piston comes out of the caliper. The other one seems fixed. Is that normal and how does the brake actually work. I understand the fluid presses on the piston and forces the piston and brake pad against the rotor, but how does the other brake pad come into play? Does the caliper or rotor deflect enough to cause the pinching action between the brake pads? Thanks for any answers. Darryl 2003 V11 Lemans
  19. What were we talking about again? Thanks, Darryl
  20. So what do you do, just grab the little bastard and yank?
  21. Thanks. I've spoken with the lady selling them. She has that medium left and she's not sure she will be making them again.
  22. Thanks guys, Got them all cleaned out and no more noise. Even got the wife involved when I couldn't get the pin out of the rear caliper. Since my hands were pretty mucked up she did the search for getting it out. Bill Hagan's pics helped a lot. Thanks, Darryl
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