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Everything posted by thgil

  1. My longest trip was 4500.From the UK to Brno for the GP,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,Greece,Italy,Switz,France,then home.I did this on my V11 Sport.Did not take any spares.And the V11 never missed a beat.Although I did get a new set of tires at Agostini's! It was my first time doing that sort of distance on a bike.It took 21 days and 14 of those days it rained.
  2. thgil

    My old girl.

    I have admit the Griso is a much smoother ride than the V11 and the engine is alot smoother.But the thing I miss about the V11 is the rawness of the engine.I also find that the riding posistion of the V suits me more.After a long ride on the V I used to get an intense pain between my shoulder blades but this was only after 200 miles or so.The Griso gives me a dull ache on both my knees after the same distance but these are the things one puts up with because of the love of the bike.The Griso is my third Guzzi and I find that after years of riding jap bikes I can honestly say that I feel Guzzi's really suit my riding style,ain't nothing like the pull of a gert V Twin between yer legs.As soon as I get the money and bike I'll put the photo's up.May you all live long and make hansom corpses as we say Here in Somerset.Rich.
  3. thgil

    My old girl.

    Saw my old V11 Sport on eBay(2302963975518).Almost bought a tear to my eye.I am now going to save up and get another V11 to be the Griso's stable mate.Rich.
  4. I miss my V11. I will get another.I like speed triple,I dont like jap.
  5. Thats it,as much as I love my Griso I long for the V11.So I WILL pay the taxman,I will not sell the Griso but strive to save money to buy another V11.Why?I don't know I miss its shape,style,what more can I say it was the first Guzzi I'd ever owned.The first time I sat on a V11 was at the NEC bike show in 2000(I think)it was green and I knew then that I'd have to have one,etc.
  6. So who has bought my baby V11 from onyerbike??I often go on their site and look at her,but apparentlly she's been sold.
  7. thgil


    I will find one and it shall be mine oh yes it shall be mine!
  8. Had the same problem with my v11,went through pretty much that is mentioned above.Bought a new solenoid but still no joy.Finally a friend stripped the starter motor to find that a spring(I'm no mechanic)inside had rusted up on one side which he could only put down to the bike being jet washed by the dealer left on the side stand and corrosion done the rest.Once this was freed had no worries whatsoever.Hope this helps!
  9. thgil


    After a 750s (U.K).If anyone knows of one for sale let me know!Cheers.
  10. thgil

    Tail rack

    Have any of you guys ever bought from stucchiluigi.it.They have a cool tail rack for the Griso.I have emailed them but have not recieved any reply which is a bit annoying.
  11. I have a V11 tank bag if anyone is intrested.
  12. I have just been looking at the icon recon jeans from motorcycle superstore.com in the states and was wondering do any of you guys in the states wear them if so are they any good?And where would you recommend i bought a pair from.Cheers.
  13. thgil

    Fairing ?

    Whats the chances of the belly pan fitting a griso?
  14. thgil

    My Griso

    After buying my new griso a couple of months ago (sadly trading in my beautiful V11) the problems began. 20 miles into the journey home the oiol pressure light came on,so i stopped and phoned the dealer who then told me that it happened on the PDI.And they let me ride the bike out of the show room with out telling me! Although i should of rode it straight back time was not on my side but was told there was nothing to worry about it would be sorted on the first service.A few hundred miles later oil was dripping from the engine breather tube,the gearbox and shaft seemed to be unduly noisey,which after contacting the dealer again was told not to worry it would be sorted on the first service.So the day of the service came and i was 2 hours late (should of gone right not left idiot).A tesco bag ambled its way across the road and nicely melted its self to my pipes which pleased me no end.Arrived at the shop service was carried out only to be told that they had'nt found why the oil pressure light comes on or why the gearbox was noisy.I contacted guzzi uk and the bike has been recovered and on its way to another guzzi dealership which i know and trust (based in worcester).I would never buy anything from this dealer again for sheer lack of customer service and shit attiude towards me and the bike.I will let you all know what happens next.(the dealer i purchased the bike from is based in aylesbury by the way!).
  15. thgil

    The Griso

    Hi DeBen,Did you say that you know where to get a rearhugger for the griso?
  16. thgil

    The Griso

    Ok pete i will take a photo and post it this afternoon.I have also rang the dealer and launched a savage bollocking to them. I also recon the gear box is very noisey so it goes in for its 500 mile service in sept so all will be revealed then i hope.
  17. thgil

    The Griso

    Ok the story so far.The oil warning light is now constantly on and i've seemed to have developed an oil leak on the right hand side a few inches before the back wheel.Miles so far 217.
  18. thgil

    The Griso

    Finally got the photo to work So here's hoping you can help now...
  19. thgil

    The Griso

  20. thgil

    The Griso

    I have posted a few pics but they dont seem to come out on the v11 site being computer iliterate i'm not sure if i have it right so just in case how do i get a photo on here? here it is
  21. thgil

    The Griso

    One more thing, I would like a rear hugger does anyone know if you can get one and where from?
  22. thgil

    The Griso

    Ok their on the way.
  23. thgil

    The Griso

    Well finally got the griso.The bike is stunning it handals like a dream,and fits me fine.But the toys almost came flying out of the pram!Only 20 miles into the ride home the oil light comes on.I did flip for a moment then calmly phoned the dealer to explain the problem only to be told by the mechanic that" it had done this on the PDI and its full of oil and the pressure is fine,i'll order you a new one and fit it on its first service,thats guzzis for you".So apart from that little niggle i shall stay in touch and pass on my progress with the bike.One more thing i had to fit a mistral race can it just looks so good!
  24. thgil

    Tank Bag

    Does anyone want to buy an offical guzzi tank bag?
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