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Everything posted by thgil

  1. Now that my beloved V11 has been PXchanged (for a damn good deal) Is it still OK to chat on the site? Or must i go elsewhere.I hope i don't have to! The Griso surely is a V11 hatched......Not.
  2. thgil

    Cause and effect

    Anti Monster,i don't recon it is.Its just lovely and right. And if i am to be perfectly honest(which i ain't) it suits me sir!??
  3. Cause:I test rode a griso. Effect:I bought a griso.
  4. I think foootball sucks!
  5. thgil

    Lazy Foot

    Is it just me.When I ride my foot seems to rest a great deal on the back break lever.I noticed this alot going through europe but i never really worried about it to much because ones on a mission.The thing is i was out riding with my fellow italian bike fanatic when he pointed out that my right foot was (as he'd like to say)was stuck out at a right angle.Does anyone else suffer?Sorry if this is an old subject but these things we have to know.
  6. thgil

    front end wobble

    The axel was loose i shall try that first thing.The thing is the bike seems to want to dive in to a corner far to quick,How do I set the front end?
  7. My front end seems to be twitching(fnarr fnarr) it never on my old tires but have new metz with about 10000 on them.The tire pressures are correct but i think that the stearing dampener has been messed with?I have no idea how to set the front end dampner up i am lost and confused.My kids moan at me everyday so does my boss,my bank manager likes to call me at least once a week to tell me how much i am in debt.My X wife (no kids) likes to call me up and reminds me of how much the house we bought together is worth!And to top it all off my new wife(i say new but its a lie i've known her for years)is up the duff.I hate my life.Thank GOD for my guzzi.
  8. I recon i'd do both of those.No worries
  9. The 17 of june whens the erin rally
  10. Hi everyone,going with a few mates to ireland and want to base ourselves at one town and ride out everyday.Any ideas about a good place to set base.Want to be on the southern/ western coast really and knowhere to touristy(despite what anyone says bikers aint tourists more travellers of the space time continuum),our ferry is from pembroke to rosslare.As always any advice on where to stay,go,see will be appriciated.
  11. thgil


    I stalk puffins
  12. thgil


    Does anyone know where i can get a black bellypan for the v11.Or can i buy a patented one and adapt and overcome?
  13. thgil

    Griso improved

    Yes once again our dear friends across the pond have apparently bought the name.Check out the new Vincent!
  14. thgil

    Griso improved

    $20000.I have only read that the bike is going to be on sale in the U.K.for around £8000,I think if the bike does get into some sort of production and sold in the U.K it will become quite a collectors piece(maybe not to the die hards!)
  15. Why has that woman got a leg coming out of her middle?
  16. thgil

    Griso improved

    Whats the Griso like to ride?I really like the look of the machine,and really want one.But the new (american)Norton looks pretty much out of this world and I really want one of these as well(when it gets over here)
  17. thgil


    Ok here is an old one for you all.Tyre pressures,36psi front 41 rear (unladen)or not?Ps never found my herb recon santa did cause he never got me a griso!
  18. thgil


    What would he know about guzzis.If he'd of had any balls he would of taken a quota.With no amount of 4x4 following!Just goes to show money can buy you everything.
  19. Last night I stashed my herb where the kids would'nt find it.Now I can't find it!
  20. thgil


    Went to a local spray painter this morning to see if he could match the paint on the tank although he said to get the actual paint would probably be a bit difficult he showed me a range of colours from house of kolors from the states and there seemed to be quite a few that were as far as i was concerned exactly the same.So if you find a sprayer using house of kolor it may be worth checking the range out.Hope this helps!
  21. thgil


    No worries
  22. thgil


    Does anyone know the paint number for the bergundy v11 sport as it seems the guzzi tank bag has raped my tanks finish cheers.
  23. Your right.I guess I'd find it hard to let her go means to much now.
  24. Hello everyone hope your all OK.Got back this morning from my first ever blast in europe.I had never realised that riding a bike through country after country could be such a mind blowing adventure(always travelled by buses and trains) certainly on a guzzi.Almost 4000mls 10 countries on her and only a few things popped up.The first was new rear pads in czech heading for the GP which i put down to the more tired i was the more heavy my foot became on the brake secondly the fuse of that damned alarm that some tool fitted worked its way free(I HATE IT) thirdly i had to get new tires as Romaina and greece ran them ragged.This i really enjoyed as they were fitted at agostini at mandello(just had to be done!).The thing is that none of these problems were the bikes fault the more i rode the more i confident i became with the bike all i can say is after the few problems i had when i first brought her(starter alarm etc) its the finest bike i've owned, long live the V11 oh one more thing saw a couple of grisos shooting up and down the roads,just awsome.
  25. thgil


    The thing is ad baby you know you want it.
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