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Everything posted by wambiker

  1. Hi all, I'm sure this must have been covered in the past but can't find it in technical topics anywhere. What type of oil is best for V11s. I have semi-synthetic in at the moment and have done 2500 miles in the 1st 5 weeks that I've had it so will be looking at changing it soon. Also what mileage is normal for oil changes. I intend to drop the pan to clean the screen as well as change filter. I have always thought oil and filters to a damn site cheaper than engine rebuilds. My bike is a 2000 V11 in glorious Green, and I'm having a ball with it. Sorry if this is old ground but you guys seem to be the best source of genuine advice and wisdom. Cheers Gary
  2. my new toy, two weeks 1100 miles.
  3. Thanks for the comments, was an idea that we will now bin and sort out the original box. Cheers Gary
  4. Hi all, my brother-in-law has a Mk1 LeMans with a knackered gearbox, and after riding my V11 we were discussing the possibilities of fitting a six speed box to the lemon. I'm sure we can't be the first to think of this so was wondering if anyone had any details of what is involved with this conversion. Cheers Gary
  5. Thanks Big J, the risers that I've got have conical rubber inserts on the top and bottom of the mounting thread. This will hopefully help, but does mean I will have to taper the top and bottom of the hole through the yoke. Cheers Gary.
  6. Thanks for the help, nice to know my original idea of drilling yoke was ok, and photos from guzzitech site were very useful. Cheers Gary
  7. Hi I picked up my 2000 V11 Sport 3 days ago and have been having a ball , smooth power, no flat spots and a wonderfull mistral soundtrack . Handles well and is just great fun. Only problem is riding position, I rode a balabio? demonstrator and this was the ideal position for me(a knackered wrist doesn't really like clip-ons but everything is so good I'll live with it till I can sort things out). So I have aquired a set of handlebar mounts/risers that will bolt through the top yoke and have a collection of handlebars from vincent straights through superbike bars to a set of adjustable jota bars(useful for sorting out which bars work the best). While I was trying to find a spare yolk to drill I was told that you can not do this to early yokes by one parts retailer, but cant see why as the yolk has the same bosses underneath as the drilled guzzi ones? I had a look at the threads in other sections of this forum but they seemed to be about different clip-on set ups, and was curious if any one else had gone this route and had any information or pictures of a similar conversion. Cheers Gary.
  8. wambiker

    Hello all

    Thanks for the welcome, will pick up my V11 tomorrow so will get back with my first impressions soon. This is my first large cc bike for about 10 years. Last was a Suzuki gsxr which i got nicked on at over 150mph on the motorway. Cop was in a good mood and let me off with 90mph and a small fine and points rather than instant ban and possible prison sentance and loss of job etc. So it has taken me 10 years to calm down a little, or just be more carefull!!
  9. wambiker

    Hello all

    Cheers for the vote of confidence Nogbad, we'll see . Have made first cock-up just discovered there was a section for introductions ! Glad to see some other UK members on this forum. Cheers Gary
  10. wambiker

    Hello all

    Just a post to say hi, I've just joined this forum having bought a 2000 V11 Sport , I will pick it up in a fortnight when I get back from holidays . I,ve got a Morini 31/2 Strada which I,ve had 10 years and is the 5th I've owned (bit like an illness you never really get over ) but decided I needed something bigger and more modern, tried an assortment of modern things, but came down to a choice between a Ducati monster and V11. Monster was good but serving and overall impression of fragility ruled it out. Having built a V50 Monza for my kid sister a few years ago and restored a Mk1 Lemans decided to take the plunge with the V11. I,ve been a firefighter in Liverpool(UK) for 25 years but have always ridden bikes since before that (30 years of bikes at the last count), and have worked part-time as both car and bike mechanic. So will no doubt be asking stupid questions as I learn my way mechanically around this bike, must remember to look up old posts first ! Anyway enough for now good luck and good days to you all.
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