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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. The only one I'd wait for.....
  2. It's held the BM's cylinder in this last 27 years. I probably wouldn't use it to rebuild a spoke flange, though.
  3. On my V50II, as far as I could see, the crank sprocket was a machined part of the crank........
  4. If you are really pushed for a repair to the timing cover, try Lumi-weld. It's a sort of idiot's alloy welding substance. Still requires a bit of skill to use but I have used it a number of times, including when I decylindered a BMW with my kneecap. It mended the BM case but did bugger all for my leg. OTOH, modern, gas shrouded electric welding is quite easy to do. You might be able to get a repair done comparatively easily.
  5. _As I understand it_ the way a hydraulic disc brake works is by distorting the seal under pressure, allowing the piston to move and push the pad against the disc. Removing the pressure allows the seal to relax to its normal square section, and pulling the pad away from the disk. The seal _must grip the pad_ in order for this to work. Therefore lubricants are undesireable on the piston. As the pad wears, the piston will slip through the seal microscopically to take up wear. If the piston is lubricated, it will slide though the seal and not be pulled back properly from the disc, causing premature wear of the pad. I suspect, having been a copious lubricator of pistons for some years, that the seals are able to work as designed even when covered in slippery stuff. Certainly, until recently, the rust resistance of lubricated pistons was more desireable than any percieved disparity in pad wear. I leave you with a snippet (from memory, so the wording may not be precise) from a 1927 Velocette owner's manual. "If the brakes are too fierce, a light smear of grease may be applied to the linings."
  6. It certainly negates any chance of a job in middle management.
  7. Quite a few mistakes in there. I would also dispute that the horizontal singles were "traditional".
  8. Running a bit rich, there.
  9. Two syllables smoothly running together: "ditch-pump"
  10. Stayed in a hotel in St Petersburg that changed into a knocking shop at night. Possibly here, certainly in this area: http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=59.963106&a...r=0&src=ggl No, it was bad. Honestly. You couldn't sit in the bar for a peaceful drink without someone flashing their body parts at you. Hell on earth.
  11. http://www.rs-components.com/ ?
  12. It also helps for the pads to be relatively loose in the caliper. A healthy "clonk" when applying the brakes at walkabout speed means that the pads are free to move and not being inhibited from backing off the disk when pressure is released. Unfortunately, that often means that they are free enough to squeal like a tourist in the backwoods of Tennessee.
  13. mike wilson


    To the _back_ of the queue, if you don't mind.... 8-)
  14. You'll have to remember it's there is you ever need to ride up a kerb or something similar. The corner will push it against the tyre. A friend of mine forgot about the mudflaps on his car when backing up over a kerb and ripped holes in the back wings. Got out, cursed and ranted for a while, got back in and carried on and ripped the mudflaps out of the _front_ arches...........
  15. So who's going to get all the answers in one post this time?
  16. You've also forgotten about the road-going square four two-stroke available at the time....
  17. Which machine was the engine allegedly developed from?
  18. and devilishly handsome, to boot.
  19. Once more a racer. This time a figment of someone's imagination. So... The imaginary name. The real name. The machine of which the motor was allegedly a development.
  20. Cruiser. 2002. 8-) Always pays to read the question....
  21. My God. Drinking Bud ("This rice wine's for you") and then being forced to watch football - Man U, even. You poor, poor bugger. I'd sooner have bamboo splinters forced into my rectum sideways. In fact, I think I'll go and do that now.
  22. Most of the comments I've seen from Guzzisti referring to the 10-20K run in mark have been about the improvement of feel in the gearbox. Although I feel that much of _that_ may stem from the acclimatisation period needed when adjusting from more, er, esoteric machinery.... Apologies for not participating in this as much as I would like - life is only allowing me very fleeting opportunities to sit and type at the moment. Not for bad reasons, though, so that's alright. 8-)
  23. Flower buds, soaked in vinegar = capers. Peppery.
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