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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. I'm with Ratchet. If you have a screaming urge to be hyper-accurate, give me a shout and I'll "loan" you a metre rule from work to stick in the middle of the U so that you can get it millimetre perfect.
  2. Epoxy might work as a very temporary fix but it is almost impossible to get the pits clean enough to get good adhesion and epoxy hardens too much and comes out when the stanchions flex. The only cure I know of that works for sure is to have them ground smooth, hard chromed (not the same as decorative chroming) and then reground to diameter, if needed. It's probably not worth having this done unless you can't buy them new any more. For places that do it (I'll be astonished if there is one locally) try the classic berk press. Be prepared to open your wallet and say "Help yourself". Cost me £30 to get a set done in the mid 1970's.
  3. That's no way to start a New Year. Control yourself!
  4. Did you not fancy drilling and tapping the gearlever pivot area for a 45degree or rightangle grease nipple?
  5. Any news on this?
  6. 100 and 84 have no style. Knees and elbows in, lean out and hold the bike down. That's that way to do it. George Dance would have been proud of you. 8-))
  7. Pics would be good. No need for files that size. About 1/4 of that will be plenty. Try resizing them in a photo editing programme.
  8. I thought we were discussing sticky wickets.
  9. Our newly developed skill at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Developed due to our "special relationship" with Dubya and his sycophants.
  10. That's Christmas dinner taken care of, then.
  11. No pic, so it's a little difficult to say. It certainly sounds like an intermittent air leak could be the cause of your problem. Generally, if you can't get it welded, a new part is needed. Sometimes you can use other methods, like epoxy, but it is often unsatisfactory in the end. A manifold should not be that expensive. Especially if you try Reboot Spares, who will have oodles of secondhand ones.....
  12. Unfortunately, it's a recoilless gun, like a bazooka. The flare from the back would undoubtedly deter tailgaters but there is no way to get improved (or reduced) accelleration from it. I want one, anyway......
  13. All supplied numbers are suggested starting points, based on assumed average loads and uses. The actual pressures that will work best for any given situation will vary (sometimes quite dramatically) from these unless it bears a close resemblance.
  14. There's a third cat - the worst of all.... http://www.ceilingcat.com/
  15. Hah! Bumhug! Ebenezer Spooner.
  16. This place always reminds me of here....... Jollity Farm There’s a farm called Misery, but of that we’ll have none Because we know of one that’s always lots of fun (Ha ha!) And this one’s name is Jollity; believe me, folks, it’s great For everything sings out to us as we go through the gate All the little pigs, they grunt and howl The cats mee-yow The dogs bow-wow Everybody makes a row Down on Jollity Farm All the little pigs, they grunt and howl (Grunt, howl, grunt, howl) The cats mee-yow (Mee-yow, mee-yow) The dogs bow-wow (Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff) Everybody makes a row Down on Jollity Farm All the little birds go tweet, tweet, tweet (birdsong, piano noodle) The lambs all bleat (baaaaa!) And shake their feet (rattle) Everything’s a perfect treat Down on Jollity Farm Regular as habit the cocks begin to crow And the old buck rabbit sings “Stuff it up your jumper” Vo-do-de-oh All the little ducks go quack quack quack (quack quack quack) The cows go Moo (honk) The bull does, too (whonk!) Everyone says how do you do Down on Jollity Farm
  17. Looks more like a crash helmet to me......
  18. That's why I put "invented/developed" - Dunlop was undoubtedly the one who made it work by using vulcanised rubber 8-) There's even an argument that Leonardo Da Vinci of that Ilk was the actual inventor. Where was the photo taken? Dunlop died in the twenties and it looks like he is riding a 19th Century machine but the guy behind him is on something much more modern than that, maybe a Sunbeam. Congratulations to you, Ben. I've got one of those, too. Started a bit late in life but it's all good fun. So far......
  19. Merde! Je suis desolée...........
  20. Odd. Usually there are links. Use them and one (or both) of two things happen. 1. You have alerted the sender that this is a "live" email address. Prepare to be deluged - we are talking thousands of messages per day. The logic of this escapes me but it is what happens. 2. Some form of malware is installed on your machine if not blocked by anti-malware software. SPAM is like wasps - leave it alone and you will probably not get stung. Play with it and suffer the consequences. You can inform your ISP that you are receiving SPAM, including a copy of the email, and it should be able to block all transmissions from that source. A good ISP *will* do this.
  21. John Boyd Dunlop? Invented/developed the pneumatic tyre.
  22. To prevent oil in the sump slopping backwards under acceleration, exposing the oil pump pickup to air. The engine then loses oil pressure until the pickup is covered again. This damages the parts of the engine requiring high pressure lubrication and causes the nasty mechanical noises, shortly followed by the wailing and gnashing of teeth noises.
  23. I bet it's Norge 8-) but I can't find anything on a quick Gurgle.
  24. I thought it was to hide, upside down, in your bowl of custard. It's the only chance they have of a suprise attack.
  25. Long time ago, I met a guy who worked in BSA from the late 50's to the end. He told me about the major reorganisation the plant had that ended up with the presses for the tinware being installed next to the machine shop. Every time the press went whump on a Bantam side cover, the grinding machines next door put wavy ripples in whatever was being made at the time. When "management" saw the reject figures at the end of the quarter, things were shifted around really sharpish. Makes me think of the practices of a certain Italian motorcycle manufacturer...... Sorry about the diversion. Normal service will resume as soon as possible.
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