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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. mike wilson

    guzzi crash

    A pain in more ways than one. Hope you heal well and completely and also hope your compensation from insurance goes well towards your many losses.
  2. Wouldn't be suprised if sixth has picked up on the shaft and temporarily locked the back wheel. Looks like the shaft has been mismachined. Hope you are able to get a replacement FOC and asap.
  3. I've been wondering along the same lines. The only conclusion I could come to was that the motors have been redesigned totally, moving the cam out of reach.
  4. You misread. It is permutted. Obviously a real dog. But it's still better than any advert _I_ could concoct in any of the Belgian languages...... (I think he means "swap")
  5. That would bother me, a lot. The gears, etc., are inundated in oil which has additives to help it work in high load conditions. For something to break down that lubrication to the point where blueing has occured means that _something_ is seriously wrong. You absolutely _must_ be sure that all dimensions, clearances and suchlike are correct before you use the box again. I would not use the box until I was sure of the reason for this.
  6. The common allotropes of carbon are amorphous (no shape) graphite and diamond. Fullerene is, as you say, quite uncommon. The commonest one is amorphous - it's what coal, etc, is made from. IAC, the carbon in carbon fibre is just that, fibre. It is formed (almost certainly from amorphous carbon) into fibres and used (as you say) with some form of resin, like glass fibre, to make objects. IOW, just the same way as cotton, asbestos and other materials are formed into friction blocks. It has to be at least reasonable as a frictional material (better than greased leather cone clutches, as found in, for example, Morgans) the only question you are likely to have is about its value for money.
  7. There's also the Enduralast option. Like Guzzi, it doesn't make much more power over stock but it does make a lot of that power lower down. Actually, maybe that's more of a Harley analogy. http://www.euromotoelectrics.com/
  8. Does wiggling the bars make a difference? Might be a slightly loose connector in the switch harness connection to the main harness, usually under the tank.
  9. Different form of carbon. If you could get a diamond (another form of carbon) clutch and keep it cool, the friction material would last forever. Not much else would, though.... I cannot find any information about c/f clutch life, either on or off line. Looks like it's guinea pig time. 8-))
  10. You would be suprised what a pint of grog (overproof rum diluted to 40% alcohol) and the bosun's knot end can accomplish......
  11. Morning Cloud. He must have been a Harley rider. Possibly a pink one.
  12. Wasn't that the name of Ted Heath's yacht? Was he a secret Guzzista?
  13. Odd that, of the two homosexual motorcyclists that I am aware of, both ride Guzzis.
  14. Kitty needs a rebore or K-lines.
  15. Not quite 8-) Excellent work, Greg. One of my major gripes with modern bike design is the shitty, useless excuses for mudguarding. Not only do they fail to prevent road filth contamionating the machine, they irritate the Hell out of other road users. BTW, that's no mint tin, it's a camera case.
  16. Here's an interesting incident regarding an oil filter coming loose. http://www.aaib.gov.uk/publications/bullet..._2___g_cckf.cfm Seems that 20mmx1.5 and 3/4inch 16tpi are very similar. This article tells of a filter of the wrong type being fitted that was difficult to get on and stripped its threads under pressure. If the thread types were reversed, the filter would go on easily but would possibly loosen itself under thermal and shock loading. Feasible?
  17. "Time has told me Not to ask for more" Not Jeremy Clarkson.
  18. The only filter I've ever had loosen was an external one, on a car. Noticed the drips, tightened it up. Noticed more drips. Took the filter off. It looked OK to me but I was unhappy about putting it back so got another one. Comparing the two, I could see that the threads on the leaker were not as well formed as the replacement. I can only surmise that heat cycling was allowing the filter to creep loose because the threads were somehow not holding properly. Anyone done any similar comparisons with loosened Guzzi filters?
  19. For the greatest luxury in life? That would be working Italian electrics.
  20. Not guilty. Well, not guilty of _that_ at any rate.......
  21. NOT a figment. A (dramatic pause stretched out to the bounds of credulity) Neanderthal.
  22. Colleague, looking at my desk: "An untidy desk is the sign of an untidy mind" Me, looking at her desk: "Oh, look, an empty desk!"
  23. I've seen this machine (maybe even this picture) before but I'm still trying to dig up where. It's no good having a photographic memory if the shutter's stuck...... So, I'm looking but having no success. Stump it if you want.
  24. A banana palm. Steady on.
  25. Always seemed overrated to me. Confirmed on my only visit. "Land of the Free" is not quite the right title for the USA, is it? mike (29 [work] days each year, with an option for at least another 10 for "good works" activities and I've got a crap job)
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