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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. Thanks, Martin. I, of course, was looking for it in the Derbyshire section of the BBC website. The cave being located there. So, of course it is on the Leicestershire page. Loads of room for those saucy Dutch mountains.
  2. Was a link to the discovery of the UK's largest cave but our steam powered computers seem to be unable to read it. Should be big enough for the hugest (a)mount of Hollandaise. Shouldn't that be "Fools on the hill"?
  3. Exactly not. 8-) Enough talc will stay on the clean metal for it to hold the oil. If you oil the metal beforehand, you won't be able to distinguish that from the leak. Or, rather, weep. This will only work with those very light, hard to track leaks that we all know and love. Don't try to find the oil leak from your Bonneville rocker box with this trick. Unless you have access to industrial quantities of talc.
  4. You can continue with your expedition. If the Hollandaise mountains are hidden, where are they likely to be? Underground............. We have been preparing a storage facility for the EU Hollandaise mountain. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/3681938.stm
  5. As I understand it (this is only based on reading, not actual use) the PC is not totally effective until it has been dynoed. This has to be repeated after any change. That gets really expensive really quickly. Unless you have a friend.... MyEcu is $270 (Australian...) as a kit, about $600 assembled. So it's a quite a bit cheaper if you wish to build it into your own ecu box and more expensive to buy assembled. But you don't need an unknown quantity of dyno time. Plus it deals with parameters that the PC does not. It seems to me that your friend will be getting somone else to do the work whichever is bought but the MyEcu is a better deal.
  6. Indeed. Their Grisos, while not so long as the males', have barbs.
  7. Hopefully not to start a battle but why? The PC is an add-on to the present system. Just another thing to go wrong. There is a tuneable (without a dyno as I understand it) _replacement_ system in the MyEcu. I have used neither but the MyEcu looks to be cheaper and easier overall and at least as effective.
  8. Ignoramus. You missed the apostrophe off ejukatin'.
  9. Looks more like the Trossachs than Sussex.
  10. Needles, needles eveywhere and not a cage to hold..... Do you think it was Karma for foul and abusive language coupled with physical violence that got you a roller in the back wotsit? ps. where are the Bianchis?
  11. Make sure that you have not burred over the hole it is in, so that it can fall out cleanly. Then apply heat. Given that there is oil on it, there will probably be a bit of smoke, so using the stove in the kitchen might not be the right thing to do. Once it is good and warm, so you have to use the pliers to hold it, heat it some more and then whack it on something solid so that the bush can fall out. Repeat. Worst case scenario, you melt the alloy away from the steel.
  12. Thank you, thank you. You are too, too kind. It was in reference to the typo of Deben's - "weary" instead of "wary". Here's a new one for you. It's a wonder you Americans don't get smacked in the mouth more often, you have such a lack of a sense of humour. 8-)
  13. That would be $200 for the UK market, I assume?
  14. I _really_ hope an ambulance chaser doesn't spot that comment.
  15. Some possible equivalents (c&p from a BMW site, so check dimensions, etc, before you buy): Oil filters: FRAM PH6063 is the correct FRAM but hard to find at WallyWorld. FRAM PH3614 is readily available and works AC DELCO PF-53, NAPA 1348 Mobil-1 M1-102 BMW 11.42-1 460 843 or 845 Mahle/knecht/microstar/tecafiltre OC91 (original part) Champion C301 (of motorcycle range) Purflux LS188B Tech9 n°16 (France only, made by Mahle in fact) Hiflofiltro HF-163 (from Thailand) Mann-Hummel MW712 Detlev Louis (Germany) 10050195 Toyota 08922-02004 or 90915-YZZB9 (according THIS site) Perf-form BMW-1 (on www.perf-form.com) UFI makes one too (italian) Donit 43 10 133 (www-motobins.co.uk) For After May, '97, 1100RT Purolator P/N11421460845 AMSOIL SMF122 Bosch 3330 WalMart ST3614 Purolator L00241 AC PF53 Ratchet wrote: "Is the statement, “You get what you pay for!” necessarily always true, even for mass-produced, high-volume consumable goods?" You ask that on a motorcycle (especially a Moto Guzzi) forum? 8-)
  16. It's a wonder you Americans ever make it to the mall, you're so unfit.
  17. Number 3: six month guest Editorship of Geek Monthly. (Just hope he doesn't come looking here for content. As if the inner workings of ditch pumps with tractor gearboxes stuffed with squeezed Yak would interest geeks) Ahem.
  18. Just hope you die before you get old, eh?
  19. Might have been the Rex. I see the Montgomery-Anzani ended up there. Another good reason to visit.
  20. It's a truly impressive place although I do have problems with the credentials of some of the machines, especially after the fire. The first two Rickmans are powered by, respectively, a Royal Enfield twin (probably the Interceptor 750) and, I think, a Matchless single. They had a few design faults. If you look at the twin, you can see that the footrest is mounted on the exhaust pipe.... The 1930s machines, in the most part, were assemblages of proprietary items. Sometimes there would be an added cosmetic detail to distinguish them. If the manufacturer got the "mix" right, you could get quite a good machine for much less than the cost of one where the manufacturer did most of the work. What was the machine with the double belt drive? It's an interesting machine. Note the eccentric bearing for the pedal crank, so that it can be adjusted to keep the chain properly taut. You couldn't move the back wheel, as that would change the belt (direct drive - no gearbox or clutch) tension. Pedals for starting and for light pedal assistance on hills.....
  21. Painful? Yes. Debilitating? Yes. Fatal? Almost certainly not. The human body has a remarkable capacity to keep going after injury. Hollywood has a lot to answer for.
  22. Who are currently beating the pants off the biggest (and the best) armies in the world. There are strategies that will defeat this sort of opponent but tend not to be ones that involve people making huge profits out of both munitions and the dealing with the effects of using those munitions. They also require more staying power than the time until the next election and the ability to swallow what appear to be initial defeats. I don't believe our present crop of representatives have either the intelligence or integrity to undertake them.
  23. Only with someone I shouldn't have. 8-) That's the point, isn't it?
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