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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. You lazy boy! 8-))) http://www.thisoldtractor.com/guzzi007/sch...llo_125-160.gif
  2. Only if you manage to make it 15mm on a side. 8-))
  3. Not really; this is what a real off road bike looks like. http://www.borderbikes.co.uk/2ndhand/mzisdt.jpg Although I've spent more than my share of time green laning on Guzzis. mike
  4. They have been beaten with the ugly stick since birth. With shit on it and twice on Sundays. YOMV......
  5. No thanks, I've just put one out. Well, four actually. And another two in the garage attic. Time to go and fug up the neighbourhood some more.... m
  6. Dondolino? Cucciolo? (snigger)
  7. You _do_ know that knockoff Thai Yak fat is inferior to genuine Mongolian Yak fat and needs the change intervals halved?
  8. Enclosed chain. Best of both worlds - high percentage power transmission, highly reduced servicing, a la shaft. Better than both, it's by far the cheapest way to drive a bike. m
  9. That narrows it down. Gambalunga?
  10. And any dirt bike. The Honda Cub. Most scooters. Is my prejudice showing???????
  11. Personally, I'm sorry that Greg thinks Enzo was being high-handed with him and I'm sorry that Enzo thinks that his bike was maliciously damaged. But that's us Brits - always apologising. m BTW: I think the missing Dicks are due to a copy and paste - we'll see from this post.
  12. BSH is one case where I could be stumped forever. I don't think I have ever read a copy, never mind bought one. I've leafed through most of the others but I find much m/c journalism so insulting to the reader I'm not about to part with money for the privelege. m
  13. What sort of beans? Recently discovered that I am sensitive to potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, so part of the recipe is right out, sadly, but it looks good apart from that. BTW, if you're suffering from joint pain, don't assume that it's part of the aging process. Try going without the abive mentioned and see if it halps. Only took me two days, after over a decade of problems. m
  14. If you want an intelligent M/C magaziine that covers the whole spectrum, there have only been two in "recent" years. The late, lamented Cycle and Motorcycle Sport and Leisure. Neither allow(ed) advertising to influence them and they were exceptionally complementary. Cycle was the hands-on tech and hard-numbers test mag, MCS the intuitive testing and theory one. I miss Cycle greatly - never seen anyone else have the bottle to completely dismantle test machines. mike
  15. I would expect 40K. Managed that on a twostroke, so it should be easily attainable on a fourstroke.
  16. Halfords seem to be as cheap as any for a range of quality. mike
  17. Remember to have any "loose but attached" bits on the correct side of the bung before you weld it on. Check twice, weld once......
  18. Greg, I don't know if everyone's too embarrassed to tell you but your front mudguard is on back to front. 8-))
  19. Haven't been for nearly two decades......8-)
  20. In very sunny weather and when the sun is low in the sky, I try always to give a hand signal as well as use the indicators. Removes any semblance of doubt. If the person it is aimed at understands hand signals........ mike
  21. mike wilson


    They don't write them like that any more. 8-( Anyone else here like Ixion, et al? http://www.realclassic.co.uk/books/booksixion.html m
  22. Get two pieces of straight stuff, long enough to go from the back wheel to the front and rigid. Get them off the floor and in contact with points on the front and back of the back wheel - the rim ideally, but the tyre if necessary. Extend them forward to where the front wheel will be. You front wheel needs to sit perfectly inbetween them. Shim, spacer and otherwise frig about to your heart's content. 8-))
  23. You mean it's better if you push your own??????
  24. The pressure seals are more like cups than o-rings. Designed so that, as the pressure increases, the seal gets better. O rings would leak like a fish's bladder under pressure, although they might be used as backup to prevent stuff getting on the bore. You still might be able to get hold of replacements for the cup seals. But it's not a problem to use antifreeze, if the rest of the system is properly designed. (Note the above is CUP seals, not CUB......) mike
  25. I thought it was because of the noise they make when you press the button........
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