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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. Naughty, Gregory. The bikes here are what you and I would consider to be brand new. If I had one, I think I would be looking very hard at the manufacturer to rectify something that it made worse than in existing models. The days of beta testing on the public are long gone, thanks mainly to your countrymen - and I mean that as a compliment. m
  2. Not true. He has just recently shown a decided soft spot for Fantic Chopper mopeds. I'm not sure that one can get any softer than that. mike VMCC MZ Marque Specialist
  3. That's not Serge Forward. It's one of the Small Faces on holiday.
  4. I copied and pasted the relatively new ones that were only produced for a year. It was _selective_ copying and pasting...... 8-)
  5. Quoth an onlooker "I can see the crankshaft!" He could, too....
  6. NTX Enduro Mille S Falco Trentacinque GT Duna Paris Dakar V 85 . . . . . Tre Cylindre ???????????????????
  7. More years ago than I really care to remember, a person I knew decided he would fit new grips to his week-old CBX. He used WD40 to get them on easily. He then came along and decide to demonstrate its wheelie capabilities. With his girlfriend on the back. At over 45degrees, the clutch side grip came off. A cartwheeling CBX is a _very_ impressive sight. But not as impressive as an irate girlfriend. In fact, I have to say that she was more than irate. Somewhere, I've got some pictures of the wreckage. mike
  8. That sounds about the right sort of price differential between over the counter and OEM silicone. But I'm just a hardened old sceptic.
  9. I didn't expect that.....
  10. _Getting them on_ use some soapy/detergenty water. You might be able to soak the old ones off using the same stuff if (a) they are not glued and ( you can get it between the grip and the bar. m
  11. I love slinging my diesel Mondeo around the outside of Audi TTs and Golfs. It's a barge and you have to keep up the momentum but it's an enirely predictable barge. Nearly 50mpg, too. m
  12. Are you sitting comfortably? £98,000!!!!! Plus fees, giving a grand total of £109,300 (provide your own trailer) Next highest was the Matchless trademark, at £45,000, then a few Vincents at £20,000 or so apiece. V-twins beat everything else hands down....
  13. If I looked like Carol Thatcher, I wouldn't take my photograph. http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/entertai...er_profile.html
  14. I wondered if BFG had been performing some zombie ritual to bring Warhol back from the dead. m
  15. As a workaround for the picture problem, open it and let the code load completely, then save it as "picture.jpg" and close the page. You should be able to open the file then either in your browser or any image viewing software like ACDsee. m
  16. Is it me, or does it look somewhat jaundiced? Or is that a play on Gold membership? Nice take. m
  17. Well done. Right answer, as already stated. A scary answer, too. Now, has anyone got ISDT results onliine to confirm this? I've seen the claim, identically worded, in a few sites but have been unable to make sure that it is true.
  18. The one at the start is OK. As a workaround - save the page as then open it in an image viewing programme like ACDsee. Works fine, except it doesn't tell you what it is.... 8-((
  19. This should lead to someone getting the answer in about 30 minutes.... It was made in Poland. No point in trying to guess the answer - you will have to find reference to it. Most of the sites I've seen allude to what the question is about.
  20. It is _absolutely_ the code (or part of it) for a picture jpeg. Relatively, it's less interesting than the picture...
  21. Code. But starting with proper jpeg info. I think the one at the head of this thread needs reloading. The thumbnail is fine but the picture code is corrupt.
  22. One of the close ones. How long till I can claim stump?
  23. Country is immaterial. Look at it - what would you think it was incapable of?
  24. Still just getting code with this. Not even starting with proper jpeg syntax.
  25. But you are closer to the answer than you think.
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