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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. They probably weren't expecting any ILS. Many of the airports RA uses don't have it - that's one of the reasons the tickets are so cheap. I had a few exciting go-arounds at Torp (Oslo) a few years ago in very dense fog. Ended up going to the proper airport. Bet that put a hole in the profit for that flight. m
  2. Power pulses are not the same as vibration due to unbalanced mass. You'd soon get sick of the latter. Unless you like that sort of thing, of course......
  3. Not neccessarily. I usually weigh them and make them all the same weight. That would be the weight of the lowest...... Everything you do helps. Balancing the crank and flywheel to match the mass of the pistons and con rods (weigh and equalise them, too) will make the bike seem smoother and more pleasant to ride. Some people say that a "rough" bike feels more powerful. YMMV. What _is_ a black art is the decision over what balance factor to apply. That's where experience counts as much as theory. The good thing is that Guzzis have reasonably good primary balance, so your crank should only need adjusting for the changed weight of the reciprocating parts. I would do it. It shouldn't be too expensive, it _will_ make a difference (although that difference may not be immediately obvious) and it will help with the life of components. If you want to get an idea of the forces involved, get someone to throw small change at you as hard as they can. The change in forces on the reciprocating parts are more than that and are happening up to 16,000 times per minute. mike
  4. This would be a Philipino rural town?
  5. Everything I've read suggests that, to achieve what you want, you should have two separate exhaust systems. No crossover at all. That way, you can tune each cylinder precisely, without interference from the other. mike
  6. Changed my mind. It's hissiing down. But the roads (at least at low level) are free of salt. Am I in the wrong thread? m
  7. For UK subscribers: Flexible hose for attaching to your grease gun http://www.cromwell.co.uk/static/publicati.../pages/1005.pdf End fittings and nipples http://www.cromwell.co.uk/static/publicati.../pages/1007.pdf Grease nipples if you need many http://www.cromwell.co.uk/static/publicati.../pages/1222.pdf Home (for ordering) http://www.cromwell.co.uk/index
  8. What exactly have you done inside? As I understand it, crossovers are there to improve low speed running by allowing exhaust gas pressure pulses to work on the opposite cylinder, improving cylinder filling. This _may_ have a detrimental effect on peak power but that will depend on many factors. The first picture you showed seemed to indicate rich running, due to the sooty look of the crossover interior. Would this not affect peak power more than crossover design? mike
  9. No need to feel bad for me; I feel bad enough already. You know you are old when you spend as much time hugging your knees in pain as you do kneeling on them. I spent two days kneeling........ I am genuinely interested in this machine because I prefer two strokes so I eagerly await the answer. m for masochist
  10. Looks like it might be a nice day for a ride this weekend. Say, about 500miles. m
  11. Try asking Ethiopia about that. http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/ww2timeline/Prelude05a.html Read the paragraphs in "Films" at the bottom, as well as the body text. Most, if not all, countries have some episodes in their past that they are not proud of. m
  12. I'm back. Just spent an entrancing three days laying flooring and trying to make the b*&^^%$£^D wireless network function the way it says on the box. Final guess, cos I can't find anything more on this. After that, you can have the point. Steyr Puch.
  13. Hugh, Barney McGrue, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb could only manage 180 between them. Which bit am I coolest on?
  14. Don't forget that the replaced CARCs can be refurbished and installed on new machines. The flywheels, not. m
  15. I suspect that the crankshaft rotates "backwards" due to having a gear primary drive. The inlet port (or, rather, the carb) looks remarkably high. mike
  16. Same problem here. Win2000, NS7.2 Why not just upload them here?
  17. mike wilson

    Best helmet?

    As long as it stays the colour it has always been, I'm just happy...... 8-))
  18. Glupia dziewcinki.
  19. mike wilson

    Best helmet?

    I think my _helmet_ is older than you. 8-)
  20. Bingo! Give that man a point. An option on all Tonti machines but I've only ever seen them on military models, where they might be required for obvious reasons. Looks like it might hamper ground clearance on left handers..... Go to here (down to page 19) for a diagram: http://www.moto-guzzi.us/archiviomoto/v35v...1976%20mgit.pdf The diode board and regulator are mounted up by the battery on these models, too. When I ordered a complete harness for my V50 I got the alternator -> regulator sub-harness for a military model by mistake. Trying to explain to Motomecca that the part number on the bag was correct but the wires were about three feet too long was priceless. m
  21. OK, I'll point you at it. See that bright square under the exhaust pipe? That's it. What is it?
  22. You'll probably get the same twitch every weekend, buying a new back tyre.......
  23. Nobody even close, yet. It's in plain view.
  24. You got the right model but that's not what's unusual about it. My V65 has 90,000miles+ on it...... I'm talking about unusual for _all_ modern Guzzis.
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