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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. For both pewter and aluminium, rub some ordinary household soap over the object. It can then be held in a gas flame until the soap turns black. Let it cool normally. You should then be able to press it between a suitable pair of formers to give you the curve you require.
  2. Felicitations to our USA colleagues. One of your greats. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bll6_FRNIss Maybe more apt for today. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zs_z_HT0SzU&...feature=related
  3. The _ultimate_ engine song? Must be this. If you like non-starting Cortinas. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=TslP13X5unc&...t=1&index=1
  4. Decisions, decisions. Tell you what. Listen to one and look at the other. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ByUOFV5TusE&...feature=related (Did anyone else catch themself nodding in time to the bounce of keyboard player's, er, appendages?)
  5. At least three reasons for brake fade, not including mechanical faults and bad choice of brake material. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brake_fade
  6. Joe Cocker. With translation. http://www.elwp.com/Joe%20Cocker.html
  7. Not Roper. A scholar and a gentleman to the nth degree. Kind to animals and children, too.
  8. Not while there are still goats to burst and chickens to strangle.
  9. Do you have a link to the thread? I tried to join that forum but was refused for having a different login to registered name (??? one had a space in, the other didn't....) and then when I tried to rejoin, there was no confirmation email. So I can't search.
  10. BTW, I didn't know PRoper was in a band, waaaaaay back. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2pGht71KFkY Wait for the piano break in the middle.
  11. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uu8J2aGzIY0 Wait for the fadeout. Who's the bass player?
  12. Brescia - Rome _and back_. The real innovation that Jenks and Moss developed (well before in-car communication by headset) was a system of hand signals that allowed Moss to read the road without having to try to decipher what Jenks was saying over the wind and engine noise.
  13. Sorry, I can't take middle-class white boys playing blues-derived music seriously. So: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=23oodi_93KQ http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3hcZ4s9cvpw http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=K4qdgno-huo (additional vocals by Keith Moon) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Qbidac8J8 OK, one serious selection. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aTzh2HARvlA&...re=channel_page
  14. Not only the splines. If the preceding (the clutch dump) downshift has been done without at least some attempt to match shaft speeds, then "the dogs have been taken for a walk" as one of my more colourful mentors was wont to say.
  15. How's it coping with the salt?
  16. It's his bikes that he likes to stand out. As one gets older and dafter, remembering which bike you brought out can become difficult. Knowing that yours is the one that gives everyone dry heaves makes it easy to wander around until it finds you.
  17. Funny how, at the beginning of your post, you are saying that the jobs need to be saved. Then you say that they should all be lost. Replace them with what? Mexicans? Iraquis? Canadians?
  18. But when you _triple_ the capacity, they are not so good after all.... Sad, as I really like the concept.
  19. Indeed they don't. Because many peoples' response to being irritated is to irritate right back.
  20. Indeed. 23mpg(imp) from a 1300? Pull the other one.
  21. So they should with over twice the capacity. This "only one side of the rotor" blarney doesn't count with me.
  22. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hunter-ARGYLL-FULL...046&sr=1-34
  23. Not. The vilified Vincent Black Prince bodywork was empirically designed for aerodynamic weather protection.
  24. Water soluble. No good.
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