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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. The snowflake design was used on BMW's too. Can't remember the name of the mfr.
  2. Apart from the poxy teles, that is magnificent. I would pay for that, though I expect not as much as a Swiss manufacturing company would want me to......
  3. Put out one wheely bin, one recycling bin and the cat. Normal day in sunny Slumberland. Oh, and told a little lie. It's honking down. m And we haven't got a cat.
  4. If you're not going to vote for yourself, I'm certainly not......
  5. The _real_ crime is that the chair is on the wrong side. 8-)))
  6. Until just before it actually breaks, when the voltage can rise due to reduced current flow, affecting voltage sensitive components.....
  7. Husquvarna, 500cc, 1968, 2-speed auto, four speed normal selection.
  8. AMF was the holding company that owned both organisations. mike whose friends bought these "Harleys" in droves in the 1970s.
  9. Spent all weekend trying to install a wireless router at home, unsuccessfully. Belkin can bog off.
  10. It's a Polish company. The middle letter is like an L with a line through it, pronounced "w" as in work. Now owned by Hoover, in turn owned by Tsubaki. http://www.ebearing.com/news2003/022801.htm It's a vacuum cleaner bearing. 8-))))))
  11. You _really_ need to learn how to blink those eyelashes, Pete. sexist comment>
  12. It's OK, I found it quite easily on Gurgle. Deleted the post. m
  13. mike wilson


    Well, maybe not nuke but a bit of blissful ignorance can accomplish similar. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4765058.stm
  14. This guy's looking for one. Wonder why? John Malanca -- jmalanca at spacorp.com
  15. Built by somone called Ben Part. Info here: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=731.0
  16. It's well documented on the web. Search here or try to Gurgle for it. m
  17. Rock spiders?
  18. Essentially the same, as you can see from these pics (you might have to wait for a redirect for the Guzzi) Bennelli http://epll.no-ip.com/pruebas/benelli2502c/bnli-4.JPG Guzzi http://www.bikez.com/pictures/large.php?im...ous%20user..jpg IAC not the pictured machine, which has iron barrels. And a bloody odd tank. Not some Y-series Yamaha with different tank and forks? m
  19. Not correct. Stringfellow and Henson made the first powered, heavier-than-air flight. 1848, beating Giffard by four years. They created the world's first air transport company five years earlier than that. http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/stringfellow.html mike
  20. Present forecast is for six inches of snow by the weekend. 8-(( Especially on high ground, which you have to cross to get out of auld reekie. £195 is remarkably cheap.... Might be better by next w/e. m
  21. Guzzi 250, 1979?
  22. I couldn't get past the first page, it was so repulsive. BTW, Nog, how big are _your_ balls? You aren't thinking of collecting the Buell this weekend, are you? I spy multiple vehicle accidents on the way..... m
  23. mike wilson


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