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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. Don't worry. It doesn't really count until you're into double figures. Ahem. m
  2. I've never been able to get a full face helmet on, so it's immaterial to me. Marvin
  3. Two other things. 1. Doesn't the warranty repairer have to ship the old parts to the importer? If so, you can ask if it has been done that way. 2. I think you know what you are going to do. You don't strike me as someone who would play the odds. Especially with someone's life. m
  4. If it's a treatment problem, is there any way of running a simple (for example) hardness test against a known good part? Any non-destructive testers near you? If (as it seems) the owner is aware of a potential problem, he might (I _certainly_ would) spring for the cost. mike
  5. I wasn't too keen on MB until I discovered that it will sell you every little part individually. No more having to buy a new alternator when just the diode board has died or new starter for the want of a set of field coils. Don't know how that works in the US, with its liability laws. m
  6. I think that was a single. It was in either Siberia or Mongolia, can't remember which. Neither of them are Russia.... 8-)))
  7. Good memory. Anyway, I posted it because a "Roper Steam Bicycle" rather tickled my funnybone. m
  8. Bleeding Nora, nine minutes - that's got to be a record! Except..... you're ten years too early. 8-))) I think two points are in order. Now tell me how you were so fast. Were you looking over my shoulder? m
  9. Name of manufacturer, please. Extra point for type of power plant.
  10. A badly maintained Bantam (or, indeed, almost any other piston ported two-stroke) would play the same trick. Soviet designs were OK. It was the execution of the design that caused the problems. m
  11. mike wilson

    UK Track Day

    I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
  12. With the small blocks, on initial release, the first thing listed in the workshop manual under special tools was a block of Devcon epoxy putty for dealing with porous castings. I assumed that its listing position was a sign of its importance. I was right. Maybe you have a slightly porous head? (Don't take that personally....) 8-))) m
  13. Where does K&N fit into all this?
  14. That's precession. If you hold a bicycle wheel by the axle in both hands and spin it, try turning it one way and the other. You will find that there is a force making the top of the wheel want to fall over. Can't remember offhand but, if you turn the wheel left, the top will try to force itself one way and the other way when you turn it to the right. The whole melange of precession, torque effects and other rotational forces as applied to motorcycling handling would create enough discussion to keep this thread going, continuously, for months if not years. You could _try_ reading some text books but you might find that the only way to get rid of the subsequent headache is to run headfirst into a brick wall. Worked for me. mike
  15. mike wilson

    moving to OZ

    A couple of my friends (alright, all of them....) have emigrated and they all found that the best option for taking stuff across was to hire a container on a cargo ship. Most of them took cars and bikes as well as furniture and other things they didn't want to let go of. mike
  16. Bad news. Andy Caldecott killed, according to BBC sport ticker. m
  17. A gasket is a gasket is a gasket. Material is an important consideration (I wouldn't use cfp for exhaust pipe/cylinder head joints) but, for the use I put it to, it is an ideal substance. Reasonably strong, slightly compressible, water and oil tight. A slight smear of grease on each side to allow it to find its own location and prevent sticking and there you go. FWIW, I use scissors to cut out the shape and rub the ball side of a ball pein hammer over the holes to cut them out. Takes about 20 minutes to make a sump gasket. A bodge would be using string as a gasket, wrapping it around the sump bolts, to get you home after a major on-road problem. mike
  18. It's been over 20 years since I've thought of doing anything other than wipe my arse with MCN. The Beano is more entetaining and informative. mike
  19. The last time I was stuck for a sump gasket (I'll _never_ rely on local "dealers" again) I made one out of a cornflake packet. It worked perfectly. I wouldn't hesitate to use the same material for rocker box, timing chest or any other joint under low pressure. The _only_ reason I buy gaskets for these places now is idleness. mike
  20. 73218[/snapback] Sorry, you've lost me there.
  21. Generally seems to be thought of as an excellent machine. Quiet, small and well built. You can use Leica lenses on it, or, even better (gasp!) some recent Pentax lenses have been made in the same thread. You may already know that, once you have a decent quality body, it is the lenses that have the biggest effect on your pictures. I find that what Pentax lenses (and to a lesser extent Tamron) do with light are what I like most. You may care to examine the state of film processing in your area. Again, general concensus seems to indicate that colour print film will be the variety to die first, as digital is rapidly replacing it. Slide and B&W will carry on longer - you will probably need to search out places to get that done already but their market share is quite steady. I can't remember if this model has the same loading style as Leica. If it does, you will have to practice quite a bit to make yourself familiar with it. Care to tell how much you paid and from where? mike
  22. The K&N Thought Police have hexed you. Nothing but Trouble from now on.... 8-))) mike
  23. So the O is out, rather than off? m
  24. I second that opinion. I got them because the surfaces around here were continually littered with broken glass from kids drinking smuggled continental beer. It was costing me as much for bicycle tyres in a year as for motorcycle tyres. Now that the Police have a no-tolerance attitude to public drinking, it seems safe to change back. I'll miss the extra work out. Not. mike
  25. As I've said, I prefer easily accessible filters, whatever the make. Why not foam filters for damp-proof use? m
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