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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. Took the car this morning as I had a load of stuff to carry. Travelling along the local dual carriageway, I move out to overtake a travelling crane. Just as its wing mirror detaches itself. Despite my phenomenal avoidance technique, there is now a 9" square hole where it shouldn't be. Don't know whether to be cheesed off because I've got to tour the body shops or to be happy that it didn't hit me when I was on two wheels. mike
  2. That would be because they were caught selling tanker washings mixed with ethylene glycol (antifreeze) as red wine. After that, there was no option but to clean up shop. Not to mention that there was more Soave sold per annum than was produced. Not sure if that one was properly dealt with. mike
  3. Blimey! That went quickly! Blinked and missed it - I would never make a gunfighter. That is an unusual head. Cast alloy (with integral rocker box?) looks very anachronistic with the girder forks. Seems to be a point for you. mike
  4. With the honourable exception of Motorcycle Sport & Leisure, I cannot read the UK motorcycle press. It is appalling. The only other magazine I had any time for was the late, great Cycle. I was in the local dealer on Saturday looking at some Grisos and suchlike. They are better in the flesh than in photos. If anyone is interested, the dealer in Newcastle upon Tyne (M&S Motorcycles) will have demonstrators in after the New Year. The salesman also said the "the new, fully-faired tourer" will be in the showroom in February........... mike
  5. Managed to see a couple last night. I found myself thinking that it is better looking in many ways than the Breva, which suprised me. BUT - why are those excrescences there under the frame rail? They don't appear to be part of the tank. Is that where the electrics are because there is no room under the tank, now sitting between the frame rails? mike
  6. Two things: 1. You almost certainly haven't damaged the seal yet - they do weep a bit when disturbed. 2. You probably will damage it if you don't remove the key in the slot that locates the generator rotor. Just pull it out and stick it to the rotor. Permanent magnets are wonderful things. As you bring the cover off, watch out for the seal catching on burrs, threads, etc, on the shaft. mike
  7. If you knacker the relay receptacles (the metal parts, not the housing), part number 245-1703 from seems to be a direct replacement. If you are looking elswhere, you need a Tyco Fastin-Faston crimp receptacle. The tool to connect these to the wires is horrendously expensive. Which is why I use pliers. mike
  8. Dead right. All these Japanese bikes look alike to me 8-) It's just the bikes I don't like. Having found a couple of niches that worked, HD has flogged them to death. Would be nice if the management looked outside the envelope occasionally but that's precisely what they are taught not to do. mike
  9. Seconded. Worked every time for me. WRT rotor magnetism, just put it and the stator back together and tie it in with a bit of string through the centre hole. You can use the same bit of string to hold the whole thing out of the way. This is not brain (or any other kind) of surgery. If you make a mistake, you buy new bits. Having learned something. mike
  10. Er, he is talking about a 125cc, three speed machine, designed before the second world war. It was the height of two stroke develpoment at the time. The German continuation company after the war (MZ) went on to design/develop the two stroke technology that was "stolen" by Yamaha and used to such great effect in competition. mike p.s. 62mph would get you a speeding ticket on most of the roads around here. A year's ban on many of them.
  11. I had the browser set to not show pics that didn't derive from the viewed site. Operator error.... m
  12. With her leg in plaster, she must get rather bored, so has to do something to lighten the day up. Although hobbling will induce a nice motion.... 8-)
  13. Weird. Not a sign, in any of the posts. Can't see the picture in your sig line, either. Maybe I've got a version of avatar flat line disease? Will check on Monday, when I'm back at work, although I use the same software there. m
  14. It was meant, at least partly, as a joke. The last HD I tried was the 1977(?) Cafe Racer, which was the last one to have any appeal to me. Wouldn't mind a slient grey fellow, though.... I _really_ went off them when they were owned by the tenpin bowling company. Now, they are a paradox on two wheels. I mean, what other make could sell you a bike that you had to spend a lot more on to make useable? In litigious USA, I am really suprised that nobody has sued for damages, basing the claim on the (allegedly) pitiful brakes on the modern machines. The two stroke design was war reparation from DKW. It was originally called the RT 125, HD used it as the Hummer and BSA photocopied the design in reverse to get the gear change on the correct side, called it the Bantam and went on to sell tens of thousands of them. Best design they (n)ever had 8-) m
  15. The best helmet in the world + a ~20mph impact with something solid = death The faster you go over about 20mph, the faster you will die after the impact. But you will die if you make your head stop that suddenly. Whilst I appreciate the protection a helmet can give me against the weather and glancing blows, I have no illusions about its ability to save my life. It can't work miracles. m BTW, I see no links or pictures. Have they been removed?
  16. Funny how it looks so old head on and so modern from the side. http://www.landracing.net/cgi-bin/pro/emAl...in=DSC00045.jpg
  17. Well spotted! I knew I'd seen those forks somewhere.
  18. They could probably give me a bike (after all, no bike is totally bad - no matter how much it wants to be...) but pay cash for one? Not a chance. Ungainly, overweight and sluggish. And if I had a Harley it would just reinforrce the image. 8-)))
  19. Surely it would have to have a new cylinder? The transfer and exhaust ports would create a terrible power loss [ 8-) ] and the inlet port would spray oil everywhere. mike
  20. Thanks. That's fascinating stuff. At first I thought it was a ridiculous waste of time and effort. But, for a 75% increase in power, it's not bad at all. Pity they didn't understand than that a few hours with a riffler file and some exhaust/induction work would probably net them even more power than the conversion! Although bolt on goodies were probably a safer bet for most owners. Some things don't change much, do they? If you've got any better pictures, I would like to see them. mike
  21. OK. It is (at least partly) a Moto Guzzi Cardellino engine. All the ones I have found are two strokes but the crank/gear case is distinctive. Powers(ed) a moped. Designed by Antonio Micucci Originally called a Guzzino.
  22. No, nowhere near ugly enough. I've just found a picture of one - wish I hadn't. The only cyclemotor I can find that is anywhere near as whacky as this is the Bugatti. That is just bizarre.
  23. _It_ has a three speed gearbox, or it was attached to a bicycle with a three speed hub? Not a Ducati Cucciolino? (sp?)
  24. http://www.crockermotorcycleco.com/ A company that _did_ what HD is always saying that it does. If you catch my drift.
  25. I've found a WSR A-PF class machine called "Blue Monday". Is that it?
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