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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. Bizarre. Even odder, many of the tuned ones I have found carry three carbs....
  2. V6. Quite unusual.
  3. You think he was going fast enough to lose skin??????
  4. Haven't seen the whole of that but Triumph made a similar one for the Rocket III. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKEuzxC4eGc "The whole bike is chamoised with Yak's butter....."
  5. That's how I understand he rides. One of the reasons for his successes has been his ability to turn off the fear (of losing traction and wiping out) gene and ride the bike like an arcade game, trusting the traction control completely.
  6. I'm not so sure. As mentioned above, his riding style is based on dirt bike techniques. This has not been a good idea generally, as recent results show, but the Ducati has technology to prevent it entirely. Unless he is going to change his riding style completely, he is going to have a lot of difficulty extracting the potential performance from it.
  7. Sorry for the delay - not relevant to you as it was for a small block. But I've done BB ones in the past and just took measurements to a bearing factor to get equivalents. _At least_ an order of magnitude cheaper than buying a new one. Somewhere like this: http://genius.bsl.co.uk/paramsearch.cgi?cl...amp;language=EN I was considering setting up in business doing exchanges until I put my sensible head on. EDIT: one thing I always insisted on was a grease fitting in the crucifix. Many come without these days.
  8. Not so much eat. More, lick. Then you can reproof it and off you go again.......
  9. Indeed. I'm more of a flange man, myself.
  10. Someone in the Antipodes has had an 8v Griso apart and noted that the cylinder spigots were about 1cm thick......
  11. I'm two thirds of the way there but prefer gauntlets and Dunlop wellies. Not green ones, proper steel-toecapped ones.
  12. The last time I replaced a driveshaft crucufix, it was very tight when I had finished. Not rough or notchy but just tight enough for me to take it apart again to be sure that a needle hadn't fallen out and was fouling things up. No. So, back together again and still feels the same. Has done about 15,000miles since then with no problems.
  13. No gearlever - is that for real or just lost?
  14. Sounds like his nuts fixated on the steering stem.
  15. An Italian told me that one of the "gentlemen" on the podium was President from ~1971 to '75. I also thought it was 1950's. That Italian style never goes out of fashion.........
  16. Avaros/Flandria Record. 50cc. Guess at 1961. This is so close.... http://www.mopedarmy.com/photos/brand/47/5645/
  17. http://peterbetabiker.wordpress.com/ No sign of a link to pics, though.
  18. The ring slides right through the caliper section that the pin hole is in and then prevents the pin from sliding back out again. It compresses enough to go through the hole because a section of it is missing but it needs quite a good clout to do so - in both directions. If you look carefully at the pin hole in the caliper, you will see that it is slightly chamfered to give compressing the ring a start. The pin and ring condition are excellent - put them back in, with a smear of anti-sieze. You should see the ones I take out after a winter's use........
  19. Contact Hagon direct and they will custom build (spring weight, etc) for a fixed extra charge.
  20. Go and read the thread. What was posted is not the best quote, by a long way. I was going to add some but find myself embarrassed by a surfeit of riches. How about: "not recommending the heavy 70W90 weights " for starters?
  21. Ossa Yankee 500? MVs were built in Spain under licence at one point but this doesn't seem to quite have the cachet for that.
  22. Apparently, the two gents are actually Roper and VASean. The waders are for collecting a certain excreteable fluid in order to later reingest it during the arduous crossing of continental USA. Or maybe soaking your feet in it counteracts trench foot. Rubber chooks are not optional; clothing and hundredweights of spanners, tuning aids and spares are.
  23. Sanglas made a 400cc twin at the very end of production..... Yamaha engine.
  24. Better would be a dyno run in an enclosed room.
  25. Not necessarily. It might mean the most, or best, oil. Or the cleanest fins. Or the one with the best airflow over the drive box. Too many variables and, sadly, too small a sample to draw any reasonable conclusions.
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