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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. MCS (&L) is tolerable but going downhill rapidly. I miss dreadfully the American "Cycle". The only mag I've ever known that took bikes apart to component level as part of their testing. Closed overnight by Ziff-Davis Publishing, who will never receive another penny from me.
  2. Don't know about size but it's very ginger. The picture is a homage to a famous photograph of Salvador Dali. dali photo
  3. The local leader of the "Hells Angle's" (that's what it said on the sign) was called "Jungle". Two of his sidekicks were called "Dazed" and "Confused".
  4. Sometimes the boot's on the other foot. I was waiting to turn right last week, in the barge. Traffic coming towards me was coming up a hill, so limited visibility. There was a respectable gap between a car and a bus, so I started to make the turn. From behind the bus, at a considerable rate over the speed limit, comes a largeish UJM. I am now completely blocking the lane. I think the rider must be an Olympic standard gymnast. Certainly, without his contortions and my decision to keep going to clear the lane, he would have been T-bone of the highest quality.
  5. Actually, there _is_ somewhere to go. It's far, far away from the high tech pogo stick that is the modern telescopic fork, trying to do three jobs and doing none of them that well. I do admit, rather like the singing elephant, it is miraculous that any of the jobs are done at all but, until steering, suuspension and braking are separated, we will never know the real potential of our machines.
  6. Pete's somewhat luckier than the rest of us in that regard.......
  7. Try gears other than 1st & 2nd.
  8. AJW - the Flying Fox, the Speedfox and the bike you showed, the Fox Cub. http://www.cybermotorcycle.com/archives/sp...aybikes/ajw.htm Thinking further about the gents and their relaxed attitude to life, I am becoming convinced that they ride one of those BSA sidecar outfit taxis that were so popular during the interwar years.
  9. The Bernoulli effect occurs at any velocity. It's just not powerful enough to do the work of lifting the fuel at low ones. I'll take my prize in gold or diamonds, please.
  10. Hmmm. Ducati (Apollo...) Guzzi (Falcone) Scott Flying Squirrel Jay Leno's garage (the only corvid I could find associated with motorcycles) Honda Hawk I'm sure one of the more obscure pre-war manufacturers did a Flying Fox (Montgomery?) Guzzi Jackal (aka Coyote) The men obviously ride a sidevalve V-twin BSA sidecar outfit. I mean, where else would you feel positively stylish in a pair of waders?
  11. (Shrug) Definitely more fun to pick up that way..... 8-)
  12. Sorry to hear this. I've made it a habit for some time to leave the bike in gear when it's on the sidestand.
  13. I had an acquaintance who had the magnificently deranged idea of buying an old F1 engine and fitting it into his Marina. His logic was that this engine could last two hours at 200mph. As forces increase exponentially with revs (his sole, incorrectly applied, known fact) the engine should last some hundreds of thousands of miles suitably restricted to less than 70mph. Despite my best attempts to disabuse him, it was only when he saw the prices the engines were getting to be turned into coffee table ornaments that he gave up. There's no helping some people.
  14. Cobblers theory. The air has to _suck_ (sorry, Pete) the fuel out of the carbs. If it is at higher pressure than atmosphere it can't do that - it's forcing the fuel back into the carb. This can work with injectors but there will be severe difficulties matching fuel and air flow due the (now functional) ram-air effect.
  15. Can he have a go on my neck when he's finished with you?
  16. Are they not still crowding onto the head of a pin? (Always seemed to be a pretty pointless activity to me)
  17. Do I have time to take a bough? Thought knot.
  18. Feel like I am out on a limb. Think I'll leaf it at that. Must shoot off now.
  19. Good around town but high maintenance.
  20. When you say "newer" do you mean generically, as they are a newer design? All the ones I have had use the 8 series. Newest is 1987...... 8-)
  21. There's no answer to that.
  22. Plenty of famous brown machines. NUT James Whoops! That one is a bit dirty. Should look more like this: Not least, my 850T was a sort of orangey-brown. _Not_ like the James.
  23. A thread entitled "Bob's new cock" would outweird this one, even with no postings.
  24. Use fibreglass and resin to mould a box on the back of your helmet big enough to carry a spare. With one of those nifty BMW socket thingies, you could plug it into the charging circuit to keep it ever ready for use. A bonus to it being on the back of your helmet is that you will achieve proper Guzzi nose-in-the-air posture effortlessly.
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