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mike wilson

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Everything posted by mike wilson

  1. Chilis weren't a problem: I've never been a fan of food that bites me back. But all the rest (including sweet peppers) was a terrible wrench. Then I got out of bed without pain....... It's suprising how chronic illness, even very mild, can grind you down.
  2. In order to give you a straight answer: yes, to all three. The sloppage plate goes a long way to preventing oil starvation under certain conditions that are quite easy to achieve and also helps in some other ways.
  3. Eedjit. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, not pain killers. Get your quack to start you on Dicloflex (Sodium diclofenac) 50mg. I couldn't get out of bed without them, literally. They also have possible side effects but so does everything else we do. It was competitive rowing that did for me, plus a (n un) healthy dose of genes. Something else that worked for me was removal of all food related to the potato and tomato from my diet. Now, take this thread back to black hoop land.
  4. That's interesting. I've known bare wheels that needed more. What was the disclaimer?
  5. You are a person of taste and discernment.
  6. In the UK it's illegal. Not to mention fucking irritating.
  7. Take your boots and gloves off, lie on your back and point your fingers and toes into the air. Probably not as many as that.
  8. Learning the drill in his new, amalgamated organisation.
  9. Never thought of you as a hurdy gurdy man
  10. Check the size. 200 at best. I'm not sure anyone who wore an XS one would have the strength to bend the arms.......
  11. Brings to mind "Your own spurs and a borrowed horse".
  12. Plus, you're an artist. 8-) It still looks good. 8-)))
  13. "We recommend a newer browser" My EL34s are, apparently, not welcome in Mac land. But I hummed ahead anyway. Looks like a good thing.
  14. _That's_ not a bad view of it.
  15. I'm frightened to search for pictures of Gary Glitter.
  16. 1969 But then.... 40 years later
  17. Not just the one. I'm building a new one at home and I couldn't get it to POST (beeps and stuff) for my life. Turns out the case was dropped in transit and the switch under the reset button was jammed on..... All I have to do now is make Windows work the way I want it to. Wouldn't life be so much more relaxed if _computers_ used valves?
  18. I shall be (sadly) attending my brother-in-law's wedding in sunny Cyprus. Hope you folks all have a jolly good time. Will be back on the Wednesday after so if you need assistance near the Angel of the North, feel free to shout.
  19. "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player" It's not me, dammit, it's the bleeding IT techs! Damned thin workstations....
  20. Sorry, standard relays. Didn't realise that the ones you are talking about are miniatures. It's not clear from the photographs. 8-))
  21. How about somehting that runs like a good ride - slow and steady at first, rising to a climax and then tapering off again. Maybe a little like "Careful with that axe, Eugene". This is a bit earlier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRV9QCXLtHQ# I can't access the vids at the moment as Javascript is turned off, so apologies if the sound is poor. You should be able to find another copy.
  22. Was waiting for that. Green Manalishi http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DYBQdXv0BhM&...feature=related Some delicacy http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7_--lzn3SrU&...feature=related Something I've not heard before http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=61T3KETCPaE
  23. Jozef Szrek. Silesian Blues Band or three Polish words with many more consonants than vowels that mean something like "Storm, Lightning and Trepidation". I think. If you can get a copy of "Follow my Dream", which was produced at least semi-illicitly during a period of martial law in Poland you might find that prog rock can actually make you weep. Finger stumble with TYA. Not a great fan of CH. Prefer this: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fA51wyl-9IE Lovely little segue. 8-) You might be noticing a theme developing.
  24. There's only one JB track that ever appealed to me. If it's close enough for Jazz, it's close enough for me. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tHw9b4BBV9Y
  25. A little too American. Not bad thing in itself but Central Europe had plenty to be blue about without importing another continent's music. Heard of SBB? Can't find "Freedom" so you'll have to "Follow my dream". Spot the influences....... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wW4AYHM8V7o
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