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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. How many Jaap?
  2. I would guess I'm probably the best qualified to comment on the Falco, since I owned one prior to buying my LeMans. I wrote a little review you may find helpful. One problem with the review is the fact that the majority of my photos disappeared when my hosting service went tits up. Just a little correction, though . . . the Falco is every bit as much a "mille" . . . (an SL mille to be exact), as an RSV mille.
  3. What was the original question?
  4. There in lies the rub, my friend. I got mine from MPH. If you do find a set, buy them. Expect to pay $1,000 to $1,500, give or take a hundred or two.
  5. orangeokie


    Be careful for the Barney Fife radar traps all over the place.
  6. It was Biesel's photos of his Rosso on this site that convinced to look for one of my own!
  7. Skeeve . . . are you taking credit as the originator of this idea?
  8. OK Vlad . . . Do the blue levers match my brake and clutch blue caps?
  9. Don't ride in the rain. If that's not possible, move!
  10. Ah ha! Another chance to showcase my original, especially attractive carbon fiber hugger for the V11! Buy it here if you gotta da money! Clicky Picky OR, Buy it for half price, like I did, on ebay: Clicky dis picky
  11. Vlad, Are the blue levers and tabs the "turquoise" color as shown in this photo, OR the darker blue as shown in this photo?
  12. MG sold two different ECU's with their Ti cans, depending on whether you had the front cross-over header.
  13. Any status on the finished product?
  14. My dealer, too, recommended the Odyssey charger. Why argue with success?
  15. Did you ride with a pallion aboard. Just wondering about "comfort" for the little lady.
  16. Brian, I don't recognize that fairing. Could you post some more pics. Very nice.
  17. I know first hand the quality of work that Rich provides. I just happen to have one of his seats for sale, $150 delivered USPS Priority mail anywhere in the lower 48. I bought this particular seat, thinking it would fit my '03 Rosso, but alas, it is for an '01 or '02 model V11. The seat looks new. I plan to send Rich my Rosso Corsa seat to let him work his magic, but need to sell this seat first, to help off set expenses. SOLD
  18. I have to agree. Burgundy is the most beautiful MG color ever, followed closely by the Green with red frame.
  19. Red River! Heard of it?
  20. Naw, my wife doesn't need to lose weight. She fits nicely into her pink bikini. Just looking for something we can both do together . . . besides the usual husband and wife stuff!
  21. I'm seriously thinking about getting one of these for my wife.
  22. I have not met anyone on here personally except for Callison and Todd, but feel I know you guys pretty well, and hope you guys have gotten to know me through this great forum. (BTW, if you haven't considered becoming a "Gold Member" let me encourage you to do so. Jaap deserves it!) As some of you know, I bought my LeMans on ebay after totaling my aprilia SL mille two years ago. This great forum, a gift from Japp, was instrumental in helping me to make the right decision. I found my MG Ti exhaust system through MPH and have been nothing short of pleased, especially since I took my bike down to Houston and had it serviced, including properly setting up the new chip and fuel flow. However, I want everyone on here to know that I also know Falco Lion (Vlad) from the AF1 aprilia forum and have done business with him. I can personally vouch for his integrity and customer service. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could almost swear he has been a sponser on this forum in times past. Too bad we have to pick which V11 fan/retailer we buy from, Gregg included, but we should be thankful we even have a choice. I vote Garsdad as "DUDE" of the Day!
  23. Always looking for an excuse to post a pic of my rear hugger idea
  24. The price will come down for those who are willing to wait. This is how the free enterprise system works. They sold the first five sets they made at the 2200 euro price. They will sell as many as they can at that price. When the orders stop coming in, the price will come down. They have to recover their tooling costs, so expect them to crank out as many wheels as it takes to start making a profit.
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