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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. Interstate Motorcycles is da bomb. Owner is a former Marine and a great guy.
  2. Yep. You got you a nail driver there. It's hard to improve upon perfection!
  3. Just perusing Jaaps new web site and saw there were only 6 members on line, but 20 visitors. I tell you, there are alot of potential V11 owners out there.
  4. Nah! Beer and pizza belongs in 27-7!
  5. I need at least six to fill my hearts desire . . .
  6. You foreigners got alot of balls.
  7. I joined the speedo cable club at 1200 miles. Never did get around to a dealer for warranty work. Still doesn't work. I also joined the dead battery club and the failed relay club. Easy fixes. Other than that . . . knock on wood!
  8. Mine broke at 1200 miles. Hey Ralph . . . hows about looking up that thread and posting a link!
  9. Don't forget the Kwak ZZR1200 . . . a tremendous power plant and a bike I almost bought. I would definitely choose the Norge over the ZZR, just for the shaft drive alone, not to mention the simplicy and beauty of it's air cooled engine.
  10. As a disinterested and unbiased third party I have to say that the posts from rachethack are some of the most entertaining on this forum. They are always comprehensive in nature, even though I don't always understand what is his point.
  11. You have good taste George. Post more often!
  12. Buell gets alot of there parts from the smae Italian manufacturer as Moto Guzzi. They bolt right on.
  13. Materazzi deserves anything he gets. He's certainly no choir boy.
  14. Must have said something about his mother . . .
  15. Tell your local dealer you want to support him and to accept the deal. aprilia is a great motorcycle. As for being an "overpriced exotic" . . . have you looked at the MSRP on V11's? The economy is booming and current and potential riders have money to spend on these so called "overpriced exotics."
  16. orangeokie

    Guzzi candy

    Ha, ha, ha . . . another graduate of the American socialistic public school system!
  17. orangeokie

    Guzzi candy

    Anyone know who bought this . . .
  18. By all means . . . invest in five new relays and a new battery. This from an RC owner who experienced failure of both items in less than 1800 miles. Cheap insurance. I've never had any problem with tank suck, going 100mph + (rock steady) or forks bumping into steering stab.
  19. orangeokie

    Tank Bag

    I do. PM me.
  20. Dave, don't worry. You don't choose which model to buy . . . the guzzi chooses you! Ohlins Rock!
  21. Thanks Mike. That's what I wanted to know. There's way too much bling on that site to pass up!
  22. I've sent emails without response.
  23. A few of questions: 1. Do we Americans pay the 20% VAT? 2. If so, do you add 20% to the advertised price to come up with the actual price, or is the VAT already added into the advertised price? 3. Is there a reliable way to communicate with these people?
  24. No. It is still a "mystery" part.
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